Chapter 379 Youth invincible beautiful girl (seeking subscription)

To be honest, among the young people who came, Su Xinghe also saw Dong Siyi pleasingly.

It’s not that the other three girls did not do well, Guan Xiaotong is even the best girlfriend of Han Lu.

But there is no way to make sense of the eye margin.

Whoever sees who is pleasing to the eye is often a matter of…two sentences in one sentence.

In Su Xinghe’s eyes, this fat girl who always has a simple smile is undoubtedly the kind…very pleasing.

“Thank you for liking me.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to Dong Siyi: “Let’s add a WeChat later.”

After a pause, Su Xinghe smiled again: “If you don’t mind, can I take a photo with you and post it on Weibo”

“Okay, okay.”

Dong Siyi hurriedly nodded and agreed.

Guan Xiaotong and the others watched enviously as she held her mobile phone to join Su Xinghe, took a group photo of the two, and gestured in the posture of a scissors hand.

Soon, Su Xinghe and Dong Siyi uploaded a group photo of the two people on Weibo.

That Dong Siyi…, it is naturally a normal fan photo. The copy is: I finally saw the idol, happy! On the Su Xinghe side, he officially posted on Weibo.

“Siyi, thank me for your liking, and please support Duan Jiabao’s new work “Twenty Not Confused”.”

The tone of Ming 903’s Xuanxin drama really surprised Su Xinghe’s fans.

Who is Su Xinghe? This guy is notoriously difficult to figure out in the entertainment industry.

Don’t look at him now, he seems to be very amiable, like a big brother next door.

But the brokerage companies and media people with a little bit of brain still remember how difficult it was to get Su Xinghe back then.

This kind of difficulty does not mean that he has a bad personality or has any bad habits.

It’s that this guy is the kind of…very difficult person to deal with.

There are not many friends, but now it seems that they are all top artists.

He himself is not short of money, and he is a veritable super rich.

Such people exist in the entertainment circle, which is a very helpless thing.

Because of many things outside the rules, when you encounter Su Xinghe, there is no way and it loses its effectiveness.

In this case, Su Xinghe is almost unattainable in the eyes of many people.

The result is now.

He actually took the initiative to help a newcomer and promote the new drama, which immediately surprised the fans.

“Who is Dong Siyi”

“You are really ignorant, this is the guest you are longing for in this issue.”

“Oh, let me see, haha, why are girls so sloppy.”

“Yes, Duan Jiabao, is this her name in the play”

“It’s so funny, I laughed at the trailer.”

“Youth movies, then there must be nothing to watch.”

“Look, it was recommended by the Star God anyway.”

“Yes, I think it’s interesting too, at least… I don’t hate it when I watch the trailer.


……………………Mushroom House.

After Su Xinghe finished posting Weibo, he continued to clean up the kitchen.

Soon, the girls changed their clothes, and everyone came to the pavilion again.

“You ordered four dishes, and I will cook a few more tonight.”

Because it is the last issue, Huang Xiaochu plans to cook a few more dishes with Su Xinghe, as a celebration.


The girls were naturally very happy and clapped and applauded.

“Because today is the last issue of this season.”

At this time, Su Xinghe said: “Your task is to go to the orchard with Peng Peng and Zifeng to pick fruits, and then deliver these…………fruits to the people in the village house by house. .”

Everyone was shocked, but…Unexpectedly, the task that Su Xinghe gave them was actually this.

“After this episode, we will say goodbye to Manyuan Village. Since this time, we have disturbed the rest of the villagers. Therefore, I discussed with Xinghe and picked some fruits from the orchard and gave them to People in the village, treat it as our parting gift.”

Teacher He explained.

Hearing what he said, everyone clapped and applauded.

“Qingqing will go with you, she is familiar with the situation in the village.”

Su Xinghe said with a smile.

This is the truth, that girl Qingqing is a pistachio in the village, and every household does not know her.

After assigning the task, Teacher He personally led the team and led a group of young people to the orchard to pick fruits.

Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu stayed at home to cook.

Four 44 guests, plus their five 55 adults and Xiao Qingqing, will get eight dishes to ten dishes.

If you do it alone, you can’t be too busy.

While picking vegetables, Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu chatted there.

While chatting, the two people talked about some things in the recent circle.

“Xinghe, have you heard about Mr. Guo recently?”

Huang Xiaochu asked Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe smiled: “I know, I watched the news in the morning.”

During the recent period, Guo Qilin’s father, Guo, has attracted considerable attention.

Of course, this attention is not because of his work, but because of an inexplicable thing.

The cause of the incident was that he eliminated a certain doctor in a cross talk variety show.

“Speaking of which, since Xinghe also understands cross talk, then tell me, what do you think?”

Huang Xiaochu asked.

After all, Su Xinghe was the sponsor of the Deyun Society at the time, and he and Zhang Wenshun had also handed it in year after year.

“Hehe, I actually think Teacher Guo is right.”

Su Xinghe shrugged and said frankly: “Although the current cross talk content is often obtained from online jokes and online stalks, it is still evolving after all.

And I think that since every industry can be passed down for hundreds of years, it must have his knowledge.”

“For example, although it is not elegant to learn cross talk, you still have to practice three nines and three summers in winter. A pure cross talk actor cannot learn without hard work.

What formula is used, just thinking about turning cross talk into an industry that anyone can learn, that won’t work.”

“Let’s put it this way, the art of cross talk, if you want to be a pure cross talk actor, you have to work hard, so that you can learn it well.

So Mr. Guo is right. You have only learned something after more than ten years of kung fu. You have no talent, and you have not worked hard. Just analyze a few sentences and explain it with a formula. What is that? what!”

With Su Xinghe’s words, the live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

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