All of a sudden, everyone did not dare to underestimate "Bright Sword"!

The directors of major stations sent their subordinates to the Internet to inquire about "Bright Sword"!

As soon as I inquired, on the entire Internet, in the past two days, basically one-third of active netizens were talking about "Bright Sword" and had talked about "Bright Sword"!

And, like the last "Immortal Sword", this time, the publicity of "Bright Sword" mainly relies on the publicity of these active netizens!

"Have you seen Bright Sword? I lean, I blow up this drama, my special lady's first time to watch such a sensual anti-war film!! "

"I looked at it, I watched it with my grandfather, originally I was just accompanying my grandfather, but I didn't expect it, but I trapped myself in it, it's really good-looking, Li Yunlong thief is funny, hahaha!"

"This drama is really good, I go out now, I see our old men sitting together, and they are all talking about this drama!"

"Yes, the old people on our side also said one by one that this drama is really good, and it is really a confrontation war with great respect, whether it is actors or prop costumes!!"

"So good-looking?? Then I'll take a look with me tonight! "

"Really recommend, very!"

Compared with the number of netizens who talk about "You Are My Darling", the number of netizens who talk about "Bright Sword" is several times more!

And, unanimous praise, all praise!!

With the emergence of more and more posts about "Bright Sword" on the Internet, the director of Mango Satellite TV is gradually panicked!

Opening the trumpet, the mango stage director ran to Weibo and asked netizens why they all began to watch "Bright Sword"

As a war film, shouldn't the audience of "Bright Sword" be small?

As soon as the neck of the mango stage chief trumpet was fired, all of a sudden, many people he had added before replied to him below!

"Although "Bright Sword" is a war film, I can't resist him looking good!"

"Yes, the first time I watched such a war movie, Li Yunlong was really pleasant, and it was very cool to watch!"

"Probably because "Bright Sword" is more brainy? The drama "You Are My Darling", compared with "Bright Sword", really: . Very naïve .."

Looking at the replies one by one, the mango director's eyes also widened.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was a little unable to understand the TV market!

At night, Mango TV and Cane River Satellite TV continued to broadcast two dramas, all of which were the fifth and sixth episodes.

The next day, the ratings were out!

The rating of Mango TV's "You Are My Darling" dropped from 1.83 to 1.79.

And the yield of Cane River Satellite TV's "Bright Sword"... It is to continue to explode, root down!

On the first day, "Bright Sword" only had a rating of 1.3, which was still because of the bonus of Zhao Changhuan's fame, as well as the bonus of Cane River Satellite TV itself!

On the evening of the next day, "Bright Sword" directly soared by 0.54 viewers, and the ratings broke a record to 1.84

On the third day, the ratings of "Bright Sword" continued to skyrocket, this time directly adding 1 to 2.84!

The moment the ratings of the third day of "Bright Sword" came out, all the directors of TV stations were dumbfounded!

Everyone couldn't even be shocked at this moment!

Four words in everyone's mind, can't believe it!

When the shock is too great, people will directly fall into the second level of shock!

Numbness, sluggishness!

In addition to ignorance, it is still ignorant!

Subsequently, the director of Blue Mountain TV regretted his gut and regretted why he was not bold in the first place!

And the director of the mango stage fell directly into deep self-doubt!

Once upon a time, the director of Mango Stage belittled the anti-war film to the bottom of the mountain and held the idol drama in the sky.

Once upon a time, the director of Mango Station claimed that his 800,000-episode idol drama was enough to beat "Bright Sword" bought by Cane River Satellite TV for 2.2 million episodes!

But the result?

As a result, now, "Bright Sword" crushed his idol drama in the stage!

Not only crushing, but also directly crushing "You Are My Darling" can not even foam!

Here, major TV stations are crazy because of the ratings of "Bright Sword".

On the other hand, netizens are crazy because of the drama "Bright Sword" itself.

"No, I'm going to die laughing, Director Xiao Zhao's new film is really good-looking, and the role of Li Yunlong is really popular!"

"I watch "Bright Sword" with my grandfather every day now, really, this is a TV series that the whole family can watch!"

Due to the crazy recommendation of the majority of netizens, the audience who watched "Bright Sword" on the third day was already very large.

After the end of "Bright Sword" on the third day, netizens continued to frantically play "Bright Sword" on the Internet!

And, after a few days of judgment, netizens found that Zhao Changhuan really didn't lie this time!

He really hasn't filmed much abuse, "Bright Sword", it's really not a tearjerker film!

All of a sudden, there are more netizens who recommend "Bright Sword"!

"Everyone go and watch "Bright Sword", Director Xiao Zhao didn't lie, his new drama is really not cruel!!"

"Yes, instead of abuse, on the contrary, the thief is cool, the thief has a feeling, the thief is funny!!"

"Highly recommend "Bright Sword", it's really not cruel, friends who are watching, don't wait and see, hurry up and watch it while you haven't acted at a few levels!!"

At the beginning, one person said that "Bright Sword" was not abused, and everyone only felt that this person was fooling people.

But long, more and more people say that "Bright Sword" is not abused, everyone can't help but believe it!

Some netizens who chose to wait and see were directly happy at this moment!

"Lying in the groove, not abuse? Then I have to watch it, I'll watch it tonight! "

"Me too, I watch too!!"

"+1, I'm worried that I have nothing to do, I'll watch the bright sword with my family in the evening!"

Under the excitement of netizens, on the fourth day, prime time, Cane River Satellite TV's "Bright Sword" broadcast the seventh episode. _

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