Chapter 345 Old thief Oda is you! (Please subscribe!)

“Peng Peng, what’s wrong with you”

Teacher He looked at Peng Peng strangely and asked puzzledly.

“Yeah, brother, what’s wrong with you”

Sister Zifeng also looked at Peng Peng with a strange expression, wondering what happened to him.

Peng Peng smiled bitterly.

Holding the mobile phone, he said to the camera: “Look at it quickly, old thief Oda, it turned out to be a Chinese Asian!”

Teacher He looked dumbfounded.

Who is the old thief Oda? How come he hasn’t heard the name.

But the few girls were all stunned.

“Really, you are not kidding me”

Zu’er was the first to react and took out the phone with his backhand.

“No way!”

Zhao Jinmai also picked up the phone.

“No, what are you talking about”

Teacher He asked in surprise.

Sister Zifeng, who was a bit surprised, explained it to everyone.

Eight years ago.

A manga named “The Great Pirate” suddenly appeared in Dongying: Shonen Manga Weekly.

Since that day.

This manga has been popular in Asia until now.

The author’s name is Mr. Oda, but his… fans like to call him Old Thief Oda.

No one has seen Oda’s true face, only knows that he will send his manuscripts to the editor every week.

But even the editor has never met him in person.

Even today, the “Great Pirate” manga has issued more than 500 million copies, and it is popular throughout Asia today.No one knows whether Mr. Oda is a man or a woman, and what kind of person he is.

Until yesterday.

The editor-in-chief of Youth Weekly drank too much and said a word after attending a cocktail party, which detonated the media.

His original words at the time were.

“When we first received Mr. Oda’s manuscript, he used the Chinese dialogue mode, which was later changed to Japanese.”

After the news was exposed, the fishing boat was in an uproar! Doesn’t this mean that the legendary Mr. Oda may not be a certain Dongying that everyone previously speculated: a fat man, but a Chinese Asian! Fuck,! Audience, it’s fried too.

“No, the old thief Oda is actually a Chinese Asian!”

“It’s terrible! My Ace, woohoo!”

“Father, my white beard! Damn, don’t let me know who it is, Laozi wants to send him the blade!”

“But to be honest, why do I feel so proud? A cartoon that makes Dongying people crazy is actually the work of our Chinese Asians.”

“However, the old thief Oda seems to have broken more quickly for two months.”

“Really, but it’s normal, he is… this kind of guy.”

“Hehe, the author of the broken watch should be a hundred times in Aruba!”

“What is Aruba”

“Search it by yourself to ensure comfort.”


This news was searched by someone.

Everyone is guessing, Mr. Oda, what is it.

But it’s a pity that no one has any useful news except…knowing that sentence.

This is a sad story.

“Seriously, I like this comic so much.”

“Yes, I really hope to see the author.”

“Unexpectedly, such a magnificent view of the world actually comes from the handwriting of our Chinese Asians, and there is a sense of national pride.”


“It’s really happy, but Oda this guy always likes to break the watch, and he likes to die an important supporting role, it’s too hateful.”

“Yeah, the big bear has actually become the mount of the dragon people, so I am angry!”

Netizens are also talking about it, all venting their dissatisfaction with the old thief Oda.

You know, a well-known cartoonist can be dubbed such a title, which shows how much everyone loves comics and how deep their resentment towards the author is.

The mushroom house is here.

Peng Peng and others finally finished picking a few boxes of passion fruit.

Everyone worked together to move the box back to the mushroom house.

As soon as she entered the door, Xiao Qingqing ran upstairs with a smile.

“Qingqing, what’s wrong?”

Seeing Qingqing’s movements, Huang Xiaochu asked strangely.

“I don’t know, I should miss Big Brother Su.”

Peng Peng shook his head and said.

He is really exhausted.

There are two men in total, Teacher He is the elder, and he is the only strong laborer.

This morning’s work almost didn’t exhaust him.


Because taking care of a few girls, the workload is not as large as expected, otherwise, Peng Peng estimated that he would faint easily.

Helped Mr. He to move a few boxes of passion fruit to a cool place and ate the iced fruit cut by Huang Xiaochu.

Everyone finally rested for a while.

“Let’s take a shower, go all.”

Teacher He said to several people: “This is a busy morning, and I am exhausted. Take a bath and take a good rest.”


Girls love to be clean, and they are really tired, everyone nodded.

In groups of two, go to the bath and change clothes.

Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu are sitting in the pavilion and resting, teasing with lanterns and novels, it is also strange. Since they came to the mushroom house, these… It is a very clever and smart little animal, now it is getting smarter and smarter.

But at this moment,…a voice stunned everyone.

“Brother, brother, it’s not good! Everyone knows about your cartoons!”

Everyone looked surprised.

What’s the matter, this is Qingqing’s voice! Then, Teacher He remembered, because Qingqing also followed to the orchard, and on the way, the director asked her to put a microphone on her to make it easier for her to speak.

As a result, I forgot to take it when I came back.

But what does this mean, wait…! At that moment, Teacher He suddenly remembered what Peng Peng had just said in the orchard.

He was dumbfounded.

Looking at Peng Peng again, this guy opened his mouth wide and his face was dull.

“No, it’s impossible”

After a long while, Peng Peng raised his head and said in a astringent voice: “How come I have this kind of premonition?”

She laughed a few times.

Teacher He said: “Although I haven’t read that…comic, if according to what you said, the comics were stopped two months ago, think about it, when did we arrive in Manyuan Village.”

that moment.

Peng Peng’s eyes suddenly went dark.

Damn it! The fourth season of “A Longing for Life” has been on air, isn’t it just two months! In other words.

If you guessed that… the truth is true, Su Xinghe, it is… the legendary Oda thief! The author of “The Big Pirate”! In the live broadcast room, the audience has already gone crazy! Please read the underlined version of the novel, please Download 飞卢小

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