Chapter 17 Qingqing, be a man! (Seeking evaluation votes)

“Xinghe, you are too good!”

Teacher He gave Su Xinghe a thumbs up.

“Yes, Brother Su, your level is definitely this!” Peng Peng is also full of admiration. As an actor, he naturally knows that Su Xinghe is the strength that can only be achieved through hard work.

On the contrary, Zifeng did not speak. In her opinion, it is normal for Su Xinghe to be so powerful.

Yesterday Qingqing said, my brother can do everything and is omnipotent!

“elder brother!”

At this time, Qingqing rubbed her eyes and walked out of the room.

His sleepy eyes are so cute.

“Uncle He is early, sister Zifeng is early, and brother Peng Peng is early.”

Seeing everyone in the yard, Qingqing politely greeted everyone.

Then, trot all the way towards Su Xinghe.

“elder brother!”

Su Xinghe smiled and reached out to catch the little girl.

“Qingqingzao, wash your face, you can have breakfast in a while.”

After that, he said to Dawei Tianlong who was following Qingqing: “Dawei and Tianlong are also going to eat.”



A cat and a dog responded, and then ran to the side to eat.

The few people next to him are stupid.

The fan audience who just opened the live broadcast was also stupid.

“This, this also works?”

“Fuck! Dawei Tianlong, really refined!”

“They seem to be responding to Su Xinghe!”

“I served it!”

“I really like it, my house will be demolished!”


When they were talking, Zifeng quietly helped Qingqing to make up the washing water.

Su Xinghe was a little surprised, but she didn’t expect her to be so caring.

After washing, Qingqing happily sat in front of the dining table.

“Qingqing, what are you doing?”

Teacher He was a little surprised.

“Waiting for brother to make breakfast.”

Qingqing said with a happy face: “Brother’s breakfast is the best breakfast in the world.”


Everyone was speechless.

Su Xinghe’s appeal is so powerful, even if he is a sister, he doesn’t adore his brother so much, right?

Soon, Su Xinghe brought the cooked breakfast.

At this time, Huang Xiaochu also finished running and came back.

“Oh, Galaxy is ready.”

Huang Xiaochu said with a smile.

“Yes, Teacher Huang, wash your face and you can eat.”

“Well, well, I will taste your craftsmanship.”

Huang Xiaochu looked happy.

Oh, I finally don’t have to make breakfast every day.

In the live broadcast room, the audience looked at the hearty breakfast, and they were a little greedy.

“It’s amazing! This craftsmanship, I just want to eat it when I look at it.”

“I think that a woman who marries him will die of happiness.”

“Yes, you see Teacher He smiled.”

“I feel that Teacher Huang is the happiest person.”

“Yes, he finally found someone to cook for himself.”

“Haha, this season’s Teacher Huang has reached the pinnacle of life!”

Everyone is ridiculing, but you can really feel that Su Xinghe and Qingqing are in line with the rhythm of the four people longing for.

Everyone is in good harmony, without the jerky feeling.

Not only did the program not become bloated due to the increase in resident guests, but on the contrary, there was a taste of consummation.

Several people happily ate breakfast, and then began to clean up the house, preparing to welcome the first batch of guests of the mushroom house.

Qingqing, under the supervision of Su Xinghe, went to practice piano.

An hour later, the little girl appeared in the yard.

“Qingqing, are you done practicing?”

Zifeng asked her with a smile.

“Yes, Sister Zifeng, I can play very quickly.”

Qingqing looked proud: “Brother still praises me for making progress.”

“En, Qingqing is awesome!”

Zifeng smiled.

Then, she was a little strange, because Qingqing looked at herself and stopped talking.

“What’s the matter?” Zifeng asked concerned.


The little girl had reddish cheeks, shook her head, turned and ran.

Next, Qingqing will always appear next to everyone unconsciously, walking back and forth without talking, occasionally coughing, or making a little noise to make everyone notice him.

Su Xinghe knew what she meant as soon as he guessed it, and he just chatted with Huang Xiaochu there without clicking on it.


The little girl was no longer patient, and ran in front of Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu.

“Uncle Huang!”

“What’s wrong, Qingqing?” Huang Xiaochu asked strangely.

“When will Sister Duo Duo come?”

Qingqing asked with her small face up.

“It’s coming soon.”

Huang Xiaochu smiled.

He called his wife yesterday, and Sun Li rushed over with his daughter overnight.

“Qingqing, my sister is here for a while, how do you welcome her?”

Su Xinghe smiled and asked Qingqing.

Qingqing tilted her head: “I can ask my sister to eat a lot of fruits, and let her play the piano with me.”

After a pause, she sighed again: “But, but I am too young to move the fruit. The fruit is in the orchard.”

When she said this, she raised her hand and gestured for her height.


Huang Xiaochu laughed directly, this girl is really funny.

“What should I do then?”

Huang Xiaochu, who is in a good mood, joins in the fun.


Qingqing hesitated.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she saw an orange figure next to her.

“Dawei Dawei, can you help me carry the fruit back from the orchard?”

? ? ?

The orange cat’s pupils shrank, and the entire cat’s expression changed.

Bullying cats, don’t bring such bullies!

You are obviously older than me!

You actually asked me to help you carry the fruit!

Isn’t it good to be a person?

PS: The evaluation vote broke five hundred and five! 700 words ten more! If 1000, fifteen more! *

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