Chapter 415 What are you guys? (1, subscription)

In the Internet age, the spread of media news is beyond everyone’s imagination.

At the beginning, it was only spread on a small scale.

Soon, the news spread across the Internet.

Especially Su Xinghe leaned over to repair the photos of “Five Bulls”, which shocked the Internet.

“Star God is awesome! I have nothing to say except… these four words!”

“I’m really convinced. Before, I just thought he was amazing. Now it seems that he is omnipotent.”

“National treasure, let him preside over the restoration of the national treasure!”

“Isn’t this an adventure? How can such a young person preside over the restoration of the national treasure? What if something goes wrong?”

“According to the staff of the Palace Museum, Su Xinghe disrespects his predecessors very much, and he doesn’t have any respect for those…old professors at all.”

“Su Xinghe has always been like this and has an arrogant personality. At the beginning, he did not respect his international friend Li Baojian.”

“Fart! Do you have a brain upstairs?”

“Hehe, really, Li Baojian fans, can you go back to your hometown?”

“It turns out that in the Palace Museum, there are also hahan’s brains!”

The battle of the Internet has always been on the verge of 09.

Before Su Xinghe’s fans had time to celebrate, they were besieged by a group of Li Baojian’s fans.


Said it was a siege.

In fact, it was just a group of Li Baojian’s fans who hid there themselves.

You know, today’s Su Xinghe fans are all over the Internet, and Weibo has 200 million followers.

Among other things, in terms of combat power alone, those girl fans of Li Baojian are not the opponents of Su Xinghe fans at all.

Soon, those…Li Baojian’s girls were scolded by Su Xinghe fans.

And the most interesting thing is that Su Xinghe’s fans do not use cyber violence to argue with each other, but directly show the facts and reason.

In their words, you, Li Baojian, a little fresh meat who can’t mix from Goryeo to the Hua-type Yalagin, pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, don’t say anything else, just your crappy acting skills, you dare to say that you are righteous The acting school of Erba Classics depends on the face to eat, don’t think of yourself so noble.

The same is less than 30 years old, you look at the status of our star god, and then look at yourself.

Take photos with soaked urine, and don’t look for a sense of existence here! Cultural people scold people, it is really a dirty word, but it can make your angry three corpses jump and thunder.

Aside from anything else, the fact that it was just about status has hit Li Baojian’s weakness all at once.

Like Su Xinghe fans said, the status of this guy’s circle is completely incomparable with Su Xinghe.

One is a high-ranking boss, and the other one is just a little fresh meat that can’t mix in the country and ran to the Huaxi Asian to find gold.

The comparison between these two is definitely the bloody wound of Li Baojian’s fans.

Killing and condemning the heart! In this case, Li Baojian’s fans were quickly defeated.

Su Xinghe naturally didn’t know this, even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care.

It’s just a group of keyboard guys who don’t have any skills.

In all fairness, Su Xinghe is not opposed to star chasing, after all, everyone has their own favorite people or things.

If you can devote yourself to work, study and life with the same enthusiasm as chasing stars, then I believe that many people’s lives will have different endings.

But the problem is.

If the star chaser chases the brain to become stupid, without his own logical thinking and judgment, then it is not worthy of sympathy and care.

Just like those…Brain fans, they have a good day, but they seem to be mad all day long.Of course, Su Xinghe will not give them a good face.

……………………Yanjing, the Palace Museum.

The outside is disturbing, Su Xinghe is not in the mood to pay attention.

All his thoughts are now repairing the “Five Bulls Picture”.

“Five Niu Tu” is an ancient painting on silk, and the texture of the silk painting core has been somewhat brittle due to years of collection.

Therefore, before repairing the painting core, it is necessary to cover with a layer of water and oil paper for surface reinforcement.

Before starting the operation, Chen Jinglei said with a serious face to Su Xinghe and other people: “After the old silk paper is placed for many years, a layer of pulp will automatically form on the surface.This wrapper is regarded as a natural protective layer for ancient silk paintings.

If it is scraped…, the spun silk itself and the outer coating will be destroyed, especially the front of the picture, which is extremely unfavorable for future full-color pen reception.

Therefore, everyone should pay attention, except for the part around the hole itself, if you can not move the knife in other places, try not to move the knife.”

“Yes, we remembered it.”

Su Xinghe and others nodded seriously.

After the training, the few people began to divide the work.

As the main restoration staff appointed by the expert group, Su Xinghe naturally has to do it by himself.

The small holes on the left side of the screen are densely populated. According to the repair plan, “rectify” is required.

Technically, if the hole on the right is relatively large and the number is not many, then “scrap patching” is used.


These tasks were handled by Su Xinghe and others in one morning.

Of course, the reason for such a fast speed is naturally because Su Xinghe is too good.

Regardless of….

Whether it is the repair 903 technology of the Southern School or the repair technology of the Northern School, it can be easily found, which is really amazing.

With his existence, the entire repair speed has increased several times.

Originally, these people were not convinced that Su Xinghe was handpicked by the experts.

But now, everyone has taken it.

The work of repairing the picture is completed, and all that is left is…repairing the painting core.

And in this one, a very important step is… making a paste.

There is a clear difference in the use of paste between the southern and northern schools.

The north mainly uses flour paste, while the south uses flour paste.

In the preparation process, the north is more boiled, and the south is more punched.

In terms of additives, the north will add bletilla powder to increase viscosity when necessary in the process, and the south will add additives such as alum for antiseptic and insect control.

Since the “Five Bulls Map” has been preserved in the northern region for a long time, after discussion by experts, it was finally determined to use the northern technique to make the paste.

The pastes used by the restorers of ancient paintings and calligraphy are basically hand-made by themselves. Other pastes from unknown sources are afraid to use them because they are worried that there are additives with unknown ingredients in them, which will cause irreversible effects on ancient paintings and calligraphy. damage.

So, Su Xinghe took a few people and started making paste.

This busyness is… a week.

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