Chapter 260 Legendary Poet (6/10 seeking subscription)

Su Xinghe is really angry.

To be honest, he wrote this poem purely for self-entertainment.

But I didn’t expect that because of the jealousy of the vice chairman of a poetry association, he was besieged by people from the Yanjing poetry association.

“Xinghe, what do you plan to do”

Huang Xiaochu asked Su Xinghe.

“Of course it’s a counterattack!”

Su Xinghe took it for granted.

He has never been the kind…being scolded and swallowing his voice.

not to mention.

Just like Duan Xu, if he kept silent, he would probably point to his nose and curse.

For this kind of goods, Su Xinghe is really too clear.

“Well, I will post on Weibo to support you.”

Huang Xiaochu said.

He has a profound cultural background, and he is more sensitive to things in the cultural circle than Teacher He.

Huang Xiaochu knows very well that if Su Xinghe is now “Nine Zero Three”

If you don’t fight back, that reputation will be ruined.

“No, Teacher Huang.”

Su Xinghe smiled, but stopped Huang Xiaochu.

He didn’t intend to involve anyone in this matter, and he didn’t even intend to use the system.

As a traverser, it would be really shameful to rely on external help for things like writing poems.

Turning on the phone, Su Xinghe directly circled Duan Xu on Weibo.

“Vice Chairman Duan, right? What kind of poetry do you think is good poetry?”

Surprisingly! Even Duan Xu himself didn’t expect Su Xinghe to find himself directly.

Soon, he decided to teach this young man who doesn’t know good or bad a lesson.

“In the cold place, the details are dense and the season is harsh, and it is not monotonous. You can see the naked mystery between the world and the earth. You can hear it. The voice of the north wind in winter is the long-haired rock singer who is taking his band to sing indulgently. , Psychedelic, exhausting the passion that pervades people, making people unable to live in peace.”

Duan Xu posted a poem to his Weibo, and then circled Su Xinghe: “Young man, let’s study.”

!!! Su Xinghe is speechless.

Only this f*ck is the real disease-free groan, OK! He doesn’t bother to talk nonsense.

Start typing directly on the phone.

Huang Xiaochu and He Jiong just watched Su Xinghe on their mobile phones and typed two lines.

“A generation of night gave me black eyes, but I use them to find light.”

After writing, Su Xinghe went directly to Weibo.


After Su Xinghe’s “A Generation” was released, both fans and Duan Xu’s supporters were stunned.

The dark night gave me black eyes, but I used it to find the light! What a straightforward poem! What a connotative poem! After reading it, I don’t think there is anything.

But then I thought about it, but I was full of emotion.

What is a good poem? This is it! Su Xinghe’s fans, as if they have been on hormones, they become active all at once.

“Wake up in the night, and sleep soundly during the day!”

“Every age has its own darkness, but few people dare to say to look for light.”

“Haha, the Star God’s counterattack is really awesome!”

“If you refuse to accept it, it really is the Star God.”

“It’s also modern poems. Look at other people’s star gods. Look at those so-called experts and poets. Especially that… Duan Xu, what is that thing you wrote, groaning without illness, there is nothing useful throughout the article. Connotation, I really feel sad for you! Stand on your laurels and say… you are a person!”

“Yes, what the upstairs said is correct, support Su Xinghe!”

“Yes! This kind of conservative guy should be eliminated by the times!”

At this time, Huang Xiaochu also posted a long Weibo.

“We have always been confused about what literature is. Some people always say that literature is elegant and ordinary people don’t understand it.

I can’t help but ask, when did the word literature become the reason for some people behind closed doors, co-authoring, what do you say is a literary work, what is…

If what you write does not fit your ideas, then it is not worthy of being called a literary work. This literary work is… things that you people entertain themselves sometimes find it ridiculous, ours Literature is getting more and more divorced from the masses, but still intoxicated.

No one likes what you write, except yourself, and it is blamed on the public for not appreciating and not knowing how to appreciate it.

To be honest, we don’t need to listen to such poems.”

Everyone didn’t expect it.

Huang Xiaochu’s attitude is so intense.

Duan Xu would naturally not bow his head and admit defeat. Soon, Duan Xu sent Weibo back to hit Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu: “Huang Lei, you are an actor and a singer. Do you know literature? Su Xinghe, you write suspense novels, science fiction novels, scripts, and songs. Do you really understand the meaning of poetry? Perhaps you are very talented and the things you write are excellent, but I still don’t admit that you are a poet!”

Fuck! Su Xinghe’s fans are all blown up.

In this situation, this guy is still there: a dead duck with a hard beak, it is really a weird existence.

“Surname Duan, would you like to point your face?”

“I’m really convinced. People tell you about talents, you tell people about the industry, others tell you about the industry, you talk about the connotation, and others talk about the connotation. What are you saying now that you are unprofessional, admire and admire it! Face, you are so invincible!”

“Hahaha, the talent upstairs!”

“I think he was right. This last name is really shameless.”

…The comments made by netizens did not make Duan Xu accept defeat.

His meaning is very clear.You Su Xinghe can be regarded as a poetry lover at most.

Unexpectedly, this guy is such a shameless person.

There is really no bottom line for literati! And just at this time.

A Weibo that no one thought of was suddenly posted.

Someone reposted Su Xinghe’s poem.

Zhou Qingyuan, Chairman of the Chinese Asian Poetry Association.

After he forwarded the poem, he circled Su Xinghe: “You 1.

7 finally got it off.”

At first, not many people paid attention to this Weibo.

But soon, as Zhou Qingyuan’s identity was exposed, more and more people noticed the news.

Everyone became curious.

What does Su Xinghe know Zhou Qingyuan? Can it be said that Su Xinghe is actually a fan of the poet Su Xinghe, a supporter of Duan Xu, and many netizens who know Zhou Qingyuan’s identity have left comments on his Weibo.

The purpose is naturally to ask him the meaning of that Weibo.

And Zhou Qingyuan, there is no nonsense.

I directly posted a photo of myself and Su Xinghe.

And attach a sentence.

“Ten years ago, he was already a member of the Chinese Asian Poetry Association!”

Weibo, it’s frying!

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