Chapter 376 Last issue of guests (subscription required)

Su Xinghe really doesn’t plan to be interviewed.

As for the reason, it is because I don’t think it is necessary.

The princess and Yang Mi are two people.

To sing and sing, to be popular and popular.

In addition, this song “When will the moon be?” is a well-deserved song.

It’s not so hot! The comments on the Internet are all praises to Su Xinghe.

“As a media, we are not unfamiliar with the name Su Xinghe, but we were quite shocked to see this name on Wang Hao’s new lyrics.

Even our reporter immediately contacted Princess Wang and Yang Mi’s team, and then confirmed the news with relevant personnel.

According to the news we got, “Nine Zero Three”

This song was originally a poem, composed by Teacher Su on the spot, and then adapted into a song…”

“It’s so nice!”

“Great! The princess is up again!”

“I have been waiting for this moment for too long! Yesterday I listened to the song “When Does the Bright Moon Come” with no hope, and I almost shed tears when I heard it halfway through!”

“I almost cried directly.”

“Da Mi Mi performed well this time.”

“Yeah, I thought she was going to ruin another song.”

“To be honest, compared with those in the music world… newcomers, Yang Mi at least doesn’t sing indiscriminately or spoil the song.

Look at those…new people, all of them are all kinds of traffic news, and I don’t think about the quality of my work. It’s really irritating.”

“Have you heard that this song may be on the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.”

“Really, I look forward to it!”

“It’s so cool!”

“I look forward to their live performances.”

“It would be great if the Star God could participate.”

“Haha, I think it will work.”

“Yes, let Su Xinghe also participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.”

Not only that, fans of the princess and Yang Mi went to Su Xinghe’s Weibo and Tieba to leave a message, expressing gratitude to him.

“Thank the Star God!”

“I didn’t say anything, the Star God’s business in the future will be my business.”

“Thank you so much, Star God!”

“Star God, look forward to your continued cooperation with the princess, I feel that you will surely burst out more sparks.”

Su Xinghe fans were a little surprised at first, but then they calmed down.

After all, Su Xinghe is always like this, what he does is not strange to everyone.

…After reading the comments for a while, Su Xinghe thought, and posted all of “When will the bright moon be?” on Weibo.

Then, he threw down his phone and went out to chat with He Xiaochu for tea.

It’s almost time to look forward to the final recording.

Su Xinghe has to talk to them about the next thing.

In the pavilion.

The three of Su Xinghe 3 chatted while drinking tea.

“Xinghe, do you know, at least in my mobile phone…I have received more than 20 messages, all thinking about inviting you to a song through me.”

Teacher He took a sip of tea and smiled to Su Xinghe.

“Me too.”

Huang Xiaochu shrugged: “As long as you are a singer, you can send a message to anyone who can speak.”

He is telling the truth, Su Xinghe’s song “When Will There Be a Bright Moon” is now on the Internet.

There were a lot of poems about the Mid-Autumn Festival, but since this poem came out, all other words have been compared.

Not only that, some poets even publicly stated that if this poem is written, no one will write a better and more suitable Mid-Autumn Festival poem in the future.

As for the song, let alone.

The princess and Yang Mi are now a hot combination.

This is a result no one expected.

Even if it was them, they never expected that this song would become like this… “Haha, let’s just invite the song.”

Su Xinghe shook his head and said directly: “I definitely won’t write anymore.”

He really doesn’t plan to write songs anymore.

There is no shortage of money in itself, and there is no shortage of fame.

“Why, no more inspiration”

Huang Xiaochu asked curiously.


Su Xinghe smiled and said, “Teacher Huang, you also know that writing songs is not that easy.”

Huang Xiaochu nodded in agreement.

He was also a legendary singer-songwriter back then, and naturally understands that writing songs is not so easy.

It’s like writing a novel.

When inspiration comes, there may be a lot of thoughts, but if there is no inspiration, it is often really impossible to write.

“By the way, the guests in the next issue should be a little enlightening to you.”

Huang Xiaochu smiled.


Su Xinghe asked curiously.

Because he went to Yanjing a few days ago, I really don’t know who will be the next guest on the show.

“It’s a crew.”

Teacher He explained: “The meaning of the TV station, since it is the last issue, just push 1.

7 New dramas to be broadcast on our TV station.”

Su Xinghe nodded slightly, but didn’t think there was anything wrong.

After all, Xiangnan Satellite TV is the broadcasting platform of the show.The popularity of the previous show was so high, and it did not do anything to affect the show.Now watching the entire season of the show is about to end, this kind of thing is normal.

“What crew?”

Su Xinghe asked curiously.

“It’s a youth drama.”

Teacher He explained with a smile: “How many children are the leading actors.”

Su Xinghe was a little surprised, but…Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a youth idol movie.

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