Chapter 209 Steaking a mandarin jacket (3/10 asks for automatic subscription)

Ginger is still spicy! This sentence is very reasonable.

In front of a group of old rivers and lakes, no matter how careful the “Yearing Life” program group is, they are still deceived by a few old foxes.

In the words of Su Xinghe.

This group of people doesn’t need to get together and whisper, just make eye contact to understand what role they should play.

For them, the performance of this kind of temporary sitcom is simply a piece of cake.

You don’t even need the lines.

Poor director, this wave of death is not injustice! Of course, the joke is a joke, the show must continue to be done.

After a rest, everyone should cook and clean up the yard.

After all, the program has a program flow.

Playing around is also within this range.

Regardless of this point, both the show crew and the guests know it well.

It is said that the people who work hard, the most intuitive manifestation is that everyone doesn’t talk much today, and there are not so many topics when eating.Even Huang Xiaochu, who likes to chat the most, also decisively chooses to eat.

Until they are full, this group of talents can be considered as 903 to relax.

Changed into comfortable clothes and shoes again, and walked back to the pavilion.

Teacher He took a few young people to clean up the dinner table, and served them iced fruits and cold drinks.

“Oh, it’s alive.”

Xu Shan slapped his stomach and said.

“Yeah, I didn’t want to go out just now, I just want to go to sleep.”

Guo Degang also touched his bald head.

“You guys, just…too lack of exercise.”

Teacher Yu drank the passion fruit water and squinted at the crowd.

He is actually okay, after all, everyone took care of him at an old age and didn’t make him too hard.

It was purely to deceive the show crew just now, so I was deliberately tired.

“By the way, Mr. Guo, would you and Mr. Yu give us a cross talk for a while?”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to Guo Degang.


Teacher He nodded quickly: “I think it’s OK.”

“Yes, I think you can add Xiaoyue, you three, how about it?”

Huang Xiaochu also nodded and said: “I have always liked Teacher Guo and Teacher Yu, this time I finally saw the deity.”

This proposal was naturally approved by Huang Bo, Xu Shanzheng and others.

Zifeng and Peng Peng immediately applauded.

Even the little girl Qingqing moved a bench and sat there.

“Qingqing, what are you doing?”

Teacher He asked Qingqing strangely.

“Listen to the story.”

The little girl blinked, her face serious.


Guo Degang was speechless.

Even the little girl said so, of course he couldn’t refuse any more.

On the director’s side, naturally, I wish there was such a thing.

After all, the combination of Guo Degang and Yu Qian is rare.

Soon, a table was prepared on the pavilion, as well as towels and fans.

“How do I feel that these are ready?”

Guo De just looked at those things and touched his bald head.

You know, the show crew just prepared the big gowns worn by the three people.If it weren’t prepared in advance, he wouldn’t believe it.

Huang Xiaochu smiled and explained: “I’ll talk about this for our director. After he received the news from the three coming, he secretly contacted several agents, so these things are all sponsored by Deyun. !”


Huang Bo was drinking water, but all of a sudden sprayed out.

Damn it! And this kind of operation looked at Huang Xiaochu in surprise, but from the other’s expression, he didn’t tell a lie.

“No, this is fine too”

Huang Bo asked Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe nodded, then smiled: “Bo brother, don’t worry, we haven’t contacted your agency.”

Upon hearing these words, Huang Bo let out a sigh of relief.

Then, I saw Su Xinghe lower his head and “mutter” in a voice that everyone can hear

Said: “Anyway… the… album you released, as well as early dancing videos, I have them all!”

!!! Huang Bo’s whole person is not good.

He now has the kind of impulse to walk away.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was laughing crazy.

“I feel sorry for my Bo, five billion actor, I was eaten to death by Su Xinghe.”

“This is the disadvantage of old friends for many years, black history or something, just come at hand.”

“It’s not…, who doesn’t have a few best friends”

“I look forward to it, Teacher Guo and Teacher Yu talked about cross talk in the mushroom house.”

“Haha, I feel that this time, someone is going to be unlucky.”

“No, the Star God will definitely not give them a chance, and will definitely guard against it.”

“Yes, and this is a live broadcast, and Qingqing and Zifeng are there. Teacher Yu dare not drive.”

…. On the side of the mushroom house, everyone is sitting there, waiting for the cross talk to begin.

“Audience friends, please enjoy the cross talk “Stealing a Man Jacket”, performer Guo Degang Yu Qianyue Yunpeng…”

As an announcer, Mr. He stood in front of the camera and spoke.



Amidst the applause, the three of Lao Guo 3 stood behind the table.

“Thank you for your enthusiasm. The three of us will show you a section.”

The one who spoke first was Xiao Yue.

“It’s not much time for the three of us to perform together.”

After that, he pointed to Guo Degang: “This… is my old teacher, that is my uncle.”



Teacher Guo nodded with Teacher Yu.

“Next, give the stage to my master, there is no way, he is the master, I am an apprentice, I am talking here for a long time, not letting him talk, I am afraid he will hit me…”

Xiaoyue shook his head with a helpless expression: “As you all know, this knee hurts because of someone being beaten!”


Everyone laughed.

Sure enough, listening to the cross talk of Deyun Club, Mr. Guo’s height is definitely not to be missed.

Guo Degang smiled slightly without being angry, and said to himself: “Um…, thank you for your support, this is my apprentice Yue Yunpeng.

Everyone knows that master and apprentice are like father and son, and apprentice and son are the same in my heart.”

After a pause, he glanced at Teacher Yu next to him, and said meaningfully: “Today, I am able to stand on this stage of yearning with my son. I am extremely excited…”

Fuck, everyone was startled first, then all burst into laughter.

This f*ck! Sure enough! Guo Degang’s cross talk does not pit Yu Qian, is it still Guo Degang’s cross talk: ask for subscription, ask for reward, ask for automatic subscription, evaluation ticket!

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