Chapter 221 Don’t come if it’s not popular! (7/10 subscription required)

Su Xinghe really doesn’t like socializing.

For him, this kind of unnecessary entertainment is completely a type of rejection if he wants to.

He understands what Teacher He means, he is kind, and hopes to help himself introduce some insiders.

But in Su Xinghe’s view.

These people are not familiar with themselves, and eating a meal is just to get to know them.

He has no interest in this kind of dinner.

In Su Xinghe’s worldview, knowing and making friends are two concepts.

to him.

This time I left Manyuan Village, in fact, to take Qingqing out to relax.

After all, it is a five-year-old child, and keeping her in the village all day is not a long-term solution.

In the next few days.

Su Xinghe pushed everything away and took Qingqing to visit the scenery of Shonan every day.

Occasionally the brothers and sisters are “nine zero three”

When people take photos, fans will follow them quietly without disturbing them.

Because before that.

Su Xinghe posted a message on Weibo.

[Hope my fans, don’t disturb my normal life, if you see me and Qingqing, please take pictures quietly, don’t make noise] This news soon spread in Su Xinghe’s fan circle.

His fans all know this guy’s temper.

after all.

He did this once ten years ago.

In the entire entertainment industry, probably no one cares more about privacy than Su Xinghe.

Although as a public figure, privacy is often a joke in Huaxiya.

But for Su Xinghe fans, they know too well who their idol is.

For: Su Xinghe, if he really feels that he is under too much pressure in the entertainment industry, then he will choose to leave.

Moreover, he left without hesitation.

After playing for four days, Juzizhou, Yuelu Academy, Taiping Street, Shonan Museum, these… tourist attractions, Su Xinghe all took Qingqing around.

Every day, two people leave early and return late. Driving Su Xinghe’s car prepared in advance is an addiction.

If it weren’t for Huang Xiaochu, who had returned from Yanjing, called.

Su Xinghe and Qing Qing still look reluctant to think about it.

But it’s a pity.

After all, the time to play is still limited.

The day to go home has finally arrived.

Several people met at the Shonan International Airport, looking at wearing sunglasses, big bags and small bags carrying a lot of things, Su Xinghe and Qingqing, the corners of Teacher He’s mouth twitched.

“This is the reason why you two have to go shopping by yourself without meeting me.”

Teacher He pointed to the pile of things being processed and said.


Su Xinghe smiled: “How, he, isn’t it particularly good?”

At this moment, Teacher He felt extremely helpless.

Huang Xiaochu smiled on the sidelines and was about to lose his anger, and said to Qingqing: “Qingqing, sister Duoduo can’t come this time, but she asked me to bring you a gift and go back to the mushroom house. I’ll give it to you, okay.”

Qingqing is very happy, after all, sister Duoduo still remembers herself, this is simply great news for her.

“Thank you Uncle Huang.”

Smiling sweetly at Huang Xiaochu, Qingqing was happy.

Huang Xiaochu is naturally very happy.

When he raised his head, he raised his eyebrows at Teacher He.

Teacher He was speechless.

This guy is really shameless.

I actually thought of using this method to please the children.

…………………… Play for fun, for fun, for fun.

After a few people got on the plane, they fell silent.

After all, if you return to Manyuan Village, the recording of the second half of the show will begin.

“Xinghe, the program team invited some guests as planned.”

Teacher He vaccinated Su Xinghe in advance.


Su Xinghe raised his eyebrows: “Teacher He, do you know the list”

“do not know.”

Teacher He shook his head: “The director called me and asked me to vaccinate everyone. What he meant, these are… the number of guests is not necessarily very big. , But at least… it was all on our side during this incident.”

Su Xinghe smiled.

He naturally understood the meaning of Teacher He’s words.


At this time, the director chose to call Mr. He, but he didn’t want to let him pass the message to him.

After all, the two people are not so familiar, and the relationship is not so close. Some things are hard to say straight 0… “I’m okay.”

Su Xinghe was silent for a moment, and then said to Teacher He: “My friend, I will entertain him when he comes.

If the show team needs it, I can also help invite some big names.

But for the guests invited by the program group, I will not be too proactive, but I will not stop shooting them.”

After a pause, Su Xinghe said again: “But I also hope you can tell the director.

Now “Living for Longing” is different. As the nation’s highest-rated variety show, our coffee positions must be kept above the standard no matter what.

Get a bunch of artists here, and I won’t know Mr. Huang by the time. Maybe it’s even more embarrassing…”

He said so, just in front of Teacher He.

In exchange for facing the director, Su Xinghe wouldn’t even mention it.

He will only wait until the guest arrives, ignoring each other.

It wasn’t intentional, but because Su Xinghe really didn’t think it was a big deal.

There are so many artists in the whole China department, you can still favor the Shonan TV, but don’t take Laozi’s show as a favor.

If a group of third-rate artists can be promoted on “Yearing”, there is no qualification to claim the first variety show, although it is a bit cruel to do so.

But Su Xinghe felt that this just proved the standard of yearning.

Moreover, the basic banner of itself is also the gathering of old friends.

You get a bunch of small fresh meat Xiaohuadan that everyone is not familiar with, is it interesting, teacher He can host Xiangnan Satellite TV 1.

7 The personal connections accumulated in the show “Happy Camp” over the years ensure that you will not be embarrassed.

But Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu can’t do it.

Huang Xiao Chuya looked at fifty years old, and you let him know those…18 youth idols, that is simply unrealistic.

As for Su Xinghe, this guy has been retired for ten years! Artists within three years of debut, regardless of whether they are singers or actors, in his eyes, they are no different from amateurs.

Because there is no recognition at all.

It’s not that Su Xinghe is arrogant, but that he really doesn’t know him.

And this is actually the biggest problem that needs to be worried about in the next recording.

:, ask for subscription, ask for reward, ask for evaluation ticket! Except for… subscription, all are free, please everyone! Especially flowers and evaluation tickets!

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