Chapter 405 Wolves (seeking subscription)

In this place in the entertainment industry, slobber battles often occur.

Only this time, because of the involvement of Su Xinghe, the battle of words was even more eye-catching.

On the one hand, it is the Beijing circle that has dominated the world for many years in the entertainment industry, and on the other hand, it has been retired for ten years.

In addition, Su Xinghe’s many friends in the circle have been popular artists in recent years.


This time the battle between the two sides immediately attracted the attention of the public.

Netizens had a lively discussion about this.

Many people are curious.

This time.

How does Su Xinghe solve this problem.

In other words, what kind of impact and results will Su Xinghe’s words have?

Some people even said that Su Xinghe is just worrying about eating carrots.

He is the “Nine Zero Three” of Wanda Film and Television

Major shareholders, who themselves belong to the vested interests of the capital, have any right to stand there and talk nonsense.


More people still agree with Su Xinghe’s behavior.

In other words, what they agree more with is Su Xinghe’s view of some chaos in the entertainment industry today.

These are relatively rational netizens.They know very well that if the entertainment industry is allowed to continue to develop like this, I am afraid that one day, the entertainment industry of Huaxiya will really become the laughing stock of the world.

What’s more terrifying is that by that time, I am afraid that there will be no chance of salvation.

Think about it, the screen is full of TV dramas that are short and ruined by the parents.

If that were the case, the audience would be the biggest victims.

Of course, many things are not visible to everyone.

In the eyes of many people, Su Xinghe is just…nosy.

But Su Xinghe himself did not have so many ideas.

He just said what he wanted to say.

For him, the only thing he didn’t expect was that Hu Ge and others would jump out to support themselves at this time.

Looking at the media interviews with those friends, and seeing everyone expressing their support for themselves, Su Xinghe was naturally moved.

Although everyone supports him, it is not measurable with money, but what he can return to everyone is naturally to do his best to help them become more popular.

To know.

Regardless of….

When and in what industry, no matter…

How high you go and how much you earn, people can support each other only if they support each other.

When a person is standing below, he must wait for the person above to pull himself a hand, and when a person is on the top, he must also learn to take care of the person below.

Otherwise, when the waves are high and no one is supporting them, the people above will be unsteady.

Su Xinghe naturally understands this truth.

If you want to be alone in this world, it is so easy.

…Tucao returns to Tucao, but life must continue.

Su Xinghe lives in Manyuan Village with Qingqing, and broadcasts live broadcasts from time to time to let the audience see their own lives, but it is full of fun.

Not only that, he even registered an account specifically to share his daily life at home from time to time.

There are him and Qingqing, and there are also Dawei Tianlong.

Netizens have said that Su Xinghe is simply a change of sex, which is too surprising.

As everyone knows, Su Xinghe is simply boring.

Shooting videos every day, writing and writing books, coaxing Xiaoqingqing to play, is… his most satisfying life.

On this day, it looked good outside, and Su Xinghe asked Qingqing to practice piano at home, Dawei Tianlong accompanied her, and went to the back mountain alone.

Moreover, Su Xinghe also opened a live broadcast.

Of course, it is claimed that he used a drone to shoot.

Anyway, I have money, and fans will not think anything is wrong.

“I plan to dig mountain ginseng again today.”

Su Xinghe said with a smile.

Most of the audience in the live broadcast room knew his glorious record, and they all laughed when they heard the words.It is obvious that everyone is…very looking forward to this matter.

“Okay, okay, I hope Star God can dig up wild ginseng again.”

“Star God, I dug up this time, can I sell it to us”

“Yes, I want to buy it too.”

“he is right.”

“Yes, yes, or a lottery.”

“I still like the lottery.”

Fans in the live broadcast room began to ask Su Xinghe to give everyone the wild ginseng draw.

Su Xinghe is…It doesn’t matter, he nodded and said, “Well, if I can dig it, I will definitely give it to the lucky audience.”

The audience was overjoyed, and there was joy on the barrage.

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny 0…Although Su Xinghe promised that if everyone digs wild ginseng, he will give it to the audience, but it is a pity that he wandered on the mountain for more than two hours , Found nothing.

And he himself, the distance from the bamboo house is also a little far away.

“Dear viewers, it’s dark now, and I’m about five kilometers away from home: If you hurry up, you can get home in half an hour…”

“Here, let me remind everyone that if you are climbing, try not to stay when it is dark: on the mountain.”

“There are too many things that can threaten our humans in the survival of the wild. Poisonous insects and beasts may endanger our lives anytime and anywhere.”

Su Xinghe faces the camera and talks freely.

And following his words, the next moment, a wolf howl sounded.


Wolf! The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

Su Xinghe’s footsteps stagnated, and he stopped there to listen for a long time. Then he said: “There is a wolf call. If the distance is about two or three kilometers, the road on the mountain is not easy to find. It wants to find me, no so easy.

But even so, I can’t take risks, I want to speed up and go down the mountain!”

After speaking, Su Xinghe spread his legs and ran wildly.

His physical fitness is super strong.After all, it has been strengthened by the system.As he galloped all the way, the audience in the live broadcast room could only hear the whistling wind, and could not see Su Xinghe’s movements at all.

And with Su Xinghe’s rush, 1.

From time to time, I could hear the wolf howling along the way.

Fuck, this wolf seems to be running after Su Xinghe! At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room is all worried for Su Xinghe.

Although his body is good, the problem is that it is a wild wolf on the mountain.

If it’s just a lone wolf, that’s all, there is still hope for a fight.

In case it is a pack of wolves… even if you just imagine it, the hearts of the audience are all pulled together.

This f*ck! In case a few wild wolves run out from somewhere, Su Xinghe has no resistance at all and will definitely be eaten.

After all, wolves dare to fight even lions and tigers, let alone Su Xinghe alone.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room is getting more and more tense…: Please subscribe! It started to break out today!

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