Chapter 15 Disputes and doubts (seeking flowers evaluation votes!)

Hengdian, Film and Television City.

The crew of “Sand Sea”.

This drama has attracted much attention since the beginning of filming. You know, this is an adaptation of the most popular online novel “Grave Robber”.

However, I heard that the TV series has been completed for two months, but it has not yet been broadcast on the stars.

I don’t know why.

“Director Zhang, don’t forget it, this theme song is just, you are so dragging, the TV station called us to urge us.”

In a hotel, the producer of the film crew of “Sand Sea” spoke to the director politely.

The reason why the TV series has not been shown is because the director is too persistent with the theme song of the TV series.


A firm expression flashed across Zhang Qian’s face.

“This play is the copyright that I finally got from San Shu. It must not be flawed!”

The producer looked helpless.

“I can read the previous song. The singer is a top-line performer in China, and the songwriter is also a well-known insider, so don’t hesitate.”

In desperation, he had no choice but to persuade Zhang Qian like this.

The two have been friends for many years, and he understands each other.

This “Sand Sea” is part of the “Tomb Robber Notes” series of novels. Before this novel was extremely popular on the Internet, and the author, the third uncle of the North School, has always been very mysterious and never accepts interviews, even if he is an editor of a publishing house. I don’t know his specific situation.

Zhang Qian relied on sending two full private messages to the Weibo of Beipai Sanshu, which finally touched others and gave him the film and television copyright of “Sand Sea”.

But if it drags on like this, the investors won’t be able to sit still.

“Well, it can only be so.”

After a long time, Zhang Qian sighed, and finally said helplessly.

At this moment,

The door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

“Director, I think I found a song that satisfies you.”


Zhang Qian’s expression changed, and he stood up and said to the assistant director who rushed in: “Really, what song? Who sang it?”

“No, director, I think there is someone who can definitely meet your requirements.”

As soon as the assistant director walked in, he said to Zhang Qian.


Zhang Qian was startled.

“Su Xinghe, is the singer-songwriter who retired ten years ago.” The deputy director said loudly.

“The one who wrote “Sunny Day”?” Zhang Qian was a little surprised.

“The one who wrote “East Wind Broken”?”

Even the producers were surprised.

They are all people in their forties, so they are naturally impressed by Su Xinghe who was in the fire.

At that time, Su Xinghe was the first musician to create the so-called Han-style songs. Whether it was “Blue and White Porcelain” or “Dongfeng Po”, it caused huge discussions in the circle.

Moreover, as long as Su Xinghe releases a new song, someone will immediately follow suit.

This is his appeal!

When Su Xinghe announced his retirement from the music scene, I don’t know how many people were grateful for it.

After all, the online singers of his generation, even if they are now the queen of heaven, would have to be suppressed by him at that time.

The pressure of that kind of terrifying influence is unimaginable for ordinary people.

“Wait, isn’t Su Xinghe retiring?”

Zhang Qian was pleasantly surprised and quickly reacted.

“I know, but he was found by The Longing for Life today!”

The deputy director quickly took out his mobile phone, found the Weibo hot search interface, and handed it to Zhang Qian and the producer: “Look!”

Zhang Qian took a look, and his expression suddenly became exciting.

“Buy a plane ticket! Let’s go there.”

Zhang Qian said decisively.

Anyway, I must convince Su Xinghe to write a song for myself.

The producer also nodded in agreement. Unlike Zhang Qian who simply thinks that Su Xinghe can create a work that fits the TV series, he is more concerned about Su Xinghe’s influence. After all, this is also a promotion for TV series.


Su Xinghe has taken a break here, but the discussion about him on the Internet has intensified.

I don’t know when, someone started discussing on Weibo about whether Su Xinghe would have a concert.

After all, Su Xinghe was the hottest online singer.

Although he has never appeared in public, he has a lot of fans.


This matter rushed into the hot search on Weibo, and there was a super chat.

Similarly, many so-called industry insiders have also been recruited.

“Hehe, an online singer, who has been mad for ten years, and wants to have a concert. Let’s dream about it!”

“What’s wrong with the online singer, why can’t he hold a concert?”

“Upstairs, you need to know what an online singer is! Don’t look at your Su Xinghe’s works online, but I ask you, has he sold an album?”

“Aren’t you nonsense? Su Xinghe has never released an album. All of his works can be heard online for free.”

“Yes, you can listen to songs for free. Why do you have to pay to listen to them live? Do you have a problem with your brain?”

“But, that’s Su Xinghe!”

“What about Su Xinghe, it’s still outdated! It’s not his time now!”

Except for Su Xinghe’s iron fan, most people are not optimistic about his ability to hold a concert.

Some people are even questioning that this time Su Xinghe’s appearance is really a coincidence. Maybe he has communicated well with “Longing for Life” in advance and deliberately acted.

Anyway, most of the variety shows are booked.

This kind of remarks gradually fermented on the Internet and intensified.

PS: Daddy readers, please support flowers and evaluation votes! Especially evaluation votes! Today’s evaluation votes to five hundred, I will make ten more! *

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