Chapter 318 Kill the dog, grab the goddess (3, ask for subscription)

Chen Kai is a middle school teacher.

Today, because of the college entrance examination, their school was used as a test center, and he was at home on holiday.

As a post-80s, what he likes most is… brush up on Douyin, check Weibo, and then read novels.

Just now, Chen Kai just finished reading the Weibo of the goddess Zhang Tianai.

As a result, the next moment, Zhang Tianai’s Weibo suddenly posted a new message.

“Today I have dinner with my male god, I wish the male god a smooth concert.”

Then, she circled Su Xinghe.

Damn it! Look at the picture sent by Zhang Tianai.

Chen Kai’s whole body is not good.

Why did my goddess take a photo with Su Xinghe.


There is more than one person! I saw Su Xinghe sitting in the middle with a stiff expression in the picture.

All around him, sitting or standing, are all well-known beauty artists in the entertainment industry.

Nazha, Yaya, Li Yi, Song Qian, Zhao Liying, Zhang Tianai, Tan Songyun, Wan Qian, Qiao Xin, Ou Nana, Jiang Shuying, Yang Mi, Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Yifei, Jing Tian, ​​Tang Yixin, Yang Xiaozi , Jin Chen, Song Yi.

This series of lists is dizzying.

The stars are over the moon! A little red among the 100,000 flowers.

Su Xinghe instantly became the envy of all Chinese Asian men.

Weibo’s server.

It turned out to be: within ten minutes, paralyzed.

the reason is simple.

Because the number of visits and posts is too much.

Netizens, you can no longer control the power of the wild in your body! “Kill Sugou, grab the goddess!”

Almost in the shortest time, it became the consensus of those… fans.

Some people even put this topic abruptly on the hot search.

This is terrible! Even Su Xinghe himself didn’t expect it.

Just a photo.

After half an hour.

He is the number one airborne hot search.


This news headline is not so beautiful.

On the Internet, many people simply like to hear about this matter.

“Deserve it! Make him shameless with so many women around him.”

“Yes, that’s right! A writer who writes a novel, don’t update well, why do you sing?”

“No, I don’t believe it, they must have seduce our Star God, our Star God is so pure, how can we have a girlfriend!”

“But to be honest, Su Xinghe’s fate for women is really good.

“It’s called character, maybe, you see him as a female artist, they are so gentleman and polite, why would anyone not like him”

“Hehe, I think it’s clear, in the face of money, who would be willing to offend such a person”

“Nonsense, do you think Yang Mi, Zhao Liying…there are people who are popular and talk about everything, but there is no doubt that Su Xinghe’s current heat is definitely hot.

……………………[Kill Su Dog, Grab the Goddess] Seeing this title, Su Xinghe couldn’t laugh or cry.

The meal was not over yet, he said to Zhang Tianai and others: “You guys are happy this time.”

Zhang Tianai and the others also held their mobile phones and looked at the comments on the Internet.

“Teacher Su, you can’t blame us.”

Jin Chen said with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah, we are innocent weak women.”

Tang Yixin blinked.

The others nodded even more.

They are all female artists, and they have a certain degree of resistance to the scandal itself.

Not to mention, this time it is not a scandal, it is purely a play between a group of friends.

“Yeah, that’s great, you are famous again.”

Yaya also teased Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe rolled his eyes and was already unable to complain.

He is not the kind of…the little fresh meat that needs heat, and he doesn’t care about this flow at all.

But he can understand.

These people here are actually not many truly pure actors.

Most of them still need this flow.

This is why Su Xinghe agreed to take photos with them and post on Weibo.

Not everyone is as indifferent to their acting career as Wan Qian.

That person is simply speechless.

After eating, everyone broke up.

After all, they are all public figures.If such a large group of people go out to play, it is not safe.

Huang Xiaochu returned home, and Peng Peng and Teacher He left together.

Su Xinghe bid farewell to everyone and watched everyone board the nanny van and leave, and then he was ready to take Qingqing away.

As a result, the phone rang before he left.

“has it ended”

On the phone, it was Chen Shu’s voice.


Su Xinghe smiled: “Let you come or not, what are you doing now”

“At my age, what can I do with you young people.”

Chen Shu smiled and said, “You can ask Qingqing if you want to come to live with me at night.”

Su Xinghe blinked.

Had it not been for Chen Shu’s age to be much older than himself, he would even have misunderstood whether this was implying anything.

“Qingqing, your godmother asks you if you want to live with her at night.”

Lowering his head, Su Xinghe asked Qingqing.

“What about you, brother?”

Qingqing blinked.

Su Xinghe smiled: “My brother has to write novels and prepare for the concert. These days, let the godmother accompany you, OK?”

“But, what about Dawei and Tianlong?”

Qingqing was a little tangled, and glanced at the Dawei Tianlong beside him.

Su Xinghe laughed: “Take it, then you can ask Godmother to take you to play with Sister Duo, and you can also go to Wu’s so-called younger brother to play, how about it?”

“Okay, okay!”

As soon as Qingqing heard that he could take Dawei Tianlong to play with children, 903 immediately smiled.

Su Xinghe took the phone and said to Chen Shu: “Did you hear that, you have to take her to find Huang Duoduo and Wu to play with Wu, otherwise this girl will not be happy.”

“no problem.”

Chen Shu was almost excited on the phone and didn’t know what to say.

Even if she knew that Su Xinghe was going to bring Qingqing to Yanjing, she had the opportunity to let Qingqing live at home, but when this happened, even if she won countless performance awards.

It is still difficult to control my excitement.

“Well, should I prepare something Qingqing likes to eat, or else, let me buy some dolls. Girls should like Barbie dolls, right?”

Chen Shu hurriedly asked Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe was speechless.

Regardless of how calm and calm a woman is, once she becomes a mother, she will definitely be confused when facing her own children.

“I don’t need anything, Qingqing is very obedient.”

Su Xinghe said helplessly.

“Then, where are you, I will pick you up now.”

Chen Shu reluctantly calmed himself down, and after Su Xinghe reported the address, he hung up.

On Su Xinghe’s side, he put down the phone, lowered his head, looked at Qingqing, and said softly: “Qingqing, these few days, you have been with your godmother, you know?”

“I know.”

Qingqing obediently nodded and agreed.

:, ask for automatic subscription! To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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