Chapter 1 The mushroom house was burned! (Seeking flowers evaluation ticket)

Xishuangbanna, a village named Manyuan.

The scenery here is beautiful, although it is remote, the transportation is fairly convenient.

Spring blossoms and beautiful scenery.

At the foot of the mountain not far from the village, there are a few wooden houses.

Outside the wooden house, there is a vegetable garden and a sea of ​​flowers.

Colorful and beautiful.

Not far away is a gurgling stream with rippling water and occasionally a few small fish swimming by, which has a unique flavor.

Not far away, there is an orchard, and there are many fruit trees in that kind.

From a distance, this place seems to be a paradise described by Tao Yuanming.

The traffic on the rice paddies, the chicken and the dog hear each other.

This is the location chosen for the fourth season of “A Longing for Life”.

According to the plan, today they are about to start the official filming.

But at this moment,

A group of people, facing the wreckage of the mushroom house, were dumbfounded!


For the villagers in Manyuan Village, the news that there is a variety show to be filmed here has already been known in advance.

After all, a few months ago, there were construction teams here to build houses.

Moreover, the film crew also brought a lot of things.

Even several heads of livestock and poultry were brought over by vehicles.

But there was a big fire last night.

However, the efforts of the entire film crew for several months were completely wiped out!

“Hey, this is a mess.”

“Isn’t it? Fortunately, it didn’t hurt anyone.”

“The fire last night was so scary!”

“I heard that those few beasts were almost burned to death. It was the crew of that crew who just rescued them.”

“As for that?”

“You don’t understand, they are called pets. I heard that it costs tens of thousands to raise them for a month, which is more than our living expenses for several years.”

“My god, I’m not as good as a brute.”

“How did it catch fire, you know?”

“It seems to be a circuit problem.”

“Oh, is Qingqing okay with such a big fire?”

“No no, Qingqing is fine.”

“Fortunately, Qingqing is not injured. If this child is injured, it will be too distressing…”

A group of villagers watched there and communicated from time to time.

When mentioning Su Xinghe and Su Qingqing, the villagers would smile.

Especially when you talk about Su Qingqing, everyone can’t help but think of their children.

In front of the mushroom house.

Director Zhang Tianqi stood there, crying without tears.

The resident guests have already set off and will be there in a while.

But there was an accident last night,

Mushroom house,


According to today’s plan, they are going to shoot a pilot film.

Moreover, the program team also officially notified the outside world that today’s shooting was live broadcast.

In the first season of “Longing for Life”, a simultaneous live broadcast was conducted, and the effect was very good.

After that, almost all variety shows have adopted the live broadcast mode.

According to today’s shooting plan, it is normal that the resident guests come here to familiarize themselves with the environment and introduce the situation of the mushroom house.

The result is better now.

A big fire, chicken fly egg fight!

It’s not about money at all!

Millions of viewers are now waiting in the live broadcast room, what should they do?

“Can’t wait like this.”

At this time, Huang Xiaochu came over and whispered to the director.

There are still half an hour before the broadcast, and there are now millions of viewers waiting in the live broadcast room.

If it is exposed,

That’s a live broadcast accident!

“How to do?”

The director looked at the assistant director next to him.

“It will take at least a week to fix this side.”

The deputy director had already communicated with the person in charge of the construction team and gave the answer at this time.

“That won’t work.”

The director shook his head.

At this time, Huang Xiaochu looked far away.

Rubbing his chin, he walked to the side and muttered with Teacher He Jiong.

After a while, the two of them walked together on another path not far away.

Behind them, Peng Peng and sister Zifeng also followed.

Walking along that road, there is a strong fragrance of flowers all around.

Not far away, they saw a wooden house not far away.

Behind the wooden house, there is an orchard.

Red and green peppers, apple trees, watermelon, cantaloupe and other fruits and vegetables, all have everything you need.

This place is simply more abundant than the original vegetable plot of the mushroom house.

What surprised them even more was that there was a creek beside the wooden house.

“This place is so beautiful!”

Sister Zifeng blurted out with emotion.


Huang Xiaochu nodded.

Then, he looked at the director who followed him and waited for humanity,

“Director, what do you think, let’s discuss with the landlord here, how about renting for a week?”


Rent a mushroom house?

Suddenly, several people were stunned.

But then, they began to nod frantically.

“Yes! I think it’s OK!” Teacher He said.

“I think so too.” Peng Peng looked excited.

“I like it here.” Sister Zifeng is even more direct.

The director thought for a while, nodded, and instructed the assistant director beside him.

“Go and call the film crew over!”

“What are you going to do?”

Huang Xiaochu looked at the director in confusion.

“Live rental!”

Said the director.


The mushroom house group of four was stunned.


They suddenly felt that this proposal looked good.

If it’s really a live renting house, it’s not a bad idea.

Soon, the film crew rushed over.

“Prepare, start the live broadcast.”

The director simply ordered the camera crew directly.

Following the camera crew next to them, quickly turned on the camera.

In an instant, an image finally appeared in the live broadcast room.

The audience’s barrage was also brushed up.

“It’s not easy, it’s finally on the air!”

“Hey, this is the mushroom house.”

“Yes, I heard that this year’s mushroom house is very good.”

“I hope I can invite Naza, I like her very much.”

“But the scenery here is so beautiful, I feel that the place chosen by the program group this time is really great! I hope our program will get better and better!”

“Sister Zifeng has grown up and feels more beautiful!”

While everyone was discussing, Huang Xiaochu stood there and explained to everyone.

“Dear viewers, let me tell you the unfortunate news that the mushroom house provided by the previous program group has been burned by fire because of an accident…”

The camera turned to take a picture of the wreckage in the distance.

“Fortunately, Susu and Xiaopiao are all okay and were rescued. After consultation, we decided to look for a new mushroom house nearby. It is the wooden house that everyone is seeing now. We plan to ask the owner here if we can Let us here for a while.”

Huang Xiaochu pointed to the wooden house in front of the camera and said.

This wooden house is a two-story building, and it looks very emotional.

And at this moment, a burst of music rang…………

PS; newcomer new book, ask for flowers evaluation votes! *

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