Chapter 212 Super Koi? (6/10 subscription required)

Although very reluctant, Su Xinghe and others can’t help it.

That’s it for doing shows.

In other words, in the entertainment industry, everyone must learn to adapt to separation.

Besides, it’s not that you won’t see it in the future.

Just like Guo De said when he first left, although we are separated now, maybe a few months later, we will get together again.

Su Xinghe agrees with this.

He has made up his mind now, no matter…

Whatever you do in the future, freedom is the most important thing.

Standing at the door of the mushroom house, waving goodbye to Xiaoyue and the others, returning to the pavilion, watching the remaining Huang Bo fight with Xu Shan, Su Xinghe said angrily: “I said, the two celebrities who are eating rice, Do I have to do some work in the afternoon?”

Huang Bo and Xu Shan are stunned.

What does it mean, why does the actor of Cengfan work “Don’t look at me like that.”

Su Xinghe hummed: “I came up with a good movie idea yesterday. If nothing else, there must be a box office of more than 1.50.9 billion yuan.

But this actor…”

“Teacher Huang, do you see if we cut some bananas in the afternoon”

Huang Bo whizzed to his feet and shouted to Huang Xiaochu.

“Peng Peng, put down the axe and I’ll chop the firewood!”

Xu Shan struggling to touch his big bald head, rushed to Peng Peng and left.

The behavior of the two of them immediately made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh.

“Hahaha, there is no ethics at all, these two.”

“What kind of ethics do you want, a script with more than one billion box office!”

“So confident, Star God!”

“Hehe, if you can get an Oscar for writing a script, you can also be confident.”

“Indeed, people are confident and awesome!”

“That’s right, those who are capable of acting are really awesome, and those who are not capable of acting are stupid.”

“I said well upstairs.”

The audience in the live broadcast room, but…

After all, Su Xinghe’s results are there, and they are indeed very successful.

Regardless of….

Whether he wrote the movie script or the TV drama script, it is there that have real achievements.

To put it bluntly, this kind of script writer who can make money for investors, regardless of whether it is an actor or an investor, is willing to cooperate with him, after all, it doesn’t matter if you make a movie…

No one wants to lose money.

Even if you are the king of sunglasses, you don’t want to be able to win both word of mouth and box office: it is only the kind of… true idealist who thinks that the box office does not matter, as long as the art is successful.

But the problem is.

Artistic achievements, can’t be eaten! Huang Bo and Xu Shan are not…the kind…people who patronize the pursuit of artistic reputation and don’t want the box office.

They are all grown-ups, what is the most important thing, their hearts are clean.

…………………… It’s a joke, Su Xinghe naturally can’t use the script to threaten Huang Bo and Xu Shan.

I have known old friends for so many years.

Su Xinghe can’t do this kind of thing.

He just added some fun to the show appropriately.

After all, anyway, the highlight of the Variety Festival is… these stars, now Su Xinghe lets them work, but it makes the audience watch them with great interest.

After all, Su Xinghe is familiar with these two people, no matter…

He made love, and everyone would only think it was a joke among friends.

Otherwise, if it was Peng Peng or Zifeng’s sister, it would be a bit embarrassing.

“what happened”

Teacher He went out to see all this, and asked a little surprised.

“This, I suddenly want to exercise.”

Xu Shanzheng smiled awkwardly and said to Su Xinghe.

“Ha ha,”

Teacher He smiled and waved his hand: “No need, just let Peng Peng do it, Teacher Xu.”


Xu Shanzheng smiled and shook his head.

Teacher He was a little strange, but since he said that, he couldn’t ask more.

“Xinghe, what happened to them?”

Walking to Su Xinghe’s side, Teacher He asked him strangely.

“It’s nothing, these two big stars mainly like to work.”

After speaking, he looked at Xu Shan and argued: “Is it right, Teacher Xu”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Xu Shan, who was sweating like rain and helping Peng Peng chop wood, nodded and laughed.

Teacher He smiled.

The ghost can’t see that Xu Shan’s fight with Huang Bo is not voluntary at all.

“Okay, Teacher He, just leave them alone.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “Let’s go to the back vegetable garden and tidy it up.

Recently, I have picked a lot of vegetables, and many places need to be sorted out.”


Teacher He naturally has no opinion.

Let Zifeng take Qingqing to look after the house, and Peng Peng competes with Xu Shan for chopping firewood.

Huang Xiaochu Huang Bo, together with Teacher He and Su Xinghe, the four went to the vegetable garden and began to organize.

Soon, they organized the vegetable garden, and a group of people returned to the mushroom house.

Once in the door.

Su Xinghe was stunned.

Because Qingqing was playing there with a girl, she made a giggle.

“Sister, come, come and chase me.”

“Slow down, slow down, I can’t catch up with you, you little bear!”

“Oh, who are you talking about”

“What about you, stinky girl!”

In less than a few words, two people, one big and one small, actually started fighting.


The fight is definitely not a real fight, it is two people glaring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Seeing them, Su Xinghe’s mouth twitched! “Yang Chaoyue!”

Su Xinghe snorted coldly: “How old are you, just like her!”


Qing and Yang Chaoyue personally saw that Su Xinghe was back, and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

“No, Xinghe, you know Chaoyue”

Teacher He was very surprised. He didn’t expect Su Xinghe to know this…now the popular Koi idol.

I haven’t heard of Su Xinghe’s relationship with Yang Chaoyue! “I don’t know him, I don’t know him.”

Yang Chaoyue hid in the distance, holding Qingqing’s hand, his head shaking like a rattle.

“Yes, yes, I don’t know him either, who is he and why he appeared in my house”

Qingqing was booing there.

The audience was dumbfounded.

What’s the situation?The two of them were performing a sitcom there. It was obvious that when Yang Chaoyue came to the mushroom house just now, Qingqing cheered and rushed to hug her warmly, calling sister Chaoyue.

As a result, now, I actually played it like this.

Taking a deep breath, Su Xinghe rubbed his head with a headache.

“Yang Chaoyue, if you do this again, believe it or not, I’ll call your grandma”

In the next second, everyone saw Yang Chaoyue, who was still arrogant just now, and instantly stunned.

Raise both hands up to Su Xinghe.

“I was wrong, boss!”

Yang Chaoyue’s words surprised everyone.

: The carp girl is still interesting, ask for a reward, ask for automatic subscription! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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