Chapter 226 Distressed child (seeking subscription)

For the longing audience, the presence of flying guests is actually not that important.

This is not a joke.

It’s the fact.

These few people get together, even if it is chatting, it can make people feel very satisfied.

In particular, Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu from time to time teach their decades of life insights to Peng Peng and Zifeng’s sister.This kind of warm feeling between family members cannot be understood and experienced by others.

And Su Xinghe’s existence is like the eldest man in the family.

Excellent, independent, able to help younger brothers and sisters bear everything.

It’s like now, in his words, no matter…

Zifeng and Peng Peng didn’t work hard, and it didn’t really matter whether they succeeded or not.The important thing is that everyone is there.

“Do what you like to do, do what you can do, that’s enough.”

Su Xinghe said to Peng Peng and Zifeng: “One of the people, “Nine Zero Three”

Life is actually very short. Many people are already very difficult to live. As artists, being able to live like this is a kind of happiness in itself.”

The two young men didn’t quite understand what he said, and nodded as if they didn’t understand.

But Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He nodded in unison.

“Brother, what you said is so difficult to understand.”

At this time, Qingqing supported her chin with her hands, and said helplessly: “I don’t even understand.”



Everyone laughed.

Su Xinghe’s expression instantly solidified.

Just now, the atmosphere of educating Zifeng and Peng Peng that they spoke seriously and earnestly was broken in an instant.

“Ahem, this Qingqing, you are still young, you don’t need to understand this.”

Su Xinghe said helplessly to Qingqing.

After a pause, he remembered something and said to Qingqing: “By the way, Qingqing, you said, if your mother comes to pick you up, do you want to go with her?”

The little girl’s expression was dull in an instant.

Mother He, Huang Xiaochu and others were also stunned.

They didn’t expect that Su Xinghe would bring up this matter during the live broadcast.

“Fuck, what does Su Xinghe mean?”

“No, Qingqing’s mother is coming”

“Wait…, has someone contacted the Star God these days, right?”

“I have a strange feeling.”

“Yeah, why don’t you think the Star God is joking.”

“Qingqing’s mother, isn’t she from the entertainment industry?”

“No, I haven’t heard of it.”

The audience in the live broadcast room was also taken aback and began to speculate wildly.

After all, the popularity of Qingqing is not… just kidding, the little girl, with her playful and cute character, coupled with the identity of Su Xinghe who often broke the news, but she has a lot of fans.

Now that Su Xinghe talked about her motherhood, the audience suddenly became anxious.

Qingqing herself is not as excited as everyone thought.

Tilting his head, after thinking about it, Qing said, “Why can’t my mother stay with Qingqing?”


This time it was Su Xinghe’s turn to be embarrassed.

He can’t tell Qingqing that your mother is a star and can’t admit your identity before.

But the problem is that now Qingqing has been exposed to the public and has become a star.

in other words.

Even if Qingqing’s mother came, the mother and daughter recognized each other.

The next question is also a trouble.

After all, Qingqing wants to study and grow up, and the relationship between the two must be concealed.

This is what Su Xinghe really worries about.

“Brother, is my mother coming?”

Qingqing raised her head and asked Su Xinghe curiously: “Is it right?”

“I’m not sure about this either.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while, but decided to tell the truth to Qingqing.

Over the years, under his education, Qingqing is more mature and sensible than other children, especially in terms of parents’ cognition.She understands people better than other children.

Therefore, Su Xinghe does not intend to lie to her.


Qingqing nodded when she heard the words, and did not speak any more.Instead, she lowered her head and started playing with Dawei and Tianlong.

Everyone looked at each other, what kind of situation this child, just forget it, shouldn’t she cry and call for her mother? Actually.

Not to mention Huang Xiaochu and others, even the audience in the live broadcast room was surprised by Qing Qing’s calm and calm reaction.

After a while, after Qingqing took Zifeng to the side to play.

Teacher He looked at Su Xinghe and asked in a low voice.

“Xinghe, this…”

Su Xinghe shook his head: “It’s okay, Teacher He, don’t worry about Qingqing 0…”

“She is only five years old after all.”

Huang Xiaochu said.

“I have told her since I was a child, her life experience.”

Su Xinghe calmly explained: “Qingqing also knows that she was abandoned by her parents at the entrance of the orphanage.

But she understands the difficulties of her parents.

What’s more, her parents had named her Qingqing at that time.”

Everyone looked at each other.

Inexplicably, looking at the little… playing in the distance, everyone felt a touch of pity in their hearts.

Everyone was moved for her.

She is only five years old, but she has to understand certain decisions of the adults.

…………………… “Ring Ling Ling!”

At this time, the phone rang.

“A guest is here!”

Peng Peng stood up and ran in quickly.

Qingqing and Zifeng also heard it, and with Dawei and Tianlong, they also rushed into the house.

Su Xinghe’s hand holding the teacup trembled.He knew that if nothing else, Qingqing’s biological mother should be among the flying guests in this issue.

I just don’t know who the other party is.

Where the camera didn’t notice, Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He looked at each other, but no one spoke.

They are old rivers and lakes, and it is natural to see Su Xinghe’s unusual anti-1.

7 should.

You know, those who came before…guests, don’t care…

What a big coffee place.

Even if it is a world superstar like Taylor Swift, even if it is a top director like Quentin Tarantino, Su Xinghe has never been so flustered.

But now, Su Xinghe is obviously a little flustered.

Something is wrong! This is very wrong! In the opinion of Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He.

With Su Xinghe’s character, it is impossible to mention Qingqing’s mother during the live broadcast of the show for no reason.

Moreover, when I heard that there were guests coming, this performance was.

In this case.

Then the answer seems to be ready!:, please give a reward! Ask for an evaluation ticket! Ask for an automatic subscription! Play a game! Now at seven o’clock, the person with the most rewards can appoint Qingqing’s mother! Come on! See nothing Please download the underlined version of the novel

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