Chapter 305 Harvest three fans (2, please subscribe!)

Su Xinghe smiled upon hearing Huang Xiaochu’s words.

However, he actually didn’t care at all.

The reason why he attacked Li Baojian was not out of national justice.

To put it more bluntly, whether Li Baojian is in the Asian Gold in China has nothing to do with Su Xinghe.

Even if there is no Li Baojian, there are still Zhang Baojian and Zhao Baojian.

What really made him upset was that Li Baojian even questioned his hype.

In Su Xinghe’s eyes, a guy who can’t even be regarded as an ant, has any right to stand in front of him and mock himself. That’s why he will live and die! That’s why he is yearning to open a special show for that guy.

Su Xinghe’s purpose is very clear, he is… to let Li Baojian know that there are some people he can’t provoke.

As the old saying goes, Lord Ma is not angry, you don’t know that Laozi has three eyes! “By the way, Xinghe, after recording this episode, is it about preparing for the concert?”

It seems that the college entrance examination is about to be done, and after Zifeng is done, he must go to Yanjing to join them.

On the side of Mushroom House, after recording the show, I will definitely go to the concert side.

At the very least, you need to be familiar with the venue to 903.

Su Xinghe nodded: “I’m ready, we will start after recording the show.”

Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu naturally have no objection.

“By the way, you said, do we want to put on a show on stage”

Su Xinghe said with a smile.


Huang Xiaochu and Teacher Huang looked at each other: “Is it a chorus?”

Su Xinghe nodded: “Find a song and practice with the gun at the time. I think, in fact, we can form a band.”


The two are even more confused.

If they want to rap and sing, they dare to try it.

But for the band, be more cautious.

“Haha, don’t worry, let’s talk about it then.”

Su Xinghe looked at the two of them and smiled.

The three chatted for a while, and then each went back to rest.

………….. At around five o’clock in the afternoon, the live broadcast started again.

“You go around, I’m cooking with Xinghe.”

Huang Xiaochu smiled and said to Teacher He and the others.

“No, let’s help pick vegetables.”

Teacher He shook his head and said to Huang Xiaochu: “You can’t just let the two of you work.”


Su Xinghe said to the side: “There are so many people and strength. After we finish eating, we can rest and go out for a stroll.”

Everyone laughed, what he said really makes sense.

Because today’s guests are all girls, most of the meals cooked by Suohe and Huang Xiaochu tend to be lighter.

Even meat dishes are relatively not so greasy.

Soon, a few dishes were placed on the table.

There is one steamed pork left, it takes time, everyone just wait for a while…

“This weather is too hot.”

Although it was past six o’clock, the weather was still a bit sultry.

Teacher He and Peng Peng carried the bananas that had been placed on the ground to a cool place, and complained.

“Good guys, you guys didn’t do anything less this morning.”

Su Xinghe rubbed his chin and exclaimed.

“Of course.”

Song Yi was quite proud, and smiled at Su Xinghe: “Let me tell you, Teacher Su, a few of us, but the main force is coming.”

Tang Yixin nodded: “It’s not…, I haven’t been yearning for it, and I don’t know. It turns out that bananas grow like this. I always thought it was like a coconut, growing freely.”

Su Xinghe laughed: “This is so good that you can eat, drink and play, and you can also increase your knowledge. This is definitely not learned in the crew.”

Everyone smiled, there is nothing to show off.

But what Su Xinghe actually said is… that’s right, come to yearning and experience life in the countryside, for… these… In other words, it was really a good experience.

“The key is that you can learn from Teacher Su.”

Yang Xiaozi said admiringly: “Teacher Su, you are so amazing!”

Su Xinghe was a little surprised.

Looking at Yang Xiaozi in surprise, she found that she was serious.

And Jin Chen and Tang Yixin next to them looked like they were deeply impressed.

What’s the situation? I saw Song Yi on the side with a helpless expression: “They were completely conquered by you, Teacher Su. The performance in the afternoon was great. This is your fan.”

!!! The audience in the live broadcast room all laughed.

“Haha, the star god is awesome! Swearing can also attract female stars.”

“It’s normal. I guess they haven’t seen such a talented man.”

“Ahem, hold on, Star God, don’t lose yourself!”

“What are you talking about, don’t slander my husband, I believe him!”

“Seriously, these girls are so young. They are several years behind the star gods. Although they are very young, but to be honest, they look very eye-catching. I don’t know which star gods like.”

“Which one, Su Xinghe, of course I want them all!”

“Haha, upstairs is shameless, but I like it!”

…………..Compared with the fans’ ridicule in the live broadcast room, Qingqing is much more straightforward.

Hearing Song Yi’s words, she jumped to Tang Yixin: “Pretty sister, do you want to be my brother’s girlfriend”

Tang Yixin was startled, and just wanted to refuse.

But the next moment.

Everyone saw that Qingqing’s small mouth was flat, and mist appeared in his eyes.

It seemed that the next moment, she was about to cry.

“Good, good, I promise, can’t I promise?”

Tang Yixin nodded quickly.

I don’t know why, when she promised, she didn’t feel any shyness, but she was stunned.

“Hey, great!”

Xiao Qingqing turned her head happily.

A gesture was made to Su Xinghe.

!!! Su Xinghe is helpless.

He doesn’t have to think about it, what the little girl is going to do next.

as predicted.

After Tang Yixin agreed, Qingqing approached Yang Xiaozi again.

“Sister Zi, do you want to be my brother’s girlfriend”

The immature voice sounded again.

“But, haven’t you already let Sister Yixin be your brother’s girlfriend”

Yang Xiaozi smiled and said: “Then how can I be his girlfriend?”

“It doesn’t matter, Sister Yixin can share her brother with you.

Godmother told me to know how to share and not to eat alone!”

Qing Qing said solemnly.


Yang Xiaozi was speechless.

What you said makes sense, but I was speechless.

“Okay, I promise, let’s go.”

Yang Xiaozi quickly confessed his fate and nodded in agreement.

Two are done, but Jin Chen and Song Yi are left.

Everyone smiled and looked at them, expecting Qingqing to use any method to get these two sisters.

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