Time flies quickly.

When Old Zhao and Little Zhao returned to Yaodu from Xuncheng, it was noon the next day.

The veteran incident finally ended with Zhao Changhuan saying the word "Bright Sword".

After that, the whole thing was put online by reporters.

Of course, the conversation between Zhao Guoyue and Cai Weixuan in a whisper, the reporters did not film.

This news, called the veteran incident, says big and small.

Not long after the whole incident was posted on the Internet, the Huaxia Entertainment and Art Works Review Department closed the TV series "Blood Resistance" and criticized the director of this drama, as well as the starring actors such as Cai Weixuan.

After seeing the review department deal with this drama, netizens sighed that the audit department finally did a good thing.

After the incident got the ending, immediately, netizens all focused on the end of the entire incident.

"Director Xiao Zhao really wants to make a war movie? I don't know if it's a movie or a TV series! "

""Bright Sword", this name is good, it sounds quite sensual, and when the film comes out, it should also be very sensual, right?"

"With or without feeling is second, anti-war films, first and foremost, is to respect history, is respect!"

"Anti-war films are hard to make... And you have to think about respecting history, respecting great people, and you have to think about ratings.."

"In the past, the people who made anti-war films were very old directors, Director Xiao Zhao, can he do it?"

Although netizens believe in Zhao Changhuan's strength, in the theme of anti-war films, netizens still have some doubts about Zhao Changhuan.

Make a war film, Zhao Changhuan, can he do it?

Anti-war films are not as easy to shoot as other themes, and he is one of the most difficult TV series themes.

There have been many anti-war films in previous years, but there are very few that are really not sprayed wildly!

If you don't spray wildly and can still fire, that is even rarer!

It can be said that in the past ten years, the blue world star Huaxia has not produced a real anti-war film.

The one with the highest ratings was a TV series called "Those Things of the War of Resistance" broadcast on Blue Mountain Satellite TV two years ago, when the ratings were at its most prosperous.

But even so, the ratings of him, the record holder of Chinese anti-Japanese war films, only stopped at 1.6 in the end.

In the most prosperous era of ratings that year, any popular idol film could easily surpass him.

Making anti-war films has always been a thankless task.

It is neither popular nor scolding, so slowly, there are fewer and fewer directors to make war films.

Yaodu, Zhao's family.

Although Zhao Changhuan himself said the war movie, Old Zhao still felt that everything was like a bubble.

Sitting on the sofa, Zhao Guoyue was a little embarrassed.

He was very guilty about pulling Zhao Changhuan out and lying on the gun.

But in that situation, he couldn't say that he wanted to make a war film himself.

He is a veteran director, and every step he has to walk very carefully, as long as he falls, countless people will pop up to fix him.

Once he says something like that, and then he can't make a good anti-war film, then the entire Changhuan Media will be greatly affected.

He couldn't take that risk, but in the situation, he had to pull someone out.

No way, he could only pull out Zhao Changhuan, who was still young and fell up.

Even if this anti-war film, Zhao Changhuan is not very good, it will not have much impact.

Sitting on the sofa, Zhao Guo asked more and more: "Changhuan, do you really want to make a film about the anti-Japanese war?" "

"I really want to shoot, since you pulled me out to block the gun, then what can I do as a junior?"

Zhao Changhuan ate the orange, with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Can I still say that my father is pulling a calf?" "

"You kid .."

A warm current rose in Zhao Guoyue's heart.

No matter how mixed Zhao Changhuan is, in some key matters, he still thinks about his family.

Considering the family, this alone made Zhao Guoyue feel that his efforts for Zhao Changhuan from childhood to adulthood were worth it.

"That Bright Sword of yours was made up temporarily, right? How, is there a suitable script? "

Zhao Guoyue also pulled out an orange: "I know a media company, the boss of that company is always my friend, their company, anti-war films already have some experience, whether it is the director, screenwriter, or actor, are all veterans of anti-war films." "

"If you need it, I can ask him to borrow someone and buy a script for you to shoot."

Zhao Guoyue's kindness, Zhao Chang happily accepted.

But the script...

He doesn't need to!

With a script as good as "Bright Sword", don't need to ask other companies for new scripts?!

Unless Zhao Changhuan's brain twitched, he would never do such a stupid thing.

Getting up, Zhao Changhuan's eyes were sharp: "Dad, you don't have to worry about the anti-war film, the script, I already have it, this "Bright Sword", I don't need anyone's help, you just need to help me prepare the money, the rest, I'll do it myself!" "

"You already have the script??"

Zhao Guoyue was stunned, and then thought of something: "Good boy, you really have the intention of making anti-war films from the beginning, right, but this time, it just happened to be a good time for you, and then you took a picture along the water legs, just to push out your anti-war films, right?!" "

Zhao Changhuan shook his head: "You think too much, I originally wanted to shoot "Bright Sword" in the future, my next drama, the original plan, is to shoot an anime." "

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, Zhao Guoyue was immediately speechless: "Anime?!" "_

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