Chapter 235 Godmother? (Please subscribe!)

“I want to recognize Qingqing as a goddaughter.”

Su Xinghe was stunned by Chen Shu’s first sentence.

Don’t talk about him anymore.

Even Huang Xiaochu, Teacher He and others are all dumbfounded.

What’s the situation? “No, Sister Shu, you are”

Su Xinghe looked at Chen Shu in surprise and asked.

He was really a little confused, what did Chen Shu think, “That’s it.”

Xiao Taohong smiled and explained: “You know, Chen Shu is not married and has no children.

So, I really like children, and our little treasure and her are also very good.”

“This girl, Qingqing, is so cute. Just now we were chatting here, so we proposed to let Qingqing recognize Chen Shu as a godmother. What do you think?”

While speaking, Xiao Taohong smiled and said, “We will talk about each other, and it won’t delay your getting along with Qingqing.”

At that moment “Nine Zero Three”

Su Xinghe even thought that he had heard it wrong.

Originally, he thought that Chen Shu would wait until the end of the filming of the show to propose to himself to admit his relatives or take Qingqing away.

But what does this mean now.

When shooting, I directly recognized Qingqing as a goddaughter. What kind of operation is this can be seen by Chen Shu’s appearance, Xiao Taohong seems to be right.

“This, I must have no objection.”

Su Xinghe hesitated for about ten seconds1, then smiled: “Qingqing likes it.”

In any case, Chen Shu is Qingqing’s biological mother, and Su Xinghe can’t help being recognized by her mother and daughter.

He really couldn’t be so cruel.

“I can.”

Qingqing smiled and said, “I like both the beautiful sister and the beautiful aunt.

It’s a pity that Sister Qianqian doesn’t want to be my godmother, brother, she definitely wants to be your girlfriend!”

Fuck, Wan Qian, who was originally watching the show, was not calm in an instant.

This f*ck! Whatever happened to me, in the live broadcast room, the audience suddenly realized something when they heard Qingqing’s words.

“Yes, I still find it strange that when Xiao Taohong was discussing with Chen Shu just now, why didn’t Wan Qian agree to it.”

“Haha, Qingqing is too witty.”

“Really, Chen Shu and Xiao Taohong really like Qingqing.”

“Nonsense, it’s me, I like it too.”

“At Chen Shu’s age, it’s normal to want a baby.

Don’t talk about her, just a child like Qingqing, who doesn’t like me, I want a daughter.”

“Oh, why is Qingqing so cute.”

“Seriously, I feel that after opening this hole, Qingqing will have more godmothers and sisters.”

“Haha, after that, to tell whether a female star likes Su Xinghe or not, it depends on whether he wants to be a godmother or a godmother.”

………This side of the mushroom house.

Wan Qian blushed like an apple and couldn’t help laughing.

“Then what, I just think I’m about the same age, I’m sorry.”

As an actress, Wan Qianguo found an excuse: “I’m still young.”

“Hey, do you think I’m old”

Perhaps Chen Shu took the initiative to tease Wan Qian because he was in a good mood.

“No no.”

Wan Qian shook her head quickly.

In any case, Chen Shu is a senior who debuted many years earlier than himself, and he is also older than himself.If this is really believed to be true, he does not respect others, and his reputation will be unpleasant.

“Okay, I said Mr. Chen, you are already a girl, so don’t bully others.”

How can Su Xinghe watch Wan Qian being “bully”

Ah, after all, this is a woman who has had skin close to herself.

“Good, good, I won’t say, I won’t say.”

Chen Shu laughed and hugged Qingqing and kissed him: “Qingqing, tell godmother, if there is any gift you want, godmother will buy it for you.”

!!! Su Xinghe is speechless.

Your performance is too obvious.

But fortunately, Qingqing’s popularity is not low, everyone likes her very much, and they all hope to have such a daughter.

In addition, many female stars who came to the show before, like Qingqing, are all out of words, so everyone…I don’t think anything is wrong.

In fact, in the eyes of many viewers.

If there is a chance, it is estimated that half of the female entertainers in the entertainment industry are willing to be Qingqing’s godmother or sister.

Don’t forget, she is Su Xinghe’s younger sister.

Just Su Xinghe’s popularity and status today.

Any artist who has something to do with him, how can you not believe that you are not popular? Look at Tan Songyun and Zhang Tianai.

Two artists who weren’t even second-tier Xiaohua, now they are notified that they are soft 0…This is proof of popularity.

Seeing Qingqing being accompanied by Chen Shu, pulling Xiao Taohong and the others to visit the orchard and the sea of ​​flowers, Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu looked at each other and all laughed.

This result was beyond everyone’s expectations.

Even if it was them, they didn’t expect Chen Shu to make such a choice.

“Come, come, cook, cook.”

Su Xinghe quickly calmed down and greeted Huang Xiaochu to cook with him.

Huang Xiaochu naturally had no opinion, and the two began to cook.

Wan Qian ordered chicken fir, Chen Shu ordered pork in pot, Xiao Taohong was a vegetarian.

The requirements of these three people are very different.

Coupled with what they want to eat, this meal has to be prepared.

…After dinner is done, it’s already an hour and a half.

Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu’s cooking skills are naturally nothing to say.

The delicious food with all colors and fragrances is there, and just looking at it makes people happy.

“Xinghe, your craft is awesome!”

Xiao Taohong said sincerely: “Today is really right.”

“Yes, I have a blessing.”

Wan Qian also happily picked up the chicken fir she ordered and tasted it.

“Eat slowly, eat slowly, and be careful to burn.”

Su Xinghe saw her eating in a hurry, and quickly said softly.


His sudden gentleness really shocked Wan Qian.

“Xinghe, what’s wrong with you”

The people around are also a little strange.

Huang Xiaochu asked in astonishment: “What irritated you, suddenly so gentle.”

Su Xinghe smiled and shrugged: “This is the only one who doesn’t want to be my sister godmother and takes advantage of me. Of course I should cherish it.”

Puff! As soon as they heard this, everyone couldn’t help it anymore, and they all laughed.

Peng Peng, who was drinking water, turned his head and sprayed out the water.

It happened to be sprayed on the body of the lantern.

The lantern suddenly turned out to be bad for the whole duck.

Who am I, where am I, what did I do wrong:, please give me a reward, please automatically subscribe! Chen Shu is my favorite actress, so sassy and beautiful! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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