Although the overall level of the movie "Big People" is average, it is indeed popular with Zhao Tai played by Bao Bell.

In this drama, Zhao Tai, a rich second-generation character, is really graphic.

And the lines in this drama are indeed very classic.

"The consumption of the whole audience tonight will be paid by Zhao Gongzi!"

"If you don't say it, I didn't even know I was so powerful!"

"You're a big man!"

These lines, each of which is released, can make people think of Zhao Tai.

After eating and sending his parents away, Zhao Changhuan returned to the crew.

After an afternoon of filming, overnight, Zhao Changhuan worked out the scripts of "Big People", and then sent it to Old Zhao.

Xie Shuisheng is a member of the old Zhao family, and Lingyue Company is also part of Changhuan Media.

Sooner or later, Changhuan Media is Zhao Changhuan's, so these actions of Zhao Changhuan are actually helping themselves in the end.

Through Xie Shuisheng's matter, Zhao Changhuan also understood a truth.

That is, the script he pulled out in the future is useless to himself, but it is not too bad, and he can shoot it for other directors under the company.

Anyway, the shooting is all from Changhuan Media, all of them are under him, and he will not lose at all.

After finishing the script of "Big People", the next day, Zhao Changhuan filmed "Bright Sword" again

Today, they are going to shoot a very touching scene!

That is, in the play, Zhao Jiayu's fellow villagers were slaughtered, the independent group was scattered, and Li Yunlong had to attack the county town, but his wife Xiuqin was caught by the devil!

In this scene, Xiuqin shouted to shoot at me, and finally Li Yunlong endured his grief and shouted to shoot!

Although in later generations, this plot was ghostly by many people, whenever this plot was broadcast on the TV series, the audience could not help but moisten their eyes.

"Fire !!"

When Li Youbing played Li Yunlong and shouted out to open the gun, this scene was completely filmed.

After filming, the actors of the crew were a little teary.

After this scene was filmed, it was still early, and there were other scenes to be filmed, so soon, Zhao Changhuan began filming the next scene.

In the previous life, the "Bright Sword" on Earth was started on December 20, 2004, and the final completion time was May 2005.

It took a total of five months.

In this life, Zhao Changhuan's "Bright Sword" is faster.

Because the shots are not costly, the actors are a weak one, plus funds, props, and all reserve resources are sufficient, Zhao Changhuan's system director's divine skills bonus, a total of filming, Zhao Changhuan finished filming "Bright Sword"

Full of fast gunner, full of Zhao Changhuan style.

As soon as the filming of "Bright Sword" was announced, there were no reporters who blocked Zhao Changhuan and the actors of the "Bright Sword" crew outside the venue.

"Director Xiao Zhao, what is your expectation regarding the rate of Bright Sword?"

"Director Xiao Zhao, do you have confidence in this anti-war film of yours? Is this anti-Japanese war film of yours an anti-Japanese drama?! "

"Director Xiao Zhao, is this new film of yours still a tearjerker film?!!"

Faced with the reporter's question, Zhao Changhuan was not chaotic or busy, and answered one by one.

"First of all, the ratings of any TV series, before it is broadcast, guessing is inaccurate, and I dare not arrogantly guess the ratings of "Bright Sword"."

Zhao Changhuan's answer was very official.


That is, when the reporters thought that Zhao Changhuan's answer, like everyone else, was a bland coping, suddenly, Zhao Changhuan came to a but!

"I think that my "Bright Sword" and the ratings should easily break the record of Chinese anti-war films ever."

As soon as you open your mouth, you will break the record!

Zhao Changhuan, or Zhao Changhuan!

Regardless of whether Zhao Changhuan is confident or arrogant, in short, this is big news!

The reporters wrote down Zhao Changhuan's words.

Later, Zhao Changhuan answered other questions from the reporters: "As for the question of whether it is an anti-Japanese drama, if you are a derogatory divine drama, he is definitely not, but if you are a positive one, yes, he is very godly, the kind of god of Niubi!" "

"And tear gas."

"This film is not tear-jerking, he is very good and humorous."

Under the reporter's lens, Zhao Changhuan showed a weird smile.

This time, he was going to dig a hole for the audience.

A good film like "Bright Sword" naturally has to pull more audiences into the pit.

The audience can't say that Zhao Changhuan is deceptive, after all, there are some lighthearted plots in the drama "Bright Sword", which is indeed very humorous.

Soon, the interview was over.

The news of the completion of the filming of "Bright Sword" and the reporters' interviews with Zhao Changhuan soon reached the Internet.

Seeing the reports of online reporters, netizens suddenly felt a groove in their hearts!

"Director Xiao Zhao's new film is here again?? Anti-war films are made so fast?!! "

"Little Director Zhao, or you Little Director Zhao, the name of the fast gunner is not blown!"

For Zhao Changhuan's speed, netizens have gradually become adaptable, and other directors in the industry have also become immune.

But for Zhao Changhuan, this interview.....

"Just filmed, before it was broadcast, it said that you want to break the record of anti-war films? Still easy to break!! "

"This Zhao Changhuan doesn't know a little about anti-war films, he really thinks that the ratings of anti-war films are the same as his fairy tale films?"

For Zhao Changhuan's remark that the ratings easily broke records, the directors of the industry were very boiling.

Especially the directors who have made anti-war films exploded at this moment, and they all burst out laughing that Zhao Changhuan did not understand the field of anti-war films.

"The highest record of anti-war films is 1.6, just that, or in the case of generally high ratings in the previous two years, in the Blue Mountain Satellite TV kind of David vision appeared, easily broke this record, Zhao Changhuan: . Dreaming? "

"Not necessarily, this year compared to last year, the ratings have warmed up, I feel that this year, the ratings of major TV series, may be comparable to previous years, but I still don't think that Zhao Changhuan can easily break the record when he makes an anti-war film for the first time!"

"Zhao Changhuan is young after all!"

The reporter's report of interviewing Zhao Changhuan triggered two hot spots.

The first hot spot is that Zhao Changhuan said that the ratings of "Bright Sword" easily broke the historical anti-Japanese war film record.

The second hot spot is that Zhao Changhuan said that "Bright Sword" is not a tragedy! _

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