Chapter 383 Script (subscription required)

This place in the entertainment industry has always been very realistic.

It’s self-evident how important popularity is to artists.

Unless you reach the level of people like Su Xinghe Huang Xiaochu and others, you can already ignore awards or false names, otherwise these young artists want to stand out and truly succeed in this circle.

That popularity is…the only measure of whether they are popular or not.

In the Internet era, many artists mistakenly believe that the way to gain popularity is to continuously increase their exposure and allow themselves to appear in front of the public more times, so that they can gain popularity.

I have to say that this kind of cognition is somewhat reasonable to a certain extent.

Because many people have indeed gained popularity and popularity through hype, and succeeded in making money.

But the problem is.

The so-called success of these people is temporary.

From the first year or two, to the present few months, the rate of replacement of traffic artists has been getting faster and faster.

Maybe a certain artist who is still red and purple this month, next month you will find that you can’t find any news about him, and even this person almost disappears from the public view.

It’s not that he wants that, but that’s how it is now…

Artists are renewing too fast, especially newcomers, and they are emerging in endlessly.

The so-called flow niche is like a crucian carp that crosses the river.

In order to be popular, these people do everything they want.

If you do something wrong or make a wrong decision, your future will be ruined.

It’s like Guan Xiaotong.

Her starting point is very high.

Born as a child star, the actor directors and even the works that he collaborated with at the time were all particularly brilliant big productions.

The popularity of the national girls is much higher than that of Zifeng’s sister.

At that time, if you talk about Xiaohuadan who was born after the ninth five-year plan, she was definitely the hottest and most favored.


Over time, whether Guan Xiaotong’s team or herself, seems to have forgotten what she started from.

Stand still and stay still.

Especially in film and television dramas, the selected works are becoming less and less reliable, and there is no way to set off her acting skills.

Even so, many viewers feel that as age and time grow, Guan Xiaotong’s acting skills have not developed much, and even have regressed a bit.

This is very troublesome.

For… an actor, if you lose the audience, no matter…

How hot you are, in the end, it is easy to lose your value.


Everyone has the right to choose their own life.

Outsiders have no right to interfere.

It’s the same even for celebrities.

How to live and whom to live with are all people’s own choices.

Only those guys who have pits in their brains like to point fingers at other people’s lives.

Su Xinghe is not…the kind of person.

So even if he had an impression of Guan Xiaotong, he still didn’t choose to say anything.

Everyone chatted a few more words, and then went busy.

Su Xinghe entrusted Qingqing to Zifenghe.

So they argued with Xu Shan and Wen Muye went upstairs.

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He looked at each other, but there was no one.

They all know that Su Xinghe 3 should be studying that… script.

…………..The three Su Xinghe 3 who came upstairs and sat down on the sofa.

“If this story is written into a script, who do you plan to look for to play it? Su Xinghe looked at Xu Shan and asked.

Since Xu Shanzheng specially brought Wen Muye to see him, it is obvious that he is very optimistic about this story.

“The actor hasn’t thought about it yet.”

Xu Shanzheng said frankly: “I and Huang Bo had a plan to support new domestic directors. At that time, you also sponsored 5 million, don’t you remember?”

Su Xinghe recalled it, but…remembered.

However, at that time, Xu Shanzheng and Huang Bo communicated with him via email, and he replied to them at that time and sent someone to send a sum of money.

But what he thought at the time was that he could try to do this.

It’s…I didn’t expect it.

It actually made a good film director.

“That’s it, the news guide is a newcomer we are going to support, director, I also think this story is very meaningful.

But if you want to act in this play, you will definitely be under a lot of pressure.”

Xu Shanzheng explained to Su Xinghe: “I am the producer, and the director is the director. If you are the screenwriter, I think we can invite some big names as actors”


Su Xinghe looked at Xu Shanzheng helplessly: “What you mean, under my banner”

“This is not necessarily needed.”

Xu Shan grinned and said, “If you are willing to invest, that would be even better.”

This guy’s abacus was very loud, and he clearly told Su Xinghe that he was planning to use tiger skins as a banner, holding Su Xinghe’s banner, to resist those so-called vested interests.

After all, the scene I am going to shoot next will definitely touch some people’s sensitive nerves.

At that time, the people who star in the movie will be under tremendous pressure.

Thinking of this, Xu Shanzheng couldn’t help but pat his bald head and praise himself, it was too witty.

As everyone knows, Su Xinghe looks at him like a fool.

“Well, I can invest, but if you play the lead, either you will come or I will come.”

After stagnating for about a few minutes, Su Xinghe suddenly spoke.

Wen Muye was dumbfounded when he argued with Xu Shan.

“You, what did you say”

After a long while, Xu Shan scrambled to look at Su Xinghe.

“I said, I can invest money in filming, and I don’t even need to invest in other companies.

But one thing, the leading role is either you or me, how about”

Su Xinghe looked at Xu Shan Zheng and said word by word.

At that moment, I don’t know why, Xu Shanzheng suddenly felt that his heart was a little confused.

Su Xinghe Nuo’s good guy, don’t you know that once this medical realism theme is released, it will definitely cause huge controversy.

At that time, in case someone is embarrassed… Thinking of this, Xu Shanzheng shook his head decisively: “I’m not acting, but you should play it.”

Although he is a good person, he is definitely a very smart person.

Xu Shanzheng would never do this kind of risk that might ruin his own future.

He doesn’t think that he has the thick shoulders of Su Xinghe and can carry the follow-up of this incident.

In this case, it’s better to let Su Xinghe act.

“no problem.”

Su Xinghe nodded when he saw it, “In that case, the name of our play is “I’m not a medicine god”.”

As he said, he waved his hands to the two people: “You all go, I will start writing the script now.”

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