Chapter 321 Great opening and guests! (6, subscription)

Three days later.

Su Xinghe’s concert finally began.

Generally speaking, concerts should be held in the evening, but Su Xinghe was ingenious and directly set the start time of the concert at six o’clock in the evening.

In his words, he plans to sing until ten o’clock in the evening: 1:.

Fans are naturally rejoicing.

You know, the average concert is about two hours, and the longer one is three hours3.

Like Su Xinghe, who is preparing to drive for four hours, it is simply conscience to the extreme.

Starting at six o’clock, there have been spectators entering the venue since four o’clock.

Less than half past five: 5:, the Bird’s Nest Stadium with 100,000 people is full.

Su Xinghe debuted for many years, but has never been a supporter. Zhang Tianai and others have asked Su Xinghe before, but Su Xinghe said that they don’t need that…

When the fans entered the stadium, everyone was at the entrance and received a balloon.

According to the official statement, this was given by Su Xinghe.

The concert will begin in half an hour.

The atmosphere throughout the venue was very good.

The fans took their place in an orderly manner.

There was no place for riots at all.

“It’s amazing!”

The group of people in the background were all dumbfounded.

Xueyou, who had just rushed over yesterday, and Jay Chou looked at each other, and they both felt very surprised.

To know.

Even for veteran kings like them, security work is very cumbersome when there are concerts.

The mildew Taylor Swift on the side was even more surprised: “These are those…crazy fans, my God, they are not like such crazy people at all!”

As for the other artists, not to mention, they have been shocked by the scene in front of them.

And this time.

With the arrival of Zifeng, the yearning live broadcast room has officially opened.

Tens of millions of fans who failed to arrive at the scene in person, flooded into the live broadcast room.

“What’s the situation? The audience has exceeded 100,000 people? Why is it so quiet?”

“Fuck! Is the sound wrong?”


“It feels like those…fans are so polite.”

“This, what’s going on”

The audience looked curious.

But when Su Xinghe walked to the front of the stage with the microphone, they were dumbfounded.


Under the stage.

Thunderous applause and cheers rang out.

that moment.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

They finally realized how loud Su Xinghe really is.

Normally, there is no host in the concert, and most of them are singing concurrently.In this way, you can better interact with fans.

Today, Su Xinghe also didn’t mean to ask the host for help.

After all, this is my appointment with the fans, “Hello everyone, today is my first concert, and it is also my first concert in many years.”

Su Xinghe held the microphone and said with a smile: “A lot of friends came today, some are spectators, and some are going to perform with me on stage, so I won’t be famous.

Please wait and see.”

After speaking, Su Xinghe smiled: “Well, now we welcome the warm-up guests to appear.”

“Please, Jay Chou who will leave after singing this song, “Confession Balloon”!”

Boom! Accompanied by Su Xinghe’s words.

The whole live broadcast room was exploded! The audience at the scene,, even exclaimed! “Fuck, what the hell, Jay Chou is the opening guest”

“This f*ck! Isn’t it a joke?”

“That’s Dong Chou!”

“Hahahaha, I’m so ridiculous, because I have to fly away after singing, so Jay Chou came out first!”

“Awesome, even the opening guest is Jay Chou, this time I feel that Su Xinghe’s guests are all big guys!”

“Is Su Xinghe pretending to be too forceful to let Jay Chou be the opening guest?”

“Yeah, that’s the king of heaven!”

“The Kong Jing upstairs shut up! Don’t you know the friendship between Su Xinghe and Jay Chou”

“It’s not…, everyone said, Zhou Dong has something.

, I have to leave after singing the opening song, is it not allowed”

On the contrary, the audience was all excited.

You know, although everyone’s purpose is to watch Su Xinghe.

But in fact, everyone knows that those friends of Su Xinghe will definitely appear at the concert.

It’s just that everyone didn’t expect it.

The first person to be the opening guest turned out to be Jay Chou.

0 news is posted on Weibo.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has increased again.

In just a few minutes, it has exceeded 100 million.

At the same time.

Taking advantage of Jay Chou in the background to prepare.

Teacher He also took the long-awaited live camera and started to be on the scene, and interviewed.

“Tonight’s assistant guest lineup is very strong. I have seen this just now in the backstage. I will let you know first that there are several people who I didn’t expect to appear backstage.”

While holding the microphone, Mr. He smiled and said, “But before that, let’s interview a few audience members who are here today.”

After a while, he came to a figure.

………… “Hello, Nazha, ya ya hello.”

“Hello, Teacher He.”

Nazha politely greeted Teacher He, and she sat with Yaya.

“Why did you two appear here together”

Teacher He smiled and asked: “If I remember correctly, you guys have been filming recently, right?”

“Of course we are coming to Teacher Su’s concert.”

Naza said with a smile, and even waved at the camera.

The audience suddenly burst into cheers.

this moment.

The cheers of the bird’s nest seemed to break through the clouds.

Then, Teacher He interviewed Ying Bao, Zhang Tianai, Tan Songyun and others.

Just when he was about to end the interview.

But I was surprised to see a figure.

The camera swept over.

The person who appeared in front of the camera was recognized even though he was wearing sunglasses.

The live broadcast room and the scene, it just exploded! “Fuck! That’s Brad Pitt!”

“The one next to him… seems to be Quentin Tarantino.”

“My God, what a face is Su Xinghe, even Brad Pitt rushed to see his concert.”

“I’ll take it, those 100,000 people are simply too happy!”

“It’s absolutely unprecedented, no matter what…

The lineup of the assisting guests depends on the audience lineup. It is almost home!”

“Haha, I’m so excited, sitting here, I feel like I’m in heaven!”

“Su Xinghe is awesome!”


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