At first, everyone was very optimistic about Huang Bo, thinking that Huang Bo was only suitable for playing a fool, a turtle!

After all, he has been playing these roles since his debut!

Except for Zhao Changhuan, no one could have imagined that Huang Bo's acting skills were so strong!

Everyone was shocked.

Even those old drama bones in the crew were shocked by Huang Bo's acting skills at this moment and couldn't speak!

Without any repetition, this paragraph Huang Bo went through directly.

After the filming of this section, the staff of the audience applauded Huang Bo!

Seeing that everyone was applauding himself, Huang Bo's eyes were moist at once.

In the past, he was always the one who was overlooked.

Every time Tenglong Media assigns him the role he is a fool!

This is the first time he has played such a role, and he is afraid that he will not be able to play such a role, but now, he has succeeded....

He successfully proved himself!

He successfully proved that he can not only play a good fool!

He's an actor!

After such a scene, the actors in the crew looked at Huang Bo's eyes differently in an instant!

In the crew, acting skills are the best proof of their own strength!

If this play made the staff and actors in the crew change their views on Huang Bo, they felt that Huang Bo was a great actor.

Then in the later stage of filming, the scene where Huang Bo cried directly made the actors in the crew can't help but want to kneel for Huang Bo!

Later in the movie, Huang Bo's crying scene simply shocked the audience and made the actors want to worship him!

This acting, no one!

"Does Director Xiao Zhao know that Brother Huang's acting skills are so strong, so he is so confident to spend 500 million to pay liquidated damages for Brother Huang?"

"500 million to accept a movie star, and then sign the actor in his company for three years, this special meow does not seem to be a loss.!"

"This crying scene, really, I was deeply infected, Xiaohuang played it, absolutely !!"

"Huang Bo, this is also too powerful!!"

The staff in the crew before did not understand Zhao Changhuan, did not understand why Zhao Changhuan spent so much money, buying a second-tier actor who could only play a fool!

Now they understand!

Huang Bo, he stepped on the horse worth this price!

His acting skills just now, without hesitation, are comparable to movie kings!

Zhao Changhuan, this is pulling back a movie king! ! !

The shooting progressed quickly.

The cast of the improved dear crew is simply perverted, in addition to Huang Bo, the acting skills of several other actors in the crew are also strong to explode!

It can be said that the shooting of "Dear" is a group of actors fighting acting skills! ! !

Because of this movie, Zhao Changhuan shot a special "Jing! "

So even if he didn't shoot any extra footage, it took four months for the whole drama to be filmed!

After the shooting is completed, there is also post.

After a long period of post-production, in the end, the Blue World Star version of "Dear" was completely produced.

After it's done, it's still the old rule: review!

This time the audit was much more difficult than the previous ones.

Because this time, the above is going to start targeting Zhao Changhuan.

Last time, the review department of literary and artistic works suffered a great loss in the collision with Zhao Changhuan.

Therefore, in their small book, Zhao Changhuan has become an object to be treated specially.

"Dear" sent for review, and the first person to get the news was the review department of literary and artistic and entertainment works, which is the majority.

Then, the Huaxia Film Review Department will get the news, which is a small department in the Blue World Star Huaxia, which is subordinate to the Literary and Art Entertainment Works Review Department and is a small department of the majority.

That is, the Literary and Entertainment Works Review Department is in charge of any work, whether it is a novel, movie, anime, or TV series.

The Huaxia Film Review Department only reviews movies.

As soon as I got the news of the review sent by "Dear", the new supervisor of the censorship department of literary and artistic works, the senior supervisor, immediately brought a few reviewers to the Huaxia Film Review Department!

The reviewers of the Huaxia Film Review Department were shocked to see that the auditors at the higher level were coming.

Immediately, thinking of the contradiction between the biggest review department and Zhao Changhuan, in an instant, the staff of the Huaxia Film Review Department suddenly realized!

"This Zhao Changhuan is dismal... His film, I see today is sad. "

"It's not just that it's not good today, I see, Xiao Zhao's movie has to be beaten back and reopened more than three times!"

"It's not good to offend anyone, offend the audit department at the top: Hey, isn't this making yourself guilty? "

The staff of the Huaxia Film Review Department silently mourned for Zhao Changhuan.

"The script of this film is fine."

Previously, the script of "Dear" was sent by Zhao Changhuan for review.

For the script, the review department did not make it too difficult for Zhao Changhuan, after all, the script of "Dear" was handed over to Zhao Guoyue by Zhao Changhuan, and Zhao Guoyue handed it over.

Old Zhao's face, the audit department still has to give a little.


I can hide from the first day of junior high school, but I can't hide from fifteen.

After the script, you can't pass the film.

Today, the finished film of "Dear", the high supervisor, retired!

He will never, not give "Dear" a trial.

It's hard to get a film to pass the review!

But if you want a film to fail the review, it's easy!

Which film doesn't have some rules that don't allow filming? What's more, Zhao Changhuan is still shooting this sensitive subject?!

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, today, let him know why the directors of the old brand are very safe!"

Sitting on the chair, the corners of the high supervisor's mouth turned up slightly.

On the side, a manager of the Huaxia Film Review Department also nodded: "Yes, young people, educate, and you will be good in the future." "

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