Chapter 433 Chaotic scene (for subscription)

The eyes of the masses are discerning, especially in such a full view, many things can’t be fooled by you by pretending to be stupid.

Just when everyone was excited and stopped Han Shengli and others from leaving.

A boy standing nearby pointed to the bodyguard next to Han Shengli and said, “It’s… the person he pushed, I saw it.”

“I saw it too!”


“It’s… them!”

“Why are you like this!”

“Don’t you just want an autograph! You guys still push people”

“What’s so great! What a big deal! I won’t be rare in the future: you! I won’t listen to your songs and watch your TV series anymore!”

“No matter how famous you are, can you compare to Liu Tianwang? At the beginning, after Liu Tianwang’s concert, thousands of people were blocked at the back door: Everyone had to sign, but Liu Tianwang didn’t say anything. , I signed for us for two and a half hours! It was not finished at 1 o’clock in the morning! In the end, everyone saw that he was working hard and couldn’t hold the pen before they all took the initiative to leave. How did the king of other people do it? How did you do it! I was really blind! How could I like you! It’s disappointing! How could this be!”

“Yeah, I saw this little girl when I came here. She was shaking in the cold wind. I wanted to borrow her coat and she didn’t feel embarrassed to ask for it. I waited for three hours and 3! Just to get an autograph. Isn’t it too much to wish to meet this requirement?”

Many people outside were condemned! There were also a few fans of Han Shengli who were originally surrounded by them. They were also extremely disappointed. They were chilled by this picture, and publicly accused Han Shengli and his bodyguards.

Although listening to those people’s conversations, it can be seen that it was Han Shengli’s bodyguard and pushed him down.

But whose person they are is your Han Shengli’s bodyguard, your people made a mistake and made things like this, you actually didn’t move, and didn’t even help anyone, let alone any comforting words.

Although you have various reasons, you may be in a hurry, you may have to make an announcement, or you may have to go home and rest in a hurry, but there is no reason to find an excuse for your behavior, this matter is… you Han Shengli’s responsibility! “Apologize!”

“Yes! I must say sorry!”

“Han Shengli! Hurry up and apologize!”

Many fans of Han Shengli are very embarrassed. Standing there is not the right or the left.It can be seen that they still love Han Shengli very much, and they still have illusions.

But the fans outside… who are waiting for other stars, those… who don’t like Han Shengli at all, are not so easy to talk, and they all shouted one by one! “Apologize!”



Gradually, this is no longer a few people shouting, but hundreds of people shouting together.

Many people are even very impulsive and angry, but it’s not…everyone likes Han Shengli, and not everyone has a good impression of the Koreans. Seven or eight, a grumpy person has begun to cross the guardrail! The ones invited by CCTV. ……..When the security personnel saw this, fearing that the situation would get out of control, they hurried up to stop them, grabbed one by one, and held down those… !”go out!”

“do not do that!”

“No entry here!”

As for the security personnel, they are still the third ones, they want to protect the safety of the celebrities! But the more so, the more emotional the crowd will not be suppressed! “Let’s go out”

“He has beaten people!”

“It’s still not our Huaxi Asian place, you don’t care about beating people…

“You let me go…! Let me go in! Which country are you from!”

Many people scolded those… security personnel, but the security personnel still performed their duties, grabbed them alive and pushed them out, nothing was useless! Yang Mi shouted, “Stop it.” !”

However, no one listened to her.

Those…CCTV security guards have been doing their own work. As for what hits people and not hits people, it doesn’t matter in their eyes.

This is their job, and if something happens, they are responsible.

As for the human touch, it is not in their consideration at all.

And surrounded by the crowd.

Han Shengli stood there, but didn’t move.

He didn’t move, nor did his bodyguard.

That… the little girl has been helped by Yang Mi. Yang Mi took off her coat and put on the little girl: “Are you okay, where does it hurt?”

The little girl shook her head life and death, “It’s okay, it’s okay, thank you auntie.”

Yang Mi hates that iron can’t become a steel track: “It’s okay, why are you holding your arms and show me!”

As he said, he opened the girl’s clothes, and ignoring her resistance, lifted up the sleeves. As a result, the girl’s elbow was already a big piece of green, and the skin was worn out! It was not heavy, but that It is for an adult. This girl is obviously still under adulthood. A child who has suffered this kind of injury is still forced to say that there is nothing wrong. This makes everyone feel a little sour: knowing that the girl is very sensible. People who don’t want to cause trouble to others.

Similarly, everyone’s anger towards Han Shengli and his two bodyguards has become heavier. What is it called? Are you a star like this? Are you treating fans like this “Apologize!”



The people outside shouted louder! Han Shengli’s bodyguard may be able to understand Chinese. The skinny bodyguard looked at the crowd and whispered to Han Shengli’s ear. Han Shengli’s complexion became unsightly and said One sentence, and then the thin bodyguard said another sentence.

In the end, Han Shengli turned around and walked towards the end of the passage. There was… the car that picked him up! “Stop me!”


“Who are you?”

Everyone pointed at Han Shengli and yelled! But Han Shengli left without anyone else.

The two bodyguards left one on the left and the other left.

During this period, those…domestic celebrities have seen them, but they didn’t know what to do, and no one tried to stop them, those…CCTV security personnel. , And didn’t care about Han Shengli at all.

Not only that, they also stopped some ordinary people who wanted to rush in.The whole scene was a little messy, many people were shouting, many people were scolding, there were also some security personnel stopping them, and even speaking for Han Shengli.

“I was not careful just now!”

“Brother Shengli will not treat fans like this!”

“Brother Shengli is definitely a language barrier, I can speak Korean, let me say something.”

Then the man yelled a Korean sentence, thinking that Han Shengli would say sorry to the thin girl…Just forget it.

But Han Shengli clearly heard it, and the bodyguard heard it too.

However, they didn’t even mean to look back.

Now, those…Han Shengli fans were dumbfounded.

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