Chapter 332 Witty Zifeng (for subscription)

Three days passed quickly.

At half past six in the morning.

In the city, most people are still immersed in their dreamland.

In the rural areas, most people have already smoked.

People who got up early and went to work on the farm continued to appear, and the children’s laughter sounded.

And Su Xinghe, with Huang Xiaochu, wearing headphones, immersed in his own world running.

To be honest, if this is in college, it is estimated that two people will definitely be surrounded by a group of girls.

“Xiaosu, you never went to college, right”

While running, Huang Xiaochu asked Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe nodded: “Well, after I finished high school, I stopped reading.”

What he said was from his heart.

At that time, I passed through by myself, and then I debuted, and I really didn’t go to college.

“Just like you, go out for a morning jog in the morning. That must be a girl’s focus.”

Huang Xiaochu smiled and said to Su Xinghe.

“Haha, it’s true, there are still girls in college at this time”

Su Xinghe didn’t believe it.

Huang Xiaochu nodded: “Really.”

He said the truth.

In the morning, there are often girls in twos and threes who are inspiring to lose weight.


This kind of variable is very big, and they may still be there today: announcing to the world that they are trying to lose weight into a bolt of lightning, and tomorrow they may not get up in bed, so how to get fat is how to get fat.

“Forget it then.”

Su Xinghe shook his head: “I am a person and I don’t like being followed.”

Huang Xiaochu was speechless.

This guy is really upright and has nothing to say.

However, he… also understands Su Xinghe’s character.

This guy is a straight steel man through and through.

Otherwise, so many people like him, he will not always be stupid and ignorant.

That’s right.

In Huang Xiaochu’s eyes, Su Xinghe is a single person who doesn’t even have a girlfriend.

No matter how good the relationship is.

It is impossible for Su Xinghe to talk about his relationship with Wan Qian and Zhao Liying.

He is not crazy.

“Let’s go, I should start shooting when I go back.”

Patting Su Xinghe on the shoulder, Huang Xiaochu said.

Su Xinghe nodded.

The two ran back to the mushroom house together.

When they got home and found that the others hadn’t gotten up, they simply started to make breakfast.

Egg pancakes, stir-fried three threads…A few dishes came down, and when Teacher He and Peng Peng got up, the fragrant breakfast was already placed in the pavilion.

“Oh, having a chef at home is…comfortable, so you don’t have to worry about going hungry anytime.”

Teacher He sat in the chair happily.

A look of pride.

“Yeah, yeah, I feel like after filming the show, I want it again.”

Peng Peng also said with a smile.

Only sister Zifeng, who still had a shy smile, sat there side by side with Qingqing, very happy.

“Eat, eat.”

Huang Xiaochu didn’t bother to say anything.

He now feels that he and Su Xinghe are like two breeders, raising this group of foodies.

In the live broadcast room, the audience who just opened the live broadcast room were hurt again.

“I knew that I shouldn’t watch this show in the morning.”

“To be honest, I yearn for why we want to broadcast the scene of eating.”

“Program team, be your own person.”

“Yes, let’s not watch dinner! We are not hungry! Husband, bring my breakfast!”

“Seriously, if I can live with Teacher Huang and Star God, I feel that I can gain ten pounds a month.”

“Ten Jin haha, you look down on these two people too much.”

…After eating, everyone sat in the pavilion and chatted.

At this time, it is natural to switch to the college entrance examination for sister Yu Zifeng.

“Zifeng think about where to take the test?”

Huang Xiaochu asked sister Zifeng with a smile.

When this sentence came out, the audience in the live broadcast room was also very interested.

After all, Zifeng’s academic performance is very good, which is obvious to all.

And she works very hard, using all available time to study hard every day.

Speaking of.

I didn’t know who said that if Zifeng played well, it seemed that he would not be admitted to art colleges.

“Not yet.”

Zifeng shook his head when he heard Huang Xiaochu’s words.

“Ha ha!”

Everyone laughed when they heard her.

The reason for this is naturally simple.

Sister Zifeng took the art test before, with a perfect score of 2, and she took the test 196.

In other words, as long as her cultural class grades are not too outrageous.

Basically, it is not a problem to enter these domestic performance schools.

The three best performing schools in China are Zhongxi, Beijing Film and Shangxi.

However, in the mushroom house, Huang Xiaochu is an upright person from the Beijing Film Festival.

But Peng Peng graduated from theater, although he studied puppet performance.

So no matter…

How to choose Sister Zifeng, there will definitely be someone sad.

“Zifeng, do you plan to take the Beiying exam or enter the show?”

At this time, Su Xinghe asked with a smile.

“Beijing is very good, and the theater is also okay.”

How could Zi Feng be fooled, replied decisively.

Everyone laughed.

This girl is really smart! There are 903 faces in the live broadcast room, and everyone can’t laugh.

“Haha, Zifeng is too difficult. On one side is Teacher Huang and on the other side is my brother.”

“But she’s really great, she actually got so many points in the art test.”

“Yes, Nanhe Province is a big province for college entrance examinations, but Zifeng has never thought about changing places to emigrate for college entrance examinations.”

“Good boy!”

“The witty Zifeng, the answer is just right.”

“In fact, I think the atmosphere of the Chinese opera is more suitable for Zifeng.”

“This is not necessarily true, it depends on how she thinks about it.

…At this time, the phone rang suddenly.

“Haha, it must be Zuer and the others here.”

Teacher He said with a smile.

Zifeng and Peng Peng ran to answer the phone, Qingqing took a look, and Le Dian also followed.

It didn’t take a while.

Peng Peng and Zifeng walked back with twisted faces.

“What’s wrong”

Teacher He looked at them strangely.

It is rare to see these two people so strange.

That’s all about Peng Peng, but Zifeng has always been very well-behaved.

“Haha, Uncle Huang, you’re done!”

At this moment.

Qingqing’s words stunned everyone.

No one thought that there was actually Huang Xiaochu’s business.

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