Chapter 431 Sad Su Xinghe (seeking subscription)

Su Xinghe didn’t wait for Yang Mi to return, and sent her a message, telling her that he was going to pick up Qingqing for the New Year, and then left.

Outside the live broadcast hall of the Spring Festival Gala, there is a special channel.

With the pass on him, Su Xinghe came to the door unimpeded all the way.

As soon as he arrived here, Su Xinghe saw that many celebrities and staff were walking out at this time, and there was also an artist who he had seen in the background before, one by one, walking very slowly.

Frowning, Su Xinghe is a little strange, why is it so slow.

At this time, several staff members next to each other whispered a few words, and he finally understood what was going on.

There is no other reason, because there is an exit here, and as a result, I don’t know how to surround many fans at the door. Those who do not reunite with their families during the new year come here to join in the fun.

Su Xinghe is also very helpless, anyway… he himself can’t do such a thing even if he chases stars, and the company vehicles and agents who come to pick up those stars have also waited a lot, resulting in this special green channel, which is more congested. .



“Brother Hai, Brother Hai!”

“The big black cow has also come out! Ah! It’s so strong!”

Fans chanted the name of the star. Su Xinghe from Da Hei Niu was heard a little bit. He seemed to be an actor. He was a bit famous before, and then passed away. In the end, he participated in a variety show… Whitewashed.

Fans crowded in! More than two dozen security guards pulled out a line of cordon to block the crowd.

“Don’t squeeze!”

“Go back!”

“No entry here!”

The security staff screamed hoarse, but there was nothing to do, those… the fans were too crazy, they couldn’t control it at all.

Su Xinghe saw that he couldn’t get out for a short time, so he just lit a cigarette there and smoked it, and waited for people to clean up.

The celebrities walked in the passage against the wall, one by one, fans kept calling their names, as if they were popular on the carpet.

These… the celebrities who have just participated in the performance are also very face-saving. The gay guy who likes her feels so excited that she can’t help herself.

Being able to go to the Spring Festival Gala is a leap-forward help to their popularity. In addition, today is the New Year’s Eve, the most traditional and lively festival of the year in Huaxi Asia. The stars present are also in a good mood, some Stars who don’t usually accept interviews with reporters, now they put down their shelves, interact with fans, and get up.

Huang Bo saw Su Xinghe and was too late to say hello.

Then a very popular cross talk actor also got into the manager’s car amidst the laughter and jokes of everyone, and slowly drove out of CCTV.

Suddenly, there was a harsh scream without warning! “Wow.


“Oh my God!”

“Oh My God!”

The voice is huge, and it is basically the voice of girls. How sharp is the voice of a woman, but not as low as a man. This “harmony”

It was earth-shattering! Many celebrities and staff looked back! Su Xinghe was also frightened and shivered. The cigarette butt in his hand was not steady, and his hand slipped off his arm. He hurriedly shook his hand, but fortunately, he didn’t hold it. The clothes are burnt, but… there is a trace of soot left, and it will fall off after a beat.

Su Xinghe muttered and stepped out the cigarette butts on the ground, and was very angry! This is a surprise, why the bad heart is easy to be scared to death.

He also looked back curiously, wondering who has such a big appeal and popularity, could it be that the princess and the others came out to take a look, Su Xinghe’s face suddenly hard to look.

Han Shengli! Actually Han Shengli came out! And he had a big frame, and he brought two bodyguards. It seemed that he was…Korean.

The most important thing is that bodyguards are not allowed to enter the CCTV Studio One, even Wang Hao, Yang Mi and others.

But Han Shengli’s bodyguard came in grandiosely.

Even if they waited at the exit ahead of time, it was really surprising.

Moreover, the attitude of these two bodyguards looks like looking at bad guys, and their virtues are very uncomfortable.

Su Xinghe doesn’t look down on him very much, I really don’t look down on him! What are you pretending to be! With bodyguards, you really think of yourself as a superstar.. For this Han Shengli, Su Xinghe specifically went to investigate because of the reason for replacing Yang Mi. After reading his information, it is natural to understand that this guy is now in the situation of an overnight burst of popularity in China.

And as far as he knows, Han Shengli is also very popular on the Chinese side. In Goryeo, Han Shengli is not the number one in their entertainment circle. He can’t even count as the second line, just because he sings. The song and performance of a TV series that is tepid in Goryeo are more appetite for some girls of the Chinese family.

Han Shengli passed Su Xinghe, and for some reason, he glanced at Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe Yu Guang saw him, but ignored him, didn’t look at him, and lighted a cigarette again.

He knows why this person looks at himself. On the one hand, it may be an accidental glimpse without any intention. Or, perhaps, Han Shengli knew that he had temporarily composed songs for Yang Mi and Princess Wang. As a result, “Unforgettable Tonight” went to the Spring Festival Gala and sang his song. Time froze from more than three minutes to more than two minutes.

Just one minute, it may seem nothing, but don’t forget, this is a miracle stage, this is the stage of the annual Spring Festival Gala! One minute and one second are as expensive as gold! How many…artists do it for This stage has earned a bloodshed, and there is no chance for half a second.One minute is too precious, and it is impossible for Han Shengli to have emotions in his heart.

However, why does Su Xinghe care about him? He is not his own son. Su Xinghe does not promise to care about his feelings.

But he doesn’t care, fans care! “Brother Victory! “You sang so perfect today!”

“The director group of the Spring Festival Gala is too brain-dead! Obviously you have so much time for the show! But what did you save by cutting one minute of “Unforgettable Tonight” break five, the song is too bullying!”

“Yes, Han Shengli, ignore them, we support you!”

“In our hearts, you are better than all the stars of today’s Spring Festival Gala!”

“I love you! Marry me! Sign me, Brother Victory!”

“I want me too! I have been waiting for you for two hours!”

“I also secretly ran out from home! I finally saw Han Shengli! So handsome and dumb, Dian!”

Fanatic! Only this word can be used to describe it! And watching this scene, Su Xinghe was inexplicably sad.

This is the next generation of Hua Xiya. Please download Fei Lu Xiao

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