Chapter 367 Do me a favor (5, please subscribe)

After making a good meal for Qingqing, and communicating with Teacher He and others about the last episode of the yearning program to be recorded next, Su Xinghe went back to the room code.

He recently finished several books.

The books of “Master of the Secrets”, “Fighting Knives in the Snow”, and “Cultivation Chat Group” are all finished.

And he is also going to end the manga “Naruto”.

In Su Xinghe’s own words, it is always necessary to rest.

Although the fans were reluctant to give up, they still agreed.

After writing all afternoon, Su Xinghe took a rest when the time came to night.

Lying on the bed, I texted Wan Qian and Ying Bao for a while.

Ying Bao was filming, and Wan Qian was preparing to participate in a variety show. After chatting a few words, they each said good night.

When Su Xinghe was about to take a break, he actually received an unexpected text message.

The person who sent the message was Yang Mi.

“Do you have time, do me a favor.”

“What’s the matter, you say.”

Su Xinghe responded quickly.

It was not easy for the woman Yang Mi to ask herself for help if she had something to do.

As a result, there was no reply there.

Su Xinghe was speechless for a while.

This person really has always been like this.

…….. The next morning.

Su Xinghe is still doing morning exercises and then making breakfast.

At about noon, an unfamiliar call came in.


Su Xinghe answered the phone.

“Hello, it’s Teacher Su, right”

The person opposite is a woman, very mature, and speaks very simply: “My name is Liu Jingyi, I am Yang Mi’s manager, and Mi Mi asked me to contact you.”

Su Xinghe nodded: “Just tell me, what happened, she sent me a message.”

“Are you free these two days?”

Liu Jingyi said: “It’s not clear on the phone. If you have time, I will book you a ticket. Let’s meet in Yanjing.”

Yo! Su Xinghe is…Unexpectedly, the other party actually planned to meet and talk with him.

“Don’t bother you, let’s go, I will fly to Yanjing today, let’s talk about it when I get to Yanjing.”

Su Xinghe hung up.

Put down the phone.

Su Xinghe asked about the shooting time he yearned for, and then asked Huang Xiaochu and others about the guests who are coming next, and then left the mushroom house with Qingqing.

At the same time, he called Wu Jing and Chen Shu on the way again, and went to the airport to pick him up.

That afternoon.

Sitting on his private plane, Su Xinghe took Qingqing and Dawei Tianlong to Yanjing.

“Haha, I’m here again!”

When I walked out of the airport, I saw Chen Shu waiting for him there. Qing ran over and plunged into Chen Shu’s arms: “Godmother, do you miss me?”

“Yes, of course I did.”

Chen Shu almost couldn’t close his mouth from ear to ear with a smile, and he didn’t want to let go of his hands while holding Qingqing.

This is her own daughter, she doesn’t want to blame it.

Qingqing and Chen Shu made a kiss for a while…, and then greeted Wu Jing politely: “Hello, brother-in-law, brother-in-law.”

Wu Jing rolled his eyes, this was what his wife told Qing Qing, and he was also helpless.

Su Xinghe casually threw the box containing the wild ginseng to Wu Jing: “For Nan Nan, you go back and cook her soup, stew one beard at a time, not too much, otherwise it will not be good to make up.”

“I know.”

It is rare for Wu Jing to talk back to Su Xinghe.

He is not a fool.

It’s not that this thing can’t be bought, but it can’t be bought.

The wild ginseng with eight classics is more than 100 years old.Under normal circumstances, it is hidden for personal use.How can it be used directly to supplement Xie Nan’s body like Su Xinghe.

Wu Jing is very clear about this friendship.

“Let’s go, I invite you to dinner.”

Chen Shu held the baby girl’s hand with a happy face.

“Need not.”

Su Xinghe waved his hand: “I contacted Yang Mi’s agent before boarding the plane, and she asked me for help if she had something to do.

I call you to come, just to give you the children and mountain ginseng.”

Chen Shu and Wu Jing were stunned.

No one thought that Su Xinghe actually meant this.

While talking, Su Xinghe’s phone rang, and it really was Liu Jingyi who came to pick him up in person.

Su Xinghe nodded to them and got into the car.

Looking at the back of the car going away, Wu Jing and Chen Shu looked at each other, dumbfounded.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Qingqing looked at their expressions and said with a smile: “Look, brother did not go alone.”

As she said, she pointed to the three black Audi cars that were starting not far away.

Chen Shu and the others noticed that it turned out that Su Xinghe’s bodyguards also came to Yanjing.

…………………… Inside the car.

Liu Jingyi sat opposite Su Xinghe.

She looks like 3030 in her early thirties. She is not very beautiful, but she looks very shrewd. She should be a person who speaks and does things very neatly. Otherwise, it is impossible to be trusted by Yang Mi to let her be an agent. This is quite Important location.

Liu Jingyi faced Su Xinghe with respect.

“Hello, Teacher Su.”

“Not so polite.”

Su Xinghe waved his hand and shook hands with the other party: “Sister Liu is a gold broker and has been admiring her name for a long time.”

The sedan chair is carrying people. He tells the truth. 903 is really not sure about Yang Mi’s agent or something, but chatting, so everyone is happy.

“You are polite, you are polite.”

Sure enough, even if Liu Jingyi knew that Su Xinghe was saying kind words, she was very happy.

After all, this person’s identity is there.

It is not… an easy thing to make him compliment.

“What the hell is it?”

Su Xinghe asked with a smile.

He was really curious about what could make Yang Mi ask for help.

“Hey, Mi Mi should have told you this matter personally, but as a result, she has something to do, so I can only talk about it.

Then this matter involves some other things, so it is more troublesome, so I can only invite you over.”

Liu Jingyi looked at Su Xinghe and said calmly.

Su Xinghe frowned.

He really didn’t expect that the matter had reached the point where Yang Mi needed her own help.

Could it be that she encountered some unspoken rules and other troubles?

He is…I really want to see, what kind of eye-opening thing, dare to think about Yang Mi.

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