Chapter 420 Shocking news (2, subscribe)

“Star God, regarding the success of the movie “Quickly Take My Brother”, do you have any experience you would like to share with others”

A young reporter asked Su Xinghe.

Listening to this title, Su Xinghe knows that this…seems to be his own fan.

“Haha, I am your fan.”

Sure enough, the other party saw Su Xinghe in a daze, and immediately added.

Since he is a fan, Su Xinghe will definitely not refuse to answer this question.

After thinking about it, he said.

“Actually, there is no experience to share.

The connotation of a good movie, in the final analysis, is to involve people.

Regardless of….

What is the content, we finally consider how to impress the audience, how to resonate with the audience, so that we can get good box office results and reputation.”

“Then what do you think is the future development of low-cost films”

Someone continued to ask immediately.

“It’s very simple, grab a certain point that the market needs.”

Su Xinghe calmly said: “The limitation of low-cost movies is that because the cost is there, you can’t consider more special 09 effects or big-name star lineups, because that would exceed the movie’s budget.

In this case, you can only work hard on the script.The actor may not be a big star, but he must be online, with a suitable script, and there should be good box office results.

At this point, I believe the audience’s eyes are discerning.”

After a pause, Su Xinghe smiled and said, “Nowadays, the domestic film market is gradually becoming mature, and the living space for…bad movies will become narrower and narrower.

The previous production method that randomly piled up a lot of stars without considering the plot is gradually being eliminated by the market. This is something that every filmmaker of us needs to bear in mind.”

“Then next step, will you have new works?”

The reporter asked.

This is a problem that many people are concerned about.

After all, this is Su Xinghe.

This guy is one of the most appealing artists in the entire Chinese Asian entertainment circle.

What’s more, he just shot a movie that exploded at the box office.

“You don’t know”

Su Xinghe laughed and asked the reporters in surprise.

The reporters looked at each other, and they were all dumbfounded for an instant.

What do you mean, what does Su Xinghe’s words mean?

“Teacher Su, what you are talking about is the script of Mr. Xu Shanzheng’s…”

The reporter asked.


Su Xinghe nodded: “The drama “I’m not a medicine god” has been officially established and a crew has been formed. The main actors are also being selected. If nothing else, we will start it in the next year.”

Fuck! The reporters were all shocked.

No one thought that Su Xinghe had just released the movie “My Brother Taken Away” here, and on the other side, “I’m Not the God of Medicine” had already started.

And listening to Su Xinghe’s meaning, it is obvious that Xu Shanzheng has never been idle for a few months.

That’s Xu Shan’s contention! If you say that Huang Xiaochu has a high status in the world, but his energy is in the field of TV dramas and variety shows.

To put it bluntly, his main battlefield is a small screen.

But Xu Shanzheng is definitely the leader of the Chinese Asian film scene in recent years.

Especially in the field of commercial films, Xu Shanzheng’s influence and box office appeal are really very powerful.

At this point, only Shen Teng can compete with him.

And now.

Su Xinghe is about to compete with Xu Shan! Journalists have felt that perhaps tomorrow’s front page headlines are already there.

…The interview was very short, because Su Xinghe had other entertainment.

After several reporters asked questions, they said goodbye and left.

Soon, the news was exposed on the Internet.

[Xu Shan competes with Su Xinghe for the new play “I’m not the God of Medicine”!] This news, airborne Weibo’s hottest search! Fans of Su Xinghe, although they have known this news for a long time, they were all shocked when it was really exposed NS.

“Oh my God!!! Unexpectedly, the Star God actually competed with Xu Shan for cooperation!”

“No, listening to the reporter’s meaning, it seems that the Star God is going to act!”

“Fuck it, isn’t it”

“Really, starring Su Xinghe”

“No, have you forgotten? In the yearning, Xu Shanzheng said that it is not the starring Su Xinghe.”

“I remember what I said at the time, Su Xinghe is the producer, Wen Muye is directed, and Xu Shanzheng is the starring role. It seems to mean that.”

“Yes, it seems that Peng Peng can also play a role.”

Netizens started a lively discussion.


For: Su Xinghe’s new play, everyone is still very much looking forward to it.

On the one hand, this is because Su Xinghe itself is very hot now.

On the other hand, it is also because everyone knows that his character has always been serious.Since he is the producer himself, then the filming of this movie will definitely not be too bad.

This is a question of credibility.

Produced by Su Xinghe, there are no bad movies.

This is the consensus of many viewers.

As Xu Shan fought for this side, Su Xinghe soon found him at the celebration banquet.

“I have released the news.”

Su Xinghe said to Xu Shanzheng, “As for the actor, 903, did Yu Nan reply to you?”


Xu Shan nodded violently: “She is fine, of course she is willing to act in your movie.”

This is… truthfully.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Su Xinghe is different from ordinary people. He is an Oscar-level screenwriter and a well-known commercial film director in China.

He wrote the script himself, and also served as the producer of the film, which in itself is…a guarantee for the film.

Not to mention that Xu Shanzheng is still the leading actor.

This main creative lineup alone is enough to attract any actor.

Just like Yu Nan, she is the actor selected by Su Xinghe.At the beginning, Xu Shanzheng was worried that she would refuse, after all, she is a famous literary queen.

As a result, after the invitation to appear, the other party immediately replied to request to read the script.

Less than three days after the script was faxed, Yu Nan personally called him to indicate that the character picked it up by himself.

This situation also occurs in the selection of other role actors.

As long as it is the actor whom Xu Shan is vying for, there is no rejection of him.

Even if it is really impossible to adjust the schedule, he also expressed that he is willing to play a guest role.

Xu Shanzheng knows very well that he is not giving face to himself, but to Su Xinghe.

This is the real appeal of Su Xinghe in today’s entertainment industry!

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