Chapter 40 Unblessed love (seeking flowers for evaluation votes)

“Hahaha, Pompon is so witty!”

“Who dares to say that our Peng Peng is the stupid son of the landlord’s family? How fast is this brain!”

“No, I think of using bribes to solve the problem.”

“Distressed Yaya and Nazha, um, but for Qingqing, you should sacrifice!”

“Haha, Nazha’s expression is so cute.”

The shooting scene is here.

Qingqing heard what Peng Peng said, raised her head, and looked at Nazha and Yaya: “Sister, is what Peng Peng said is true?”


Nazha and Yaya wanted to cry without tears.

Qingqing, how did Su Xinghe teach?

“Haha, Xinghe, the girlfriend, feels that there will be more and more.” Teacher He said with a smile.

“Isn’t it, this kid is too smart.” Sun Li also nodded.

Everyone laughed.

Nazha and Yaya blushed as everyone laughed.

But Qingqing doesn’t care so much. Anyway, if you don’t admit it, I won’t say it.


Yaya and Nazha don’t know what to say anymore.


At this time, Huang Duoduo was not happy.

He walked quickly to the good sister he had recognized last night, and Huang Duoduo said: “You obviously promised me yesterday, let Brother Su wait for me to grow up!”

“Haha, Teacher Huang discovered that Teacher Sun didn’t actually mean to object.”

He Jiong saw clearly from the side and said with a smile.

“I think it’s okay.”

Seeing everyone looking at her, Sun Li shrugged and said, “Xiao Su is really good in other aspects except for being a little older.”

Huang Xiaochu: “…”

What you said makes sense, but I was speechless to refute it.

But why, suddenly I have grown Chinese cabbage that I have grown for many years, and I feel like I’m being overwhelmed by wild boars that I don’t know where it came from?

“Qingqing, your brother can only marry one person as his wife.”

At this time, Zhou Xun helped out and said to Qing Qingrou: “Besides, you want to listen to your brother’s opinion?”

“Can you only marry one?”

Qingqing was disappointed when she heard this, and blinked: “Then how many girlfriends can you have?”

How many girlfriends can you have?

Everyone laughed speechlessly.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they have long been laughing.

“Hahaha, the first time I heard that my girlfriend can be measured by a few!”

“Tong Yan Wuji, but I really envy Su Xinghe!”

“Woo, such a sister, please give me a dozen!”

“Come on baby, the show begins!”

“Haha, I always feel that these adults will be speechless by Qingqing.”

“It’s really possible!”

In fact, everyone really didn’t know how to explain to Qingqing.

After all, the little girl is still young, and there are some things that she can’t tell her.

Both Peng Peng and Da Lin were about to cry.

Obviously, I started to talk about how many vests Su Xinghe has. How come suddenly, how many girlfriends does Su Xinghe look for?

This, this change is a bit too fast!

Fortunately, what Young Master Zhou said just now touched Qingqing.

The little girl sighed and said distressedly: “Oh, it seems that I still have to decide by myself.”

After speaking, she looked at Yaya and Nazha, and then at Huang Duoduo: “Sister Duoduo, you can wait until Uncle Huang agrees to say that your love needs his blessing!”


After everyone was stunned, they laughed wildly.

God-like dialogue!

This girl is simply a villain!

Children who are so eccentric are definitely the only ones you have seen in your life.

“Sister Nazha, Sister Yaya, after you two go back, tell my brother yourself, see which one of you he likes, okay?”

Qingqing said to Nazha and Yaya again.

The two of them had no choice but to nod their heads: “Well, I will listen to you.”

Seeing their promise, the little girl smiled contentedly.

“By the way, Brother Peng Peng, what do you want to know?”

Qingqing asked Peng Peng.

“How many vests does your brother have?”

Peng Peng said quickly.

“A dozen or so.”

After blinking, Qingqing stretched out her fingers, gestured for a long time, and finally said: “In addition to the previous three, there are ten more that are being updated, almost like this.”


Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning!

Even the viewers in the live broadcast room are all dumbfounded at this moment.

Thirteen vests!

Su Xinghe, what is the brain made of?

How many secrets does he keep from everyone!

PS: Seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes for support! *

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