Chapter 338 Worship the whole network! (For subscription)

A young man under thirty years old turned out to be a national treasure-level master of ancient calligraphy and painting restoration! This news.

No matter what, then a burst of thunder sounded in the live broadcast room.

Almost everyone, even Su Xinghe’s hardest fan, was a little dizzy at this moment.

“No, Su Xinghe is actually a national treasure master”

“This is too illusory. A singing singer turns out to be a national treasure-level ancient calligraphy and painting restoration master, and it is still the kind…Thirty years later, the country’s first level! This is also amazing.”

“Seriously, it happened to Su Xinghe, I don’t feel strange at all.”

“Haha, it makes sense, the Star God is awesome!”

“But anyway, it’s really amazing!”

“From now on, if Su Xinghe is idle and bored, he will repair a painting, how interesting.”

“No, don’t you want to say in the future, what? Teacher Su, don’t sing, please fix this national treasure.”


…….. When everyone was talking, Su Xinghe had already started decontamination work.

The so-called decontamination is very particular in the restoration of ancient calligraphy and painting.

Due to the long-term shelving of ancient paintings and calligraphy, there are more oil stains and stains.Some stubborn dirt can not be completely scrubbed with clean water, and can only be scraped off by hand.

This process is called “decontamination”

The tool used to scrape dirt is a special horseshoe knife.

This kind of horseshoe knife is as thin as a cicada’s wings.

Of course, to do this, you need to cooperate with your hands and eyes, and you need to be particularly stable.

Otherwise, if the strength is not mastered, it is easy to damage the painting.

Su Xinghe’s movements are very proficient, and the technique is particularly stable.The Huang Xiaochu and others next to him, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, watched with ecstasy.

“This is too powerful!”

Peng Peng said with emotion.

“Yes, it feels like painting…”

Zhao Jinmai said.

“Brother Su is the most handsome when he is serious.”

Zi Feng, who had always been silent, even spoke.

“This is art.”

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He looked at each other and said seriously.

They really didn’t expect Su Xinghe to have this ability.

No wonder Shen Zhongyuan and Chen Fangyuan have such a high evaluation of Su Xinghe.

From this point of view alone, he really deserves such praise.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was already confused.

“Well, this makes people incomprehensible.”

“Haha, me too, I don’t know how to be strong!”

“Yes, it’s… I don’t know what’s going on, but I think he is very powerful.”

“Su Xinghe will be awesome from now on, his hands, he can write songs, write poems, play the piano, and repair ancient calligraphy and calligraphy. They are invaluable.”

“Really amazing! Admire, admire!”

“I feel so handsome inexplicably!”

…………………… Other people’s feelings, Su Xinghe pays attention.

He completed the decontamination step three times and five times two, and then he grew angry.

To be honest, this kind of ancient painting restoration work is really hard.

It is said that…the old professors are inefficient, but they are normal.

Normal people who bend over and work for more than an hour or even longer will definitely not be able to stand it, let alone older people.

That is, Su Xinghe is young and strong, otherwise, he would have been on the ground.

“Brother Su, are you tired?”

Seeing Su Xinghe stop, several girls asked caringly.

“It’s okay.”

Su Xinghe shook his head lightly and waved his hand: “I’m just a little tired, take a break.”

“It’s nice to be young.”

Shen Zhongyuan and Huang Xiaochu…the middle-aged people have meaningful smiles on their faces.

This kind of guy is… better than middle-aged people.

As it is said that people have to be middle-aged, soak goji berries in a vacuum flask.

Young people like Su Xinghe don’t need to think about those things.

Sure enough, it is Huiren Shenbao, he is good, and she is good.

“Is this the end?”

At this time, Peng Peng asked curiously.

“No, this is just the beginning.”

Shen Zhongyuan explained this with a smile.

“In the process of restoration of ancient paintings, the most important thing is to uncover them.

Generally framed calligraphy and painting works are divided into four layers.

The first layer is the painting core, which is the most core part of a painting.

The second layer is the life paper, which is the supporting paper for the painting core.

The supporting paper is directly in contact with the original painting, which can extend the life of the work and make the work better, so it is called the life paper.

The third and fourth layers are backing: paper, used to carry works.

Unmounting is… to separate the painting core from the belly and back paper, and the life paper.

Uncovering the abdomen and back paper is easier than the life paper, after all, the abdomen back paper does not directly touch the painting core.”

Shen Zhongyuan’s explanation made everyone look at each other.

“Ms. Shen said that I know every word, but when combined, how do I hear it?”

Peng Peng blinked and said helplessly.


Everyone laughed.

In fact, not only him, but even the audience in the live broadcast room, unless they are those who really understand ancient paintings and calligraphy, other people are also at a loss.

This f*ck! is simply a heavenly book! The next moment.

Everyone’s eyes were attracted by Su Xinghe.

I saw Su Xinghe holding tweezers in one hand and a brush dipped in water in the other, carefully peeling off the paper from the back of the belly little by little.

After uncovering the belly and back papers, he began to uncover the fate papers again.

You know, under normal circumstances, the fate of ancient calligraphy and calligraphy can not be revealed unless it is revealed.

After all, the life paper is vital to the painting core.

After many years of deposition, once the life paper is uncovered, the whole picture is likely to become dim and godless, which will cause fatal injuries.

If the life paper falls off and the texture is still good, you should still use a soft brush to paste between the original life paper and the drawing core as much as possible to restore the original position.

In this way, the thickness after unmounting may be thicker, but the spirit of the picture will not be damaged.

I have to say that Su Xinghe’s craftsmanship is really amazing.

Even if you look in the camera lens, you are shocked by his skill.

“It’s amazing!”

Seeing Su Xinghe’s fine movements, everyone was full of emotion.

On the Internet, the news of Su Xinghe’s restoration of ancient paintings has successfully become the first hot search on Weibo.

The title of National Treasure Master Su Xinghe has spread like wildfire.

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

All kinds of keyboard men and fans, come on stage.

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