Chapter 229 Kneel down and apologize! (7/10 subscription required)

Su Xinghe has never been a rational person.

It’s just that Su Xinghe likes to be alone because he has passed through and has a system.

And being alone for a long time will produce a sense of loneliness.

This kind of loneliness lingering deep in his heart made him accustomed to thinking.

Under normal circumstances, there is a fundamental difference between doing it after thinking clearly, and doing it without thinking.

But that is the general case.

Everyone has their own inverse scales.

And Su Xinghe’s Ni Lin is his family.

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He didn’t expect it either.

Su Xinghe’s reaction turned out to be so big! He said all the words of withdrawal from yearning, and it seems that he is really angry.

“Xinghe, Xinghe, don’t think too much about it.”

“Yes, Xinghe, Xiao Chen didn’t mean that.”

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He hurriedly ended the game.

What a joke! If Su Xinghe really retreats from the yearning, wouldn’t it be a big joke! Some time ago, everyone was united and fought against the penguin ban.

As a result, now, Su Xinghe actually withdrew from yearning! No! Absolutely not! The director is even more mad, and backhanded the director a slap in the face.

Pop! The sound of 903 sound is clear and crisp, and he is really angry when I see it.

“Asshole! Are you talking about human words?”

The instructor was about to be pissed off by him.

This Chen Haiyang relied on being a little relative to himself, and he was arrogant in the program group on weekdays, but in the face of Su Xinghe, he dared to say such things.

What a pig’s brain! “Director, me, I didn’t mean it.”

Chen Haiyang was already scared silly.

He didn’t expect that this sentence of his own mouth would cause such a big trouble.

Su Xinghe withdrew from the longing for the fucking trough! If that’s the case, let alone two slaps, it is estimated that the leader of Xiangnan Satellite TV will be able to swallow himself alive! He is the director’s confidant, but he knows it.

A few days ago, Su Xinghe went to the TV station, and the director personally met Su Xinghe, and decided to invite him to participate in the fifth season of “Longing for Life”.

As a result, for his own sake, Su Xinghe not only had to withdraw from the shooting of the fourth season, but even rushed to the program group.

The moment he thought of that scene, his eyes went dark.

What to do with this f*ck! He knows if he doesn’t let Su Xinghe right away.

Then there is no need for Su Xinghe to say anything, just on the TV station and the program group, I can’t stay there anymore.

Even, Shonan, who has suffered huge losses, will definitely retaliate against him.

This is beyond doubt.

Shonan Satellite TV has always been like this.

After all, if Su Xinghe quit the show, he would lose hundreds of millions of dollars.

With such a huge loss, Chen Haiyang felt that when he thought of the scene in his head, he estimated that even death would become a luxury by then.

Thought of this.

Puff! Chen Haiyang knelt down! “Teacher Su, Teacher Su, I was wrong, I really shouldn’t say that, please, just let me as a fart!”

Chen Haiyang repeatedly begged Su Xinghe for mercy in tears.


Compared with the way I will live in the future, it is nothing at all now! The deputy director of the “Longing Life” program group, if he loses such a good job, he will be banned by the TV station for revenge.

All fools know what to do.

!!! Su Xinghe did not expect that the other party directly knelt down.

Someone who was a few years older than him knelt there, begging himself with snot and tears.

Su Xinghe himself was helpless.

“Xinghe, you treat him as nonsense, and let him go this time.”

Teacher He said to Su Xinghe.

“Yeah, Xinghe, I don’t think he dared to talk nonsense, if you really talk nonsense, I won’t let him go!”

Huang Xiaochu thought for a while and said to Su Xinghe.

In any case, this surnamed Fan is the deputy director of the program group.Although he is from the TV station, he is actually from the production company.

Huang Xiaochu certainly can’t stand by and watch.

As for how the director took home lessons, that’s his business.

“Teacher Su, don’t worry, I will definitely not talk nonsense.”

Chen Haiyang decisively admitted.

At this time, he didn’t care much anymore.

As long as he can keep his job, let him do anything.

Frowning, Su Xinghe glanced at Chen Haiyang, and finally said faintly: “Director Chen, I can put the words here.

If there is any bit of news about Qingqing’s life experience, I can assure you that I will bring Qingqing to immigrate immediately.

Then, I will offer a reward of ten million dollars to kill you!”

“Do you think that when the time comes, will someone chase you for this money?”

At that moment.

Everyone saw that Chen Haiyang’s body trembled.

“Hahaha, just kidding, just kidding.”

Seeing everyone else around him was stunned, Su Xinghe gave a haha ​​and said to everyone, “I won’t do that, haha, unless Qingqing and I don’t plan to return to China again.”

Damn it! At that moment, a chill in everyone’s heart.

For: Su Xinghe, the bottom line of this person has a new understanding.

This guy is really going crazy for his family! “That’s good, that’s good.”

Huang Xiaochu was the first to react, winking at the director, and pulling Su Xinghe toward the mushroom house.

As he walked, he said to Teacher He: “Jongjiong, please discuss with the director how to ensure that the shooting at night will not go wrong.”


Teacher He nodded quickly.

Watching Su Xinghe leave.

Then he looked at the director: “Director, this matter must be handled well.

When shooting in the afternoon, the three of us will try our best to control the situation, but if you find something is wrong, you immediately cut into the advertisement and cut off the live broadcast, do you understand?”

“Okay, there must be no problem on my side.”

The director also nodded and said: “Teacher He, you must explain clearly to Teacher Su, I definitely don’t mean to use Qingqing’s life experience to hype, Xiao Chen is also a moment…

“I know.”

Teacher He sighed: “You guys, forget it all, Xinghe is an orphan, and Qingqing is… the family’s sustenance to him.

Think about it, how would you react if someone wants to attack someone in your family”

After speaking, he glared at Chen Haiyang, and walked towards the mushroom house without a word.

Things have reached this point, the following things are naturally to calm Su Xinghe’s emotions.

Don’t really shoot and break up like he said.

At that time, it will be the biggest loss for the entire program!: Ask for subscription, ask for reward! Evaluation ticket support!

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