Chapter 207 Banned for a year! (1/10 for subscription)

When people are at different times, they can talk to different objects in their hearts.

Because at that time, the people around him were also different.

Just like Guo Degang now.

Once upon a time, the people around him were all brothers and friends, brothers and sisters who shared the joys and sorrows together.

And now.

As their status improved, those people also left because of various differences.

Of course, most people’s development is not as good as staying in Deyun Club.

But the same problem lies in.

At this time, none of the people who stayed with Guo Fatty were willing to talk to him.

Either an apprentice or a helper.

Talking and chatting, all holding him and following him.

It’s like the question Su Xinghe said today.

Didn’t you have it before?

It’s just that no one mentioned it: that’s it.

Perhaps in the hearts of many people in the Deyun Club, they think that fans should be pampered.As for those… viewers who buy tickets to listen to the cross talk, they don’t give gifts, and don’t care about their emotions.

Is this really the case? Of course not in case 09.

The development of cross talk to this day does not rely on the efforts of the so-called rice circle girls.

It’s the hard work of generation after generation.

Just like Guo Degang, he was able to become popular, and he was also desperate.

How many people were offended that year, and how many people were pleased.

To know.

The passers-by of Deyun Club was very good.

But with the influx of the girls in the rice circle, this kind of passerby is being exhausted a little bit.

The reason is simple, because these people are so crazy.

It’s like fans chasing stars, there is no logic at all, and the process and results of anything are also not considered.

As long as it’s done by idols, it’s…right.

After a long time, Guo Degang looked at Su Xinghe: “Xinghe, thank you.”

Lao Guo’s tone was heavy, obviously after careful consideration, he seemed to have made a decision.

Su Xinghe smiled: “You are polite, Teacher Guo, we are not outsiders.”


Guo Degang smiled and said to Su Xinghe: “Since I’m not an outsider, I’ll just say it straight.

That… disciple, I plan to let him rest for a year, when will he understand what is the most important thing for him, and when will he come back.”

That was his real apprentice.

In the end, he was banned for a whole year.

That is to say, Guo De had such courage just now! But just like Su Xinghe said.

If you don’t deal with this matter seriously, what the company will lose is the appreciation and liking of many games.

Su Xinghe is…Unexpectedly, Lao Guo would be so cruel.

“Is it a little hesitated? Su Xinghe said.

His original intention was to remind Guo Degang, but not… to let Guo Degang ban anyone.

Lao Guo waved his hand, but did not agree with Su Xinghe’s words: “It’s so heavy! But there is a reason for it.

Because some things are a matter of principle.

The audience is food and clothing parents, especially for people who talk about cross talk, they really point to the group of…fan girls, this cross talk has changed!”

“I, Guo, dare not do the thing that deceives the master and destroys the ancestor.”

“Xinghe, you are right in one sentence. Cross talk is an art and a precious legacy left by our ancestors. Even if we can’t carry it forward, at the very least, we can’t let people point to the backbone and say, see you, yes… .These people ruined the cross talk!”

Listening to what he said, Su Xinghe was in awe.

He really didn’t expect that Lao Guo had such an idea.

as predicted.

Everyone who is able to succeed has his own advantages.

Soon, Guo De just walked aside and started calling.

Although the Deyun Club has established a company today, Lao Guo, as the leader of the class, undoubtedly has absolute control over the apprentices under it.

To put it bluntly, there are dozens of apprentices, naturally he decides who to praise or not to praise.

After an hour.

De Yun Club officially announced that it will suspend the performance of two young cross talk actors for one year.

As for the reason, it was also clearly pointed out that the two did not respect the audience during the performance.

As soon as the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar.

No one thought that Lao Guo would be so cruel! “Fuck,! Really punished.”

“It’s too much, Guo Degang, even if you are a master, you can’t bully our Jiuxiang like this!”

“Yes, it’s too ridiculous. Why don’t we stop acting for a year? Let’s quit the club!”

“Yes, withdraw from the club!”

“A group of fans in the fan circle, do you have a brain without Deyun Club, what is your idol?”

“It is said that you do not forget the well digger, you people, you really don’t remember who made your corner red.”

“The rice circle is really disgusting!”

“A mindless idiot! It’s out of help!”

There are all kinds of comments on the Internet, but most people still support Lao Guo’s decision.

The reason is simple, because everyone knows that some things are indeed the bottom line.

………….. When the shooting started again, it was already afternoon.

Sitting in the pavilion, everyone is studying what kind of farm work to do.

“I can’t be idle when I’m idle.”

Huang Xiaochu calmly said to several guests: “The meaning of the program group is that since you are here, you have to work hard, otherwise, you will definitely not have dinner.”


Several people were speechless.

Huang Bo even blurted out: “Isn’t this the chief 903 worker of the landlord’s house? Your program group is Zhou Papi, right?”

“Wow! You can see it!”

Huang Xiaochu laughed exaggeratedly, and gave Huang Bo a thumbs up: “Xiaobo, I found your brain, it’s okay now!”

Huang Bo laughed angrily at what he said.

“Bo brother, if you want to blame, blame the director.”

Su Xinghe said, referring to Guo Degang and Yu Qian: “Mr. Guo and Ms. Yu are both old and forced to work in the orchard in the morning.”

Lao Guo nodded immediately: “Yes, Huang Bo, let me tell you that this program group is really too much. If you want to put me aside, you can’t bear it.”

“In that case, forget it.”

Unexpectedly, Huang Bo immediately died down, with a calm face: “Then let’s work together.”

Fuck, Huang Xiaochu, Su Xinghe and others were all stunned.

No one thought that Huang Bo had just protested so fiercely.

“Hey, this world is too difficult.”

Su Xinghe sighed and said with emotion: “Everyone is smart, it’s not easy to cheat!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Regardless of….

It was the people like Mushroom House, or the audience in the live broadcast room, they all laughed when they heard this sentence.

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