Chapter 309 Accidental exposure! (For subscription)

Song Yi’s proposal made several people’s hearts moved.

As an artist, everyone is actually tired of the disturbing entertainment industry.

This place in the entertainment industry is a Vanity Fair, a big dye vat.

In fact, the people in it are not necessarily willing to fall for themselves, but sometimes, it is not that you live what you want. As the saying goes, people are involuntary in the rivers and lakes. There are often some things that cannot be determined by the artist. .

It’s like some actors pick up bad movies, they can’t help it.

People want to feed their family and eat.

I’m really sorry… the audience is not the actors, but the investors.

“forget it.”

Jin Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly: “I will participate in an event tomorrow.”

“Me too, I want to enter the audition.”

Yang Xiaozi was also unhappy.

Those of them…Xiaohuadan is in the rising period of her career, and she doesn’t have time to rest at all.

According to rumors, Reba hasn’t taken a day off for three consecutive years, which shows how fierce the competition in this industry is.

“Come on!”

Looking at a few people, Teacher He said sincerely: “You are still young, you still have a chance to work hard, if you don’t work hard, then there really is no chance.”

What he said was from his heart.

So many years of host career.

Teacher He has seen too many rising stars, they entered the entertainment circle with confidence, but eventually left.

This is such a cruel world! When the girls heard Teacher He’s words, their eyes were reddened.

In fact, the taste of Su Xinghe’s cold noodles is not really better than that of star chefs, just because they are here and feel the comfort of their hearts.

Huang Xiaochu looked at the young man in front of him, with emotion: “I always feel that food, like songs, is an existence that can condense human emotions.

A delicious dish can give you spiritual comfort or encouragement.

After all, each of us has our own story.

If you can find that beautiful memory through food or songs, it is actually a very pleasant thing..”

Su Xinghe smiled and nodded: “Ms. Huang is right. All the good things in this world are actually the same.

Regardless of….

It’s music.

Or good food.

In fact, for us humans.

Both represent a memory.

It is as if we are eating a certain delicacy and may think of the happy times.

Listening to a good song, you may recall some unforgettable memory of yourself.

This is the essence of life!”

Jin Chen, Song Yi and others on the side heard Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu’s words and nodded in unison.

They all know that this is Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu, who are passing on their insights about life and the entertainment industry to them.

After all, in the entertainment industry, as an artist, the pressure on yourself is enormous.

The conditions that we face every day, as well as all kinds of right people and things, can often make a person tortured to death.

Why are so many artists in the entertainment industry suffering from depression?In the final analysis, it is because of pressure and competition.

It’s like these four 44 girls, don’t look at how you are now, I am good, if it is time to tear up the resources, it will really turn your face.

At the beginning, Yang Mi had a good sister named Tang Yan.

To know.

They debuted together in Xianjian back then.


Material sister flower.

……………………Since I can’t stay, I have to leave.

The reluctant girls left the mushroom house one step at a time.

Looking at the messages sent by several people on the phone, Su Xinghe showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that he had successfully left an indelible mark on their hearts.

“It’s not easy.”

Looking at their backs, Teacher He said with emotion.


Huang Xiaochu nodded in agreement: “Seriously, these young girls, working hard in the entertainment circle, are really too difficult, and the competition is really too fierce.”

“After all, I chose the path myself, and I have to go to the end when I kneel.”

Su Xinghe took a deep breath and said slowly.

Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu were startled, but unexpectedly they didn’t speak.

They suddenly realized that what Su Xinghe said made sense.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also moved by Su Xinghe’s words at this moment.

“Yes, this sentence is too right!”

“The path you choose, you have to go to the end on your knees! Star Gods are always so philosophical when they speak.”

“You have to eat all the dishes you make yourself!”

“The son of his own birth has to tutor homework even if he is angry.”

“Hahaha, don’t play around!”

“Are these people trying to laugh at me to death?”

……..Sent away a few guests. On the side of the mushroom house, only Peng Peng and Qingqing, Su Xinghe, Huang Xiaochu, and Teacher He are left. .

“Let’s pack up and get ready to go to Yanjing.”

Huang Xiaochu said.

“No, how about we go to Nanhe Province”

Su Xinghe suggested.

“What are you going to do in Nanhe?”

Peng Peng was a little surprised.

“You want to cheer for Zifeng”

Teacher He reacted quickly and immediately understood what Su Xinghe meant.


Su Xinghe smiled and said, “I think if she sees us, she will definitely be very happy.”



Peng Peng and Qingqing immediately raised their hands in agreement.

“But in terms of time, isn’t it a bit tight? Zifeng will have an exam tomorrow morning. Is there a plane at this time?”

Huang Xiaochu hesitated and said.

“It’s okay, brother has a plane.”

Promise is good at this time.

Qingqing’s words stunned everyone.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

“Fuck, wait…! What did Qingqing just say”

“She seems to say that my brother has a plane!”

“Oh my God!!, Su Xinghe actually has a private jet!”

“It really is the life of the rich, we can’t imagine it!”

“What a tyrant! Star God, please accept me as a brother-in-law, I will treat my wife well.”

“Husband I love you!”

“Star God is awesome!”

The audience frantically picked up the barrage.

And Su Xinghe.

He looked helplessly at the dumbfounded Peng Peng and others.

“Ahem, this, I have a plane, isn’t it normal?”

Su Xinghe strives to make himself look like an approachable ordinary person.

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