Chapter 369 “When will the bright moon” come out (7, please subscribe)

“You are Su Xinghe, that… the novelist”

“No, he sings.”

“How do I remember it was a business man?”

“No, he is a director. I have watched his movies.”

“It’s a screenwriter, I remember it seems to have won an Oscar.”

Several people in the conference room saw Su Xinghe and were a little curious.

These people are all over forty years old, and they don’t know much about young people.

Su Xinghe can impress them and it is really good.

In exchange for other young artists, they probably don’t know each other at all.

“Forget about it, he seems to write poetry.”

At this time, a middle-aged man in his forties glanced at Su Xinghe: “I remember, our Yanjing Poetry Association seemed to have a dispute with him before…”

Damn it! The expressions of these middle-aged old people suddenly changed.

“Xiao Zhao, you are serious”

Someone asked about that… Xiao Zhao.

“Yes, Mr. Duan Xu said on Weibo before that we have to have reservations about this… Mr. Su’s poems.

Although his character is not very good, he is a professional poet after all. I think this statement is correct.”

That… Xiao Zhao said slowly.

“But I remember Teacher Zhou Qingyuan, he seems to say that he is already a member of the Chinese Asian Poetry Association 903, right”

Someone immediately thought of Zhou Qingyuan’s Weibo.

The man surnamed Zhao shrugged: “I’m just talking about things. Maybe he is good at writing modern poems, but don’t forget, what we are going to write now is ancient poems.”

Su Xinghe looked dazed, he really didn’t expect that in this place, there were people who questioned his ability to write poetry.

Inexplicably, I didn’t know them, so why did I come at me.

“It makes sense.”

“Yes, he is too young.”

“Yes, modern poetry and archaic poetry are two concepts.”

“Hey, we have to figure out a solution by ourselves.”

Several poets sat there and sighed.

After all, the people here are all well-known cultural figures in the Yanjing poetry circle.

If they can’t do it, a young man in their early twenties, it will be even worse.

And these people in Yang Mi’s company, as ordinary people and laymen, have a conformity mentality and a belief in authority.

Although Su Xinghe’s previous achievements in all aspects are very high, the problem is that these people here are the most famous poets in the Yanjing literary circle. What they can’t do, how can Su Xinghe be possible! Su Xinghe station There, his face was speechless.

This f*ck! What an international joke! How did I meet so many strange existences?

Seeing that the atmosphere is a little subtle, Liu Jingyi hurriedly said: “Well, we invited Teacher Su over to communicate with everyone. After all, they are all poets. Maybe there will be some inspirational collisions.”

“What inspiration do we collide with him, a young man, he can also write poems”

A poet in his fifties Dao.

“Yes, I don’t think he can write any ancient poems.”

“Forget it, let’s think about it.”

Liu Jingyi’s face suddenly became difficult to look.

After all, she specially invited Su Xinghe too much, but these poets didn’t give a face at all, it was too much! Su Xinghe stood there with a sneer on his face.

to be honest.

From the beginning, he didn’t have a good impression of this group of people.

A group of old people who can only talk about it.

Speaking of writing about the Mid-Autumn Festival, he didn’t believe it, and there were people who were better than Su Zizhan.

Anyone with a bit of cultural literacy knows how classic the poem is.

It is not an exaggeration to say that since there was that poem, there are no more poems on Mid-Autumn Festival.

Mid-autumn poems, it is the first, and other works are unparalleled.

Thinking of this, Su Xinghe sneered.

Walk to the middle of the meeting room.

Pick up a piece of paper and pick up the pen.

Huh! Huh! Huh! A paragraph leaped on the paper.

“When did Mingyue ask Qingtian about the wine?

I don’t know what year the heavenly palace is.”

Fuck! Someone stood beside Su Xinghe, and he was dumbfounded after just reading a few sentences.

It is said that watching the leopard in the tube, just this word, only a few sentences at the beginning, have already shocked people’s hearts.

Su Xinghe continued to write.

“I want to take the wind to return, and I fear Qiong Lou Yuyu will be very cold from the heights.

Dance to figure out the shadow, how is it to go to Zhuge in the world, low to the house, and sleepless.

There should be no hate, what is the matter of longing to goodbye, when people have sorrows and joys, and the moon is cloudy and clear, this matter is difficult in ancient times…”

At this point, Su Xinghe stopped.

The people around them all gathered around.

They are waiting for the last sentence of Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe smiled faintly, raised his head, looked around, and looked at the group of people.

Especially, he took a special look at that…Xiao Zhao, and smiled coldly.


Su Xinghe writes down.

“Nung, moon and new moon!”

The moment this sentence was read, the entire conference room fell silent.

Everyone is silent.

After a long while.

As if boiling, the meeting room is noisy.

“Oh my god, this is a terrific phrase!”

“Good words, absolutely good words!”

“The pen of the gods, the absolute pen of the gods!”

“This is going to endure forever!”

“What a genius!”

Immediately afterwards, there was warm applause in the conference room.

Everyone was convinced.

Compared with those…unspeakable laymen, the people sitting here today are all laymen.

They know exactly what state this word is.

This poem is written so terribly, imagine and think about the Mid-Autumn Moon Moon, and incorporate the joys and sorrows of the world into the philosophical pursuit of life in the universe!

I don’t know the palace of the sky, what year is this eve is simply a classic, every sentence is full of charm, and some words and sentences even have to be chewed repeatedly: many times to understand its profound artistic conception.

For example, why do you use “gui” in the sentence “Go back by wind”

The poets didn’t want to understand when they heard the words for the first time, but after hearing it, they gradually understood, this “gui”

Words can be said to be the finishing touch, expressing that the author did not regard himself as a mortal in the world, but thought that he was a fairy, detached from the world, so he wanted to “return.”

Going back to the Immortal Palace, instead of going to the Immortal Palace, it seems mad, but the spirit of this word is also suddenly separated from the world, and it has been upgraded by more than one level! Plus the last sentence ending, anyway… this group The poet was really shocked.

Su Xinghe, awesome! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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