Chapter 37 I am opposed to this marriage (seeking votes for flowers)

Su Xinghe broke the news, as everyone expected.


The next morning, the barrage in the entire live broadcast room was urging.

Su Xinghe just didn’t see it.

What a joke!

Is it a habit to change this kind of thing casually?

But the director team is happy to see it happen.

For them, the higher Su Xinghe’s popularity, the higher the attention it will bring to the program. When the time comes, the traffic will increase, the ratings will increase, and the advertising sponsorship will also increase.

“Where’s our youthful family, have you gotten up?”

Huang Xiaochu, who came back from the morning run to prepare breakfast, asked Su Xinghe.

“Dad, have you accepted Big Brother Su?”

Duo Duo was startled, and then smiled happily.

“To shut up!”

Huang Xiaochu glared at his daughter: “Just talk nonsense, believe it or not, I won’t let you come here to play in the future!”

“Oh, yes.”

Duo Duo didn’t dare to skin anymore, and ran towards the back room with a smile. She was going to see if Qingqing got up.

“I said Teacher Huang, if you really can’t do it, just follow it.”

Teacher He got up at this time and ridiculed Huang Xiaochu: “Look at Xinghe, we are talented and handsome, and the most important thing is talent!”

“It’s not.”

Young Master Zhou also got up, and said with a smile, “I think Xinghe is fine.”

“Teacher He is fooling around, Xiaoxun, you are also fooling around, I think the boat of our friendship is about to capsize.”

Huang Xiaochu stared at his two friends in an angry manner.

“Haha, look at you, how can you talk like that.”

Teacher He and Young Master Zhou both laughed. Huang Xiaochu, who has always been cunning like a fox, eats like this, but it is a rare thing to see.

“You guys!”

Huang Xiaochu glared at the two of them, then looked at Su Xinghe who was making breakfast silently beside him: “It’s all to blame you!”


Su Xinghe raised his head with an innocent look on his face.

“Yes, you said it would be nice if you weren’t this handsome?”

“Yes, if you are not so talented, where would Teacher Huang have so much trouble!”

Zhou Gongzi and Teacher He sang and sang together, as if they were talking about cross talk.

“You guys.”

Huang Xiaochu waved his hand helplessly: “I think Dalin’s father should recruit the two of you to Deyun Club.”

“It’s good to be in a hurry.”

“That’s great.”

The two said in unison, and then everyone laughed.

“But to be honest, you said that these little girls, ah, how old are Xinghe, can still open their mouths and shut their mouths. Brother Su, they are obviously uncles.”

Huang Xiaochu is still complaining about it.

The audience in the live broadcast room has already laughed into a sea of ​​joy.

No way, the audience can still understand the mood of the old father.

It’s the same for anyone who has a daughter.

I really hate those wild boars who see their cabbage at home!

“Teacher Huang is so pitiful! Haha!”

“I know the old father’s mentality too well, if anyone dares to snatch my daughter, hehe!”

“Hello, father-in-law upstairs.”

“Haha, really, I feel sorry for Huang Xiaochu!”

“But Su Xinghe is really good! It’s just a bit older than Duo Duo.”

“Duo Duo is fifteen years old, Su Xinghe is at least twelve years older than her…”

“Well, age is not a problem, height is not a distance!”


At this time, Dalin and Peng Peng walked out after washing.

“Oh, Brother Su, why do you wash the vegetables yourself? I’ll come, I’ll come.”

Dalin strode forward to Su Xinghe.


Everyone is inexplicable.

And Peng Peng took Huang Xiaochu’s words solemnly: “Teacher Huang, what you said, Brother Su is so good, this kind of man is simply unique!”

As he said, he looked at Da Lin who was rushing to wash the vegetables and said, “Brother Da Lin, are you right?”


Dalin nodded quickly: “How can someone who can write novels like “Grave Robber Notes” and “Zui Son” be an ordinary person.”

This guy deserves to be talking about cross talk, and his compliments are endless.

Everyone looked at each other.

What happened to these two goods?

As everyone knows, since knowing that Su Xinghe has several vests, especially since he even wrote “Cultivation Chat Group”.

Peng Peng discussed with Dalin last night and decided to take a good deal of Su Xinghe today.


The purpose is simple.

Just let him break out and update a few more chapters of the novel.

“Brothers, Brother Dalin and I are giving up today. If Brother Su was cheered up by the two of us and broke out, you must remember our contribution!”

Peng Peng said with a smile.

“Yes, there is no credit and hard work, brothers!”

Dalin also said with a smile.

The fans in the live broadcast room all said that they must remember it.

Then, they thought of another way.

Go to Weibo!

These people went to the Weibo of Dalin and Peng Peng one after another, and asked them to cheer Su Xinghe. They must make him happy so that they can update more.


The fans of the two Weibo accounts soared by two million each!

The news came, and everyone was stunned!

Ps: Today is Children’s Day, I wish you all a happy Children’s Day, who is not an old baby yet! *

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