Chapter 258 Please take my knees! (4 more seeking subscription)

Since ancient times, writing has not been the first, and Wu has not been the second.

Many people know this truth.

This is especially true in the literary circle.

Those… literati, one by one, can’t wait for Laozi to be number one in the world, and rarely admit that they are inferior to others.

Therefore, when Liu Haitao said that Su Xinghe was the king of suspense novels, everyone felt that he was talking nonsense.

Especially the audience, they have more doubts.

“It’s too late, this editor.”

“Yes, isn’t this looking for black for our Star God”

“Modesty makes people progress, pride makes people retreat, isn’t it good to be humble?”

“Su Xinghe himself didn’t say that this editor actually gave Su Xinghe the title of king of suspense. Doesn’t he know that this will make many people misunderstand Su Xinghe?”

“How much did the program team give to this editor”

“I don’t think it’s the program group, but Su Xinghe may find someone to blow the wave.”

“It’s possible.”

The live broadcast room with nearly 90 million people can’t all be Su Xinghe fans, there must be black fans.

When they heard Liu Haitao’s words, they immediately began to bring rhythm in the live broadcast room.

03 Even Teacher He and others at the mushroom house are unbelievable.

“Ms. Liu, are you kidding me?”

He Jiong looked at Liu Haitao in shock: “What do I think, it’s a bit exaggerated.”

What he meant was to let this… Deputy Editor-in-Chief Liu give Yuan back what he said just now, so at least…Everyone has a step down, and this is the end of the matter. .

No more disputes will continue.

But it’s a pity.

Liu Haitao didn’t seem to understand He Jiong’s painstaking efforts.

Hearing He Jiong’s words, Liu Haitao frowned and looked at He Jiong: “Teacher He, you don’t understand this aspect. I really didn’t talk nonsense. This is recognized in the industry.”

It is recognized in the industry that Huang Xiaochu raised his eyebrows.

He is more mature and understands the minds of literati.

At this moment, he suddenly had an almost absurd guess.

But after all, it’s a live broadcast now. He couldn’t tell him, he just said to Peng Peng: “Peng Peng, you can check with Zifeng, is there any on Weibo… Suspense novel writers are paying attention to this matter.”

Hearing that Peng Peng picked up his mobile phone, he and sister Zifeng began to look at them separately.

After a while, the expressions of the two people became more and more exciting.

“What’s wrong, Peng Peng”

He Jiong saw the expressions of Peng Peng and Zifeng, he was a little surprised: “Is there any interest?”

What he is worried about is that someone publicly boycotts Su Xinghe after seeing the content of this live broadcast.

In that case, it is real.

“No, take a look at this.”

Peng Peng handed the phone to Teacher He.

In fact, many viewers in the live broadcast room are also watching Weibo at this time.

Famous suspense writer Cai Junwei: “Mr. Higashino has always been a senior writer I respect and admire. When I set foot on the road of suspense novels, I was…under his influence.”

Wu Banxian, the best-selling author of suspense novels: “I always thought that the king of our circle must be an old man, but I didn’t expect it to be a young man like Su Xinghe. It’s great! I believe that suspense novels will definitely get better and better. of.”

Beauty suspense writer Zhou Feifei: “I like Mr. Higashino’s works very much, and I like Su Xinghe’s songs very much. Now I find that my two idols are actually the same person, haha, so happy!”

Except for them, almost all the people who authenticated as unsuspecting novel writers on Weibo have posted Weibo, and the content also expressed their appreciation and admiration of Mr. Higashino, who is Su Xinghe, the king of suspense novels.

The audience was dumbfounded.

The stars of the mushroom house are also dumbfounded.

Even the fans of Su Xinghe friends who watched the live broadcast and knew about it were confused.

Why is this in the suspense novel circle, even a person who opposes this statement does not “Mr. Liu, what is going on?”

Looking at Liu Haitao, He Jiong asked curiously.

He was really curious.

What was going on with f*ck saw Liu Haitao smile slightly, sitting there, talking to the camera.

“Actually, everyone shouldn’t be surprised.

There is a reason why the authors of suspense novels agree with Teacher Su so much.”

“I think at the beginning, more than a decade ago, not long after the Internet emerged, many people didn’t know how small the category of suspense novels was.

Many writers of suspense novels, let alone support their families, can’t even provide for the minimum food and clothing.

It was the appearance of Mr. Higashino that broke this situation.”

“Mr. Higashino’s suspense novels, through unexpected layout, vivid characters, and incredible storylines, quickly become suspense novels, attracting a large number of readers, and they will have the popularity of suspense novels in the past ten years.”

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that Mr. Higashino is… the forerunner and founder of suspense novels!”

Everyone suddenly realized it, and then they understood why they mentioned Su Xinghe, these…The author of the suspenseful novel would be praised so much.

To put it bluntly, he is the one who digs the well.

You are eating water from other people’s wells, so you are not qualified to scold them, “Of course, there is one more thing.”

Liu Haitao saw everyone’s gazes attracted by him, remembering an anecdote, and said with a smile: “Mr. Higashino never shows up in front of the media, and never engages in signing activities.

But he used half of his own manuscript fees to set up a suspense novel reward fund.”

“Those… newcomers who can publish some works every year and have a very low income can use their own works to get some rewards from this reward fund, and use them to maintain their lives.”

Speaking of this, Liu Haitao shrugged: “In the days when the suspense novel was not read by so many people, Mr. Higashino sponsored too many people. Among these people, some have given up the suspense novel, and some, Has become a leader in the industry today.”

“Do you think these people, why don’t these people regard Mr. Higashino as the king of their own circle”

!!!He Jiong and Huang Xiaochu are speechless.

Even Zifeng and Peng Peng looked at Su Xinghe with shocked faces.

This person has too many secrets in his body! There are so many that you have to be convinced, he really has a way to hide these secrets.

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