Seeing Li Yunlong's vent here, Li Yunlong's roar!

In the audit screening room, everyone finally couldn't bear it!

The nose keeps calling, it keeps being sore, and the tears don't listen to the call, and they can't stop flowing down!

The three old men were already in tears at the moment, and the juniors of the three old men were no better!

With sour eyes, everyone spent the episode.

Subsequently, the plot of "Bright Sword" is less abusive.

Compared with the first half, the plot of the second half of the "Bright Sword" drama version is slightly weaker.

Time ticked by, and it soon got dark.

"Bright Sword" has not yet been fully watched, and everyone in the screening review room decided to continue watching it tomorrow.

However, when he went out, Old Master Yang suddenly stopped at the door.

Seeing Old Master Yang who stopped and did not leave, everyone was a little confused.

After a few seconds of silence, Old Master Yang finally raised his head and spoke: "Everyone has watched so many episodes of "Bright Sword", now, what are your feelings?" "


Hearing Old Master Yang's question, everyone was stunned.

What, why did Old Master Yang suddenly start asking them questions?!

The first to answer Old Master Yang's question was Zhao Lao: "If you feel it, it should be that you think he filmed well, I have never seen a war film that can capture my feelings so much, this war film, how to say: Hey, I think, it's a bit of the meaning of the war of resistance! "

On the side, Elder Zhao also nodded and agreed: "Whether it's character selection, or prop costumes or something, this drama is very good, he.. I changed my concept of anti-war films, and for the first time, I felt that the directors in the entertainment industry did not insult the words of anti-war war. "

"Respect for history, respect for intelligence, respect for audiences."

The director of the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department replied.

Subsequently, Governor Li and others also expressed their views.

Everyone's opinion is different, but no matter what the opinion, the final result is one!

"Bright Sword" is good-looking, and it's not as good as the special lady!

Hearing everyone's answer, Old man Yang nodded: "Everyone, what I said is very good, old man I have lived for so long, I have watched countless anti-war movies while sitting at home, "Bright Sword" is the first one I recognized, originally, I thought that Zhao Changhuan's kid was grandstanding, but now, after so many episodes, I found that he really has a few brushes! "


"This has nothing to do with my question just now!"

As he spoke, Old Master Yang's words suddenly changed: "I asked you how you feel when you see "Bright Sword" now, this question, not you, do you think this drama is good, but ask you, watch "Bright Sword" and see now, you... Abuse is not abuse!! "

Is "Bright Sword" sadistic?

Hey, you said it earlier!

Everyone burst into laughter!

Li Lao covered his stomach: "I cried twice when I saw the abuse, do you say he is not abused?" "

Zhao Lao: "My tear stains are still there, do you say he is not cruel?" "

"Right? Pretty sadistic, right? Everyone is angry, right?!! "

Old man Yang suddenly came to his senses: "So, now, everyone, do you have an impulse to find this.." This what: Director Zhao: Go hack his impulse?!! "

"Don't say anything, Dad, leave now."

Lieutenant General Yang waved his hand directly.

When he watched "Bright Sword", his favorite was the monk.

As a result, Zhao Changhuan shot the monk to death for him!

When he saw the monk die, Lieutenant General Yang pumped the whole person who was not abused!

Really, there is nothing more to say, to treat a director like Zhao Changhuan who specializes in abusive people, Lieutenant General Yang just wants to pick up a knife!

One by one, all cut!

"This little Director Zhao, you should be mentally prepared when you watch his film."

Governor Li spoke.

Hearing Governor Li's words, Elder Li was a little unhappy: "What do you mean by this?" "

"It's not interesting, I mean that Zhao Changhuan filmed "Bright Sword" this time, I have to say that this drama is not cruel, not tear-jerking, serious, hurt our hearts!"

Governor Li's attitude changed instantly: "Like Lieutenant General Yang, I don't say anything, I know his father, I know where his home is, go!" "

Chairman Zhao: "Go!" "

After the unanimous consent of everyone, in the end...

Everyone in the screening room actually directly formed a group, and set off directly to Yaodu!

Zhao Changhuan of Yaodu did not know that a large number of big people would soon come to his house and ask him why he filmed "Bright Sword" so abusively.

Now, Zhao Changhuan has just finished writing the first chapters of the five women's books.

Since the content of the five books is already in his mind, coupled with Zhao Changhuan's own hand speed is very fast, so when Zhao Changhuan writes these five books, the speed is simply the same as flying!

"The account of the Sail sends "East Palace", and the account of the Rock Kingdom sends "Scourge Country"

"Obi Island sends "Sadness Against the River", Kaboosi Swim sends "Can We Not Be Sad"

"Finally, the account of Ola Star issued "Ten Years of One Pin Wen Ruyan"."

After arranging everything, Zhao Changhuan released all five books, each of which sent out a few chapters.

Then came the cover of the five books.

Zhao Changhuan is also not ready to find an artist, she has god-level comic creation technology, and her ability to draw is very strong.

After making five covers simply and quickly, and uploading all the covers to the five books he released, Zhao Changhuan laughed beautifully.

Soon, one of Zhao Changhuan's five novels had a click.


Five minutes later... The clicks of five novels, added up to ....

The one who also has a special lady!

All of a sudden, Zhao Changhuan was not calm, he finally wrote it, but it was not exposed, where is this?!

Without any nonsense, Zhao Changhuan immediately picked up the phone and called his assistant Liu Yue.

"Liu Yue, help me make an advertisement, promote something"

Liu Yue: "Okay, Director Xiao Zhao, I don't know what you want to promote this time? Is it "Bright Sword"? "

Zhao Changhuan denied Liu Yue: "No, it's five women's novels." "

Liu Yue: "??? "_

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