Chapter 219 Trip to Shonan (subscription required!)

Regarding… Mr. He’s proposal, Su Xinghe is………no comment.

He naturally understands what position he is yearning for now.

It’s not an exaggeration to say.

If you quit “A Longing for Life”, I am afraid that the popularity of the show will at least drop by half.

“Well, I will accompany you tomorrow.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while and said to Teacher He: “But are we going to Xiangnan. If so, I might have to bring Qingqing.”

“Anyway… rest for a week.”

Teacher He smiled: “Mr. Huang and I are planning to go home, and Zifeng and the others are also bothered.

, You might as well take Qingqing out for a walk, how about”


Su Xinghe thought for a while, and finally nodded.

He also understood what Teacher He meant.After all, after so long recording, everyone was actually a little tired.

Especially Huang Xiaochu, whose wife and daughter are both in Yanjing, it is impossible for people to not want their family members.

There are also Peng Peng and Zifeng, they also have business activities to participate in.

Not to mention Mr. He.

Basically, he himself…running back and forth, it was very hard work.

Taking advantage of the present, it can be considered a rest.

What’s more, the program team also needs a proper rest.Even if a group of staff members have bonuses, they can’t stand such a continuous rotation.

… Now that it has been decided, it is natural to do 903.

Everyone packed their bags.

Qingqing is quite happy, although she is reluctant to part with Dawei and Tianlong, but when she thinks that she can go to Yanjing to play, she is very happy.

Peng Peng and Zifeng were quickly picked up by the agent.

Then Su Xinghe and others rode in the car and headed to the airport together.

Although it is not the first time to fly by plane, Qingqing is still very happy when the plane crosses the sea of ​​clouds, yelling on the plane.

Fortunately, this is first class, with only a few of them.

Otherwise, Su Xinghe must teach them.

“Xinghe, you said you, why do you want to buy all the first-class tickets?”

Teacher He said helplessly to Su Xinghe.


Su Xinghe pointed to Qingqing: “Look at her so excited, if I don’t buy it all, people can’t laugh at it.”

Teacher He smiled.

Huang Xiaochu on the side smiled and said, “Don’t reason with him. This guy is too rich. If you don’t get a private plane, you will be content.”


Teacher He smiled and nodded.

Su Xinghe smiled shyly: Yeah, I actually have a plane, but there is no time to come…”

!!! Teacher He feels that his heart hurts.

“You actually have a plane”

Huang Xiaochu was also dumbfounded, he did not expect.

A joke turned out to be true.

“Well, I bought it before.”

Without a camera, Su Xinghe speaks more casually, saying faintly: “It’s convenient to go abroad.”

Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu were silent.

The happiness of the rich is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After an hour.

The plane landed slowly at Shonan International Airport.

The group of people got off the plane, and Teacher He said to Su Xinghe: “Let’s rest first, put our luggage away, and stay at my house at night.”

He lives alone and plans to invite Su Xinghe to live with him.

Unexpectedly, Su Xinghe shook his head: “No, I have a house here.”

The two people looked at Su Xinghe in surprise.

Su Xinghe said with a smile: “It’s at Huayuanhua Center. Isn’t this a yearning for participation? I wondered if I would come here sooner or later, so I asked someone to buy it.”

Hearing these words, the staff around Teacher He were all dumbfounded.

“What’s wrong”

Huang Xiaochu asked strangely: “This neighborhood is very famous”

Teacher He, with a wonderful expression, smiled wryly: “It’s not just famous, the average price is twenty-five thousand.

If it’s a little better, it’s about five or six. In case of a square meter, it’s almost time to catch up with Yanjing.”

!!! “It’s so rich!”

“Local tycoon!”

“Bought easily…the trench is inhumane!”

“The Star God is indeed a Star God!”

The staff around Huang Xiaochu suddenly started talking.

You know, it’s not just Su Xinghe and the others…The guests left Manyuan Village, and many people on the program team also got vacations.

Although the director did not come back, but the assistant directors all came back, just sitting in the business warehouse.

In fact, if it were not for Su Xinghe’s insistence, Huang Xiaochu and others were also in business warehouses.

After leaving the airport, everyone dispersed.

Teacher He called in advance, and his assistant had already prepared a commercial car, and took Huang Xiaochu and Su Xinghe and others into the car.

Su Xinghe saw this and sent a few messages out.

Originally, he had sent someone to wait around here, but now that Teacher He arranged it, then he wouldn’t do anything more.

Sitting in the car, Mr. He asked Su Xinghe: “Xinghe, what do you think about the next season of the show?”

In this matter, the three of them must reach a consensus in advance.

Now, the program of “Longing for Life”, to put it in a non-exaggerated way, is…Su Xinghe, plus the three people of He and Huang Xiaochu.

The roles of Zifeng and Peng Peng can be replaced, but the roles of the three of them are irreplaceable.

“I can participate.”

Su Xinghe smiled casually: “But it depends on the specific situation.”

Heard this sentence.

Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu looked at each other, and he was relieved.

What they worry about the most is… Su Xinghe said that he would not participate in the next season.

In that case, it would be a great loss to yearning! “I am a person nostalgic, as long as everyone is still: together, I will definitely not leave.”

Su Xinghe smiled, and said to Teacher He: “But let’s say it first. The premise is that the TV station and the program group, don’t trouble me.”

He was telling the truth.

If the TV station really thinks that you can squeeze yourself, you can just arrange some messy things for yourself.

Su Xinghe really can’t guarantee what he will do.

Teacher He smiled and waved his hand: “Don’t worry, the leader of the TV station is not a fool. How could it cause you trouble? They would like you to sign a contract right away.”

Huang Xiaochu also nodded: “Yes, don’t worry, with the two of us, it’s impossible for something like that to happen.”

Su Xinghe chuckled lightly, but said nothing.

There is a magical law of Murphy’s law in this world.

It’s… the more you are afraid of what will happen, the easier it is for something to happen.

No one can predict the future, not even Su Xinghe.

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