Chapter 291 Happy yearning (3/10 for subscription!)

Everyone actually knows that the friendship between Su Xinghe and Hu Ge is purely a man.

But the more so, everyone still wants to know some details.

This is human curiosity.

After the joke, everyone put their luggage in the house.

Because there are many vacant rooms, unless people are particularly willing to live together, this season’s yearning, each guest has his own room.

“Hehe, brother and pretty sisters have agreed to be your girlfriends.”

When they walked to the pavilion and sat down: Qingqing ran to Su Xinghe happily, and said proudly.

Su Xinghe hasn’t said anything yet.

Several girls have already blushed.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to applaud.

“Haha, I didn’t expect it, really.”

“I also hope to have such a good sister, at least………no need to be single.”

“Look at the sister of the other star god, look at my sister.”

“Too much, really too much.”

“Yeah, how can there be such a good sister who is so understanding.”

“If that’s the case, it’s not bad.”

“The Star God is so happy.”

A group of guys who are not afraid of big things when watching the excitement, they didn’t think about anything else at all.

The mushroom house is here.

As Qingqing’s voice just fell, Peng Peng and Zifeng couldn’t laugh.

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He also looked helpless.

They used to take Qing Qing’s behavior seriously, and now they all know that Qing Qing is just for fun.

In her worldview, this thing is… a fun thing.

“Qingqing, don’t bully my sisters, okay”

Teacher He said softly to Qingqing: “In a few days, when Sister Zifeng takes the exam, let Uncle Huang take you to Yanjing and find Sister Duoduo to play, how about it?”


Qingqing looked at Teacher He suspiciously.

Obviously, she didn’t quite believe it.

“Why, don’t you believe me?”

Teacher He asked Qingqing strangely.

Unexpectedly, Qing Qing pouted and glanced at Teacher He: “Uncle He, I am not stupid. Do you think I’m like Brother Peng Peng, so it’s so good to lie to Sister Duo Duo’s father is Uncle Huang, you don’t count it. !”

Damn it!!!! The entire mushroom house was stunned.

Those in the live broadcast room…the audience looked at the little people in front of them dumbfounded.

This kid is so clever! “Fuck,! I take it, really!”

“Qingqing has counts in her heart.”

“Yes, who is from whose family, who is with whom, this girl knows very well.”

“This is that a five-year-old is smarter than a ten-year-old!”

“I served it!”

“Sure enough, our family is Qingqing! Long live! Long live Qingqing!”

“Qingqing, come on, sister supports you!”

“Yes, Qingqing, you are great!”

“I really want a daughter like Qingqing, I have decided to have a second child with my wife!”

…I have to say that Qingqing is too fanciful.

How can such a cute child, a baby like a jade, be disliked?

“I said Song Yi, did you and Xinghe have known each other a long time ago”

Everyone sat there chatting, and Teacher He took the lead to ask Song Yi questions.

Among these people who came today.

Tang Yixin and Yang Xiaozi are both guests who came in from Xiangnan Satellite TV. In Jin Chen’s words, the agency behind it has a cooperation with the production company of “Yearing for Life”.

And Song Tie was introduced by Hu Ge.

Coupled with the interaction between her and Su Xinghe at the beginning,,, obviously, she and Su Xinghe are old acquaintances.

In this case, it is naturally his own.

So this first question, Teacher He must be thrown at Song Yi.

In fact, Song Yi did not disappoint Teacher He.The first question was to make the show more interesting in an instant.

She shook her head and said aggrievedly: “I don’t know Teacher Su. People call me Song Tie. I know what he is doing. At the beginning, I blessed him and Teacher Hu Ge.”

!!! This sentence immediately caused the entire live broadcast room to explode.

And Su Xinghe’s expression was stiff at that moment.

“No, Song Yi, you kid, what’s the matter? You weren’t like that back then.”

Seeing everyone looking at Song Yi and herself curiously, Su Xinghe quickly explained: “In the drama “The Pretender,” she played in Manli. That was the person I decided personally, and I personally ran to others. Yi finds her.

As a result, she is so cheating on me now, you say, this girl is not too much”


Everyone looked at Song Yi.

Unexpectedly, she wrinkled her nose and snorted: “Yes, at that time you taught me to come, but didn’t someone call me Miss Song Tie on Weibo? Teacher Su, I am called Yiqi. The Tao still governs his body!”


Everyone laughed.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room was very satisfied with Song Yi’s behavior.

People’s eyes are sharp.

These two people must know each other, this point has been revealed in the dialogue between Su Xinghe and Song Yi just now.

in other words.

People don’t look at the swords at all now, but in fact, it’s just… two old friends met each other.


Looking at the content of Song Yi’s chat with Su Xinghe, it is obvious that Hu Ge is also involved.

The ratings of the live broadcast skyrocketed rapidly at this moment.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room also rapidly increased from more than 40 million to more than 63 million.

Everyone is looking forward to what secrets Song Yi intends to tell about Su Xinghe.

“Xiao Song, don’t be afraid.”

Huang Xiaochu said to Song Yi with great interest: “Don’t worry, we and the audience will definitely protect you and prevent some people from retaliating against you.”

“Yes, so, Song Yi, what happened to Brother Hu and Brother Su at that time”

Peng Peng asked curiously there.

He was really curious, and he hadn’t thought about other things at all.

This is probably… the benefit of single-celled animals.

Because in their minds, most of the time, they only deal with one thing, and there is no such complicated thinking logic at all.

Song Yi smiled, and when everyone was looking at her, she shrugged and said: “In fact, it’s nothing. It’s just that when we went to the bathroom in the middle of the night with Sister Wang and Ou, we accidentally saw Teacher Hu and Teacher Su. Hold each other…”

Having said this, she also smiled at the camera: “Oh, boss, I am embarrassed to say it, what should I do?”

!!! Everyone laughed, now who doesn’t know, her boss is… Hu Ge.

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