Chapter 400 Box office explosion (seeking subscription)

It is not easy to pretend to be forced.

A powerful pretender is really awesome.

And if you don’t have the strength to pretend to be forced, it is easy to become a fool.

Su Xinghe’s Weibo instantly lifted his compulsion.

Think about it, just how much confidence he has in his work, that’s why he said that.

The fishing boats on the net were almost reversed in the shortest time.

No matter how critical people are, they have to admit that Su Xinghe’s Weibo is there. Although there is no positive response to Xu Jing and others’ remarks, the meaning is clear.

This is self-confidence.

Although there are a large number of movies on the Christmas file, including several major productions, including “European Raiders” starring Liang Chaowei, etc…, in Su Xinghe’s view, his roots: I don’t need to think about that… .

Soon, it was Christmas in a blink of an eye.

Yanjing, Wanda Cinema.

“Hello, two copies of “Take My Brother Away”, for lovers.”

A young couple stood at the ticket window and said to the conductor.

“Excuse me, only the seats are scattered, and the couple seats are sold out.”

The conductor said.


The couple was startled, looked at each other, and said helplessly, “What about “European Raiders””

“Yes, you can choose your seats at will.”

The conductor replied.


The boy and the girl looked at each other and hesitated.

“Or, watch “European Strategy”

The boy asked his girlfriend.

“No, I’m going to watch our Star God movie!”

The girl shook her head.

She is a loyal fan of Su Xinghe, and finally catches up with today’s vacation. Of course, she has to watch her idol’s movie.

As for “European Raiders”, I’m sorry, although the actor Liang is also very handsome, the problem is that he has always received bad movies in recent years, and he has no credibility!

The boy said helplessly.

In fact, not only them, but many people today are buying movie tickets for Take My Brother Away.

“Manager, “Take My Brother Away” has been sold out.”

“So fast”


“How about “European Raiders””

“The attendance rate is less than 20%.”

Hearing this answer, the manager saw that everyone was very optimistic about the movie “European Raiders”, Liang Chaowei’s movie, so the lineup was very high.

As for “Take my brother away soon”, although Su Xinghe’s reputation is not small, the problem is that, as Feng Dagang said, this movie is not starring Su Xinghe himself after all.

Therefore, the theaters chose to be more cautious.

But I never thought that it was because of this cautious behavior that they suffered a big loss! ………………………… “How about it”

In an office, Huang Xiaochu asked the secretary.

“The pre-sale box office is 30 million, and now the real-time box office has reached 65 million.”

The assistant took the mobile phone, compared the information, and said to Huang Xiaochu: “According to the judgment of the issuing company, if nothing happens, the box office on the first day should be around 90 million:!”


Huang Xiaochu patted his thigh and said excitedly.

He knows exactly what this means.

The box office on the first day is 90 million. If nothing else, the box office in the first week is likely to exceed 300 million, and it may even reach 400 million! After all, today is Friday, and tomorrow is the real key! The rest is the movie. Without a cliff-like decline in word-of-mouth, the box office of this movie will steadily exceed 500 million.

0 Normally, as long as the box office reaches 200 million, the publisher and the producer will not lose money, and as it is now, it is obvious that this drama will definitely be able to make money.

The only problem is… earn more and earn less.

Huang Xiaochu is really happy.The box office results of several movies he participated in before were not very satisfactory.

Remake of Dongying: The “Late Night Canteen” even hit grandma’s house.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the script written by Su Xinghe this time, Huang Xiaochu might not have the courage to participate in investment production.

To put it bluntly,…He is really a bit lacking in confidence.

And this time, the performance of the drama “Take My Brother Away” finally gave him the feeling of exhaling and raising his eyebrows.

Compared to Huang Xiaochu’s excitement.

Su Xinghe had already returned to Manyuan Village at this time.

The guy Avicii lived here for a few months, and when his mood improved, he left.

After Su Xinghe finished editing the movie, he left Yanjing with Qingqing.

During this time, the little girl is having fun, and there are always a lot of people around her with her.

In five months, I gained ten pounds.

“Brother, am I a little fatter.”

Touching her little fat baby cheeks, Qingqing said worriedly.

“No no.”

Su Xinghe held back a smile, touched her head and said, “We Qingqing was growing up. It’s normal to get a little fatter.”


Qingqing raised her head and looked at Su Xinghe innocently.

Su Xinghe nodded, with a serious face: “Of course it is true, you think about it, when did your brother fool you?”

“All right.”

The little girl is still very good at coaxing, and hearing the words can be regarded as an approval of Su Xinghe’s words.

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