Chapter 347 You are all three comic authors? (Please subscribe!)

Su Xinghe never thought that he would be blown up by a little girl like Zuer.

See the reaction of everyone.

He immediately understood what was going on.

There must be some omissions in what Qingqing said before.

Before that, they were not sure that they were Mr. Oda.

“Brother Su! So you are really the old Oda thief! Ahem, sir!”

Zuer blurted out and made his debut.

Su Xinghe sighed helplessly and nodded: “Yes, I am Mr. Oda.”

After a pause, he spread his hands and explained: “This is not…I kept it from you on purpose, mainly because no one asked me before.”

Look at his innocent look.

Everyone is helpless.

“Brother Su, just tell the truth, we all know.”

At this moment, Zi Feng suddenly spoke.

Su Xinghe is a little strange, looking at Zifeng puzzled: “Do you know what?”

“The comic thing 09 love.”

The expression on Zifeng’s face was very calm, and he smiled and said to Su Xinghe: “When I cleaned the room for you before, I saw it. At that time, I was still surprised. What do those contracts mean…”

“Zifeng, this, actually.”

Su Xinghe opened his mouth, still planning to quibble.

However, Zifeng would give him a chance, and continued: “Why haven’t you updated “All-Professional Hunter” for so long? I always feel that that is your best comic book.”

this moment.

Everyone’s eyes focused on Su Xinghe.

Except for… Su Xinghe and Qingqing, everyone knows that Zifeng is blowing Su Xinghe at all.

It’s just that, because Zifeng’s image is so well-behaved on weekdays, Su Xinghe didn’t expect that she would still have such a weird time.


Su Xinghe was deceived.

Looking at Zifeng, Su Xinghe smiled bitterly: “I said, I just like comics, and I am bored to draw, but I didn’t expect so many people to like it.

At the time of “Youyou Black Book”, I just drew it casually, and the same goes for the back…”

Boom! The live broadcast room exploded directly.

“F*ck! He is really a rich old thief!”

“It’s over, my mentality has completely exploded!”

“Don’t stop me, I’m going to fight him!”

“Su Xinghe, you fellow, you are so hateful!”

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, I must fight him, this guy is too hateful, it is the most hated person in the world!”

“Yes, Su Xinghe is definitely the most hated person in the world, not one of them!”

On the barrage, the sentiment is exciting.

Even if the fans are Su Xinghe’s most die-hard supporters, there is no way to remain calm at this moment.

For any manga fan, this news is nothing but thunder.

It’s terrible! “I took it.”

Mushroom house here.

Looking at Su Xinghe, Teacher He said seriously: “Xing.

so amazing.”

“Yes, genius really cannot be judged by common sense.”

Huang Xiaochu is also full of admiration.

What they are saying is from their hearts.

No one thought that Su Xinghe could achieve this level.

Draw several comics by one person at the same time, and they are still very popular. This guy is not a human being! “Big Brother Su, you are too much! You have broken it for so long!”

Zu’er looked dissatisfied.

“Hey, my heart.”

Peng Peng didn’t know what to say.

!!! Su Xinghe was stunned when he heard what they said.

He is not stupid, these words are not right! Subconsciously, he looks at sister Zifeng.

As a result, she found that she was blushing, and she lowered her head not to look at herself.

Snap! Su Xinghe has nothing to say when he slaps his head.

Now, how could he still not understand what happened.

After a long time of trouble, I was still quilted by sister Zifeng.

I didn’t expect it.

I was deceived by this girl! “Zifeng, I didn’t expect you to be such a person.”

Su Xinghe laughed and teased the blushing girl, then looked at the camera and said calmly: “Well, since it’s already like this, then I admit it.

I am the author of the comics they said, and I am the author of “Naruto”.”

Hiss! Although this guess has already been made, everyone was still shocked at this moment.

In the live broadcast room, the sentiment is even more exciting.

The audience is crazy.

Someone simply went to Weibo and broke the news.

[Su Xinghe confessed his identity as a cartoonist] [Pirate author Su Xinghe!] [Fu Jian old thief is Su Xinghe vest!] [Su Xinghe comic vest is exposed!] [Zi Feng’s successful routine Su Xinghe!] Almost one In an instant, Su Xinghe occupied half of the top ten in the hot search.

Netizens are all dumbfounded.

In the live broadcast room of “A Longing for Life”, because it was noon, only more than 40 million people watched it online, and more than 20 million people watched it on Douyin.

Except for these people, no one actually knows that the identity of Su Xinghe’s cartoonist has been exposed.

But with the rise of hot searches, more and more people are aware of the impact of this incident.

Even after the message 903 was broadcast by many people, it even reached Dongying: Go.


Dongying: Netizens in this area have also overcame the wall and came to Huaxiya.

From the revelation posts and screenshots on Weibo, plus their own search and yearning for the live broadcast room, there was once again an explosive growth.

In less than half an hour.

The number of viewers on Mango’s side has skyrocketed from more than 40 million to 80 million.

On Douyin, the number of viewers has also grown to 50 million! In other words.

There are more than 130 million people on the whole network, watching “Longing for Life” online.

And this number is still growing.

The mushroom house is here.

After waking up from the shock just now, under Su Xinghe’s suggestion, everyone came to the pavilion and sat down:

In Su Xinghe’s words, no matter what, people are iron rice or steel.

Even “interrogation”

You have to eat well yourself.

Everyone had no opinion on his proposal…

Although everyone is curious now about Su Xinghe’s comics, if you eat like this, it will help the viewership of the show increase.

So, a group of people sat down.

As I ate, I chatted about comics.

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