Just do it, Zhao Changhuan never inks!

Since he had already absorbed the script of "Dear" that he had drawn before, Zhao Changhuan easily typed out everything about "Dear" in his mind on the computer.

This includes various camera scripts, as well as music and lines.

The next day, as before, Zhao Changhuan found his assistant Liu Yue.

Liu Yue is very reliable in doing things.

After Zhao Changhuan told her the content of the new movie she was going to make, it only took one day for Liu Yue to solve many tedious things.

The only problem that Zhao Changhuan needs to solve personally now is only one, that is, to find the right actor!

The movie "Dear" is a very test of acting skills.

Therefore, Zhao Changhuan must carefully choose actors, if he can find Huang Bo in this world, Zhao Changhuan's first intention must be to let Huang Bo star in "Dear"

On the one hand, he sent people to find Huang Bo and inquire about Huang Bo's news.

On the other hand, Zhao Changhuan picked out several other leading actors in the movie.

In addition to Huang Bo, the other leading actors of this drama, Zhao Changhuan does not care so much whether he is the original actor of the earth.

After all, only Changhuan Media Company, Zhao Changhuan has several fancy, acting skills are super good, can replace the actors in the previous life "Dear".

Only the role of Huang Bo, Zhao Changhuan is really in the blue world star, and he can't find an actor to replace him.

"Dear" is a "anti-trafficking theme" movie produced by Earth in 2014.

The main speech of the film is about a group of parents who lost their children led by the protagonist Tian Wenjun, the protagonist played by Huang Bo, to find their children, and how Li Hongqin, a rural woman who raised abducted children, fought to seize their children.

One movie, two perspectives.

One is the perspective story of the parents of the abducted child, and the other is the perspective story of the mother who raised the abducted child.

It took about five days for Zhao Changhuan to find all the actors needed for this drama.

On the fifth day, the staff looking for Huang Bo's side also sent back news.

Liu Yue found Huang Bo of Blue Superstar for Zhao Changhuan!!

Zhao Changhuan personally went to meet with Huang Bo and found that this Huang Bo that Liu Yue was looking for was the Huang Bo he needed! .

But things didn't go so smoothly.

After finding Huang Bo, Zhao Changhuan was told that Huang Bo had now signed a media company called Tenglong.

Tamron Media is not big, but the boss is a special vampire.

When Huang Bo signed this company, he was tricked by the boss and signed a 10-year contract directly!

Zhao Changhuan wanted to cooperate with this company, but this company directly rejected Zhao Changhuan without hesitation!

Finally, Zhao Changhuan finally knew why the company was unwilling to let Huang Bo cooperate with him.

The boss of this media company is Liu Yuhua's nephew.

Zhao Changhuan: "... "

This is a rope with Liu Yuhua, the second eldest of 10,000 years, and he can never be untied!

Although this company belongs to Liu Yuhua's nephew's company, Zhao Changhuan still does not want to give up Huang Bo.

Zhao Changhuan asked Huang Bo and found that Huang Bo also did not want to stay in this company for a long time, because the media company had never paid attention to him since signing Huang Bo and kept it on a cold bench.

With Huang Bo's consent, Zhao Changhuan wanted Huang Bo to directly breach the contract, and then came to his own company to pay liquidated damages for him.

The idea is beautiful, but... The reality is truly heartbreaking!

After Zhao Changhuan learned the amount of liquidated damages, the whole person was completely cooled by half.


When the actor's remuneration had not yet developed to the extent of exaggeration like Earth, 500 million in the Blue World Star was a very large number!

After getting this number, his assistant Liu Yue directly persuaded Zhao Changhuan to give up Huang Bo.

After Old Zhao learned the news, he also immediately called Zhao Changhuan and asked Zhao Changhuan not to be impulsive.

Zhao Changhuan himself came to accept Huang Bo for 500 million, and he wanted to do so.

But everyone around him is blocking him.

In desperation, Zhao Changhuan had to temporarily put down this idea.

After ignoring the Tenglong Company's side, Zhao Changhuan decided to play the role of Huang Bo in the original film himself.

His acting skills are already god-level acting, so he is fully capable of playing this role well.

But compared to this role, Zhao Changhuan felt that he was more suitable for the role played by Zhang Yi.

But now the conditions are limited, and Zhao Changhuan can't be too picky.

If he doesn't play the role of Huang Bo, for a while, he really can't find an actor who can play the role of Huang Bo.

Later, Liu Yifei also came.

Zhao Changhuan promised Liu Yifei that she would play her own drama.

Because of "Alive", this matter has been delayed for a long time.

The role arranged by Zhao Changhuan for Liu Yifei is the female number one in this play, which is the role played by Zhao Wei in the original play.

Auditions began quickly.

To be honest, Liu Yifei played... It's really bad.

It is clear that she is not capable of playing this role well.

Helplessly, Zhao Changhuan had to let Liu Yifei audition for the role of female number two.

But.. The effect was also dismal.

Liu Yifei's performance is still very general, not very bad, but it is definitely not as powerful as the actors in the original drama of Earth.

After watching Liu Yifei's performance, Zhao Changhuan even didn't want Liu Yifei to participate in "Darling"

But he had promised the girl before.

This girl is now very afraid of being abandoned, and if he let her leave the crew, she may be very hurt.

Never mind! Then let's shoot it like this.

Anyway, the script is in place, and his own shooting is also in place, even if the actor is not so perfect, the actor's acting skills are not so perfect, and it is not so important.

Zhao Changhuan made a decision, and just like that, the actors of "Dear" were officially gathered.

After a series of preparations, "Dear" officially started and began shooting!

Soon, ten days passed.

In the past ten days, "Dear" has filmed many plots, and the shooting is very smooth.

But even under such a smooth situation, Zhao Changhuan always felt that something was missing in his heart.

He was very uncomfortable.


Huang Bo will receive, there will be a small plot that changes the mood here.

Everyone should also be able to see that Liu Yifei will not participate in this play in the end.

The protagonist will let her practice her acting skills and improve herself first!

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