Chapter 23 The theme song of “Sand Sea” (seeking a flower evaluation ticket)

“Teacher Su, I have finished filming the TV series. I can assure you that I will never disappoint your expectations!”

Zhang Qian said to Su Xinghe seriously.

“The problem now is that there is a missing theme song and an episode. I didn’t know before. Now that you are the third uncle, then I think that this theme song is undoubtedly the most suitable for you to write.”

He is really excited!

Zhang Qian has made many TV shows before, all of which are suspenseful themes.

“Grave Robber Notes” is his favorite novel, otherwise he would not persevere in sending a private message to Su Xinghe for two years, just to get the right to adapt the TV series.

“let me see.”

Su Xinghe sat there, but did not speak immediately, but closed his eyes.

The others were taken aback.

Someone was preparing to speak, but Huang Xiaochu waved his hand to stop him.

at this time,

Su Xinghe is communicating with the system.

“System, is there a theme song for “Sand Sea”?” Su Xinghe asked the system.

“Yes, “Let the Wine”, do I need to exchange it?”

The system quickly gives the answer.

“What’s the price?”

Su Xinghe continued to ask.

“The task is randomly selected…”

“Ding! To redeem “Let Wine”, the host needs to embrace a homosexual for one minute!”

The sound of the system caused Su Xinghe’s mouth to twitch.


This weird system always poses problems for myself.


Su Xinghe sighed silently.

Stand up and walk to Zhang Qian’s face.

Zhang Qian is somewhat inexplicable.

I saw Su Xinghe hugging himself suddenly.


Su Xinghe said to Zhang Qian.


Zhang Qian was startled, a little surprised.

The people around were also at a loss.

What does it mean?

Isn’t Su Xinghe thinking about songs?

Why did you suddenly get up and hug the director?

“Thank you for your persistence.”

Su Xinghe said to Zhang Qian: “When you sent me a private message, I knew that you really liked this novel. Now for a theme song, you can wait so long, which means I didn’t choose the wrong person! ”

What he said was a bit sincere.

Because I really didn’t expect that Zhang Qian would be able to resist the pressure not to broadcast the TV series because of a theme song.

“You flatter me.”

Zhang Qian didn’t expect that Su Xinghe actually said this: “Mr. Su, you wrote so well. If you don’t make the TV series well, I’m afraid I’m sorry for these long-awaited audiences!”

As soon as the two people finished speaking, there was an applause on the barrage.

“It’s the real conscience of the film and television industry!”

“This director is good.”

“Yes, it’s an ordinary person, so I can’t insist on it.”

“I hope there are more people like this in the film and television industry, instead of filming those dramas.”

“Looking forward to the broadcast of “Sand Sea”!”


It takes one minute to say whether it is fast or slow, nor is it slow.

Su Xinghe found a lot of topics there, and finally got through it for a minute.

【Ding! mission completed! 】

With the sound of the system, Su Xinghe had all the information of this song in his mind.

“Little Su…”

At this time, Huang Xiaochu asked Su Xinghe: “Have an idea?”


Su Xinghe nodded: “I have an idea, otherwise you will wait for me?”

“Trouble Teacher Su.”

Huang Zhenqi and Zhang Qian nodded quickly.

For them, Su Xinghe’s ability to personally compose lyrics and music for the face is already the best result.

As for the others,

Looks silly a long time ago.

“I only heard that those geniuses are inspired and can write a song in a few minutes. Do we have a chance to see it?” Teacher He said with emotion there.


Everyone followed Su Xinghe into the house.

Going to sit down in front of the piano, Su Xinghe began to think.

It seemed that he was conceiving, in fact, he was just recalling the music score in his mind.

After all, it can’t be seen by people, this is a song that has been written a long time ago.

After crossing, this is what he often does.

In the eyes of everyone’s expectation.

The piano sounded.

What followed was Su Xinghe’s singer.

And almost the moment Su Xinghe started singing, everyone was stunned.

And Zhang Qian trembled all over.

He knew only by listening to these few words and the sound of the piano.

Su Xinghe sings the song he needs!

PS: If the flowers reach 7000 today, five shifts will be made. Evaluation votes to 500, five more! Ask for flowers evaluation votes! *

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