Chapter 307 Someone digs the foot of the wall (4, subscribe)

Variety shows, for the effect of the show, in many cases people tend to make fun.

Although Qingqing didn’t quite understand this point, she felt a little bit.

That’s why I always use the method of finding a girlfriend for Su Xinghe every time, to let those…female artists interact with them.

Of course, what exactly this kid thinks, in fact, even Su Xinghe himself is not sure.

After some interaction, it was dinner time.

Put the fragrant meal on the table, and everyone enjoyed the meal beautifully: dinner.

“Although my sister is not here, we still wish her collectively that tomorrow’s college entrance examination will go smoothly.”

At the end of the show, “Nine Zero Three”

As a representative, Huang Xiaochu called on everyone to send blessings for sister Zifeng’s college entrance examination.

Have eaten.

Everyone sat in the room and chatted.

It is said that one woman is equal to five hundred ducks, except for…Qing Qing, there are four 44 women.

think about it.

What does it feel like a two-thousand-word duck buzzing in your ears?

Su Xinghe felt that his brain was about to explode.

But it’s okay.

Soon this paragraph is over.

After the show was officially recorded and the camera was turned off, Su Xinghe finally felt that the surroundings were quiet.

He wasn’t surprised.

After all, to be able to participate in this kind of popular variety show, no matter what kind of artist it is, he will definitely work hard to get the shot.


Regarding…their approach, he was…not surprised at all.

Tomorrow noon, these people will leave the mushroom house, and Su Xinghe and others are also preparing to pack up and leave.

According to the plan.

The next live broadcast of the yearning will be live broadcast of Su Xinghe’s concert.

At that time, sister Zifeng, who has finished the college entrance examination, will also come to Yanjing to join them.

Let Qingqing and Song Tie play with them, Su Xinghe went back upstairs by himself and prepared the code.

Just turned on the computer, the phone rang suddenly.

“Hey, is it Mr. Su Xinghe?”

There was a man on the phone, 30 or 40 years old.

Su Xinghe is a little strange: “I am, who are you”

If the other party can find his own phone number, it should be given by someone he knows, but obviously, he doesn’t recognize the voice.

Hearing Su Xinghe’s question, the other party hurriedly reported to himself.

“Hello, Mr. Su, I am from the Blue Whale TV Variety Production Center. I would like to ask if you have signed a contract with Xiangnan Satellite TV. Is it convenient for you to disclose it? We have no other meaning. The main reason is to know you and Xiangnan. Does Satellite TV have…contract agreement.

We appreciate your performance very much, so we want to invite you to participate in our Blue Whale TV program.”

Blue Whale TV Su Xinghe was a little surprised.

It’s…I didn’t feel surprised.

As the biggest competitor of Shonan Satellite TV, one of the top local TV stations in China, it would be strange if Blue Whale TV didn’t have an idea for itself.

However, it is impossible for Su Xinghe to agree to him that way.

“Excuse me, I have a contract with Yearning now, so, I’m sorry…”

Su Xinghe said softly.

The person immediately said: “It’s okay, Teacher Su, we didn’t mean to interrupt your longing for recording. Our idea is if you finish recording your longing, can you consider cooperating with Blue Whale TV.”


Su Xinghe smiled: “I see, thank you for your kindness, let’s talk about this later, how about it”

Although not categorically rejecting, Su Xinghe still has no plans to participate in the Blue Whale TV program.

It’s not that I look down on others, but Su Xinghe himself is…returning to be an artist, he doesn’t like it very much…He prefers a free life.

The reason for agreeing to yearning is because Qingqing agreed to go first, and yearning for this show to be a slow variety show, there is no need to be too hard.

Su Xinghe is not willing to participate in the main programs of Blue Whale TV, no matter which one.

the reason is simple.

Too tired! Moreover, Shonan Satellite TV is pretty good to myself, no matter…

Whether it is the leader of the TV station or the people of the production company’s program group, Su Xinghe does not want to disappoint others.

When he said that, the people on Blue Whale TV didn’t say anything, and after a few greetings, they hung up the phone.

Immediately after.

It was Yanjing Satellite TV, and the other party showed his identity straightforwardly.

“Teacher Su, you are from Yanjing, right.

What we mean is that we hope you can consider your hometown TV station. After the contract with yearning is over, give us a chance to participate in a program on our station.”

“Teacher Su, I’m from Beihe TV. We have a program called…”

“Teacher Su, I’m from Ningliao TV Station. We will open one in the second half of the year.

7 programs…”

After a while, Su Xinghe answered six or seven calls, all from major domestic TV stations.

Obviously, they are all focusing on their own schedule.

After all, in the eyes of many people, once the longing for recording is over, they will make a full comeback.

But Su Xinghe, do you really plan to do this, of course the answer is no.

For Su Xinghe, the entertainment industry is just one of his hobbies.

He is not short of money, so why do you work so hard?So, from the beginning, Su Xinghe didn’t plan to come back.

: Seeking subscription! Seeking reward!

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