"Do you know why your book of "Alive" was blocked?"

Office of the Director.

Supervisor Liu sat on the chair without raising his head, and spoke indifferently.

Hearing Supervisor Liu's question, Zhao Changhuan was slightly stunned.

Faced with such a question, how can he answer?

Answered, because what I wrote is illegal???because my "Alive" content affects the social atmosphere??

If it were in his previous life, Zhao Changhuan might really have obediently admitted his mistakes and received an education.

But now....

It's all a second life.

He really didn't want to, like in his previous life, he just knew how to endure it.

Even now he is facing the sky.

He also didn't want to continue to be like in his previous life, like that, he didn't dare to do anything.

Shaking his head, Zhao Changhuan's eyes were extremely determined.

Under the strong momentum of Director Li and Director Liu, Zhao Changhuan said the most explosive answer!

"Because you're too strict!"

"Alive" was blocked, not because of his own problem, but because you guys are too much and too strict!

As soon as Zhao Changhuan's words came out, all of a sudden, the smell of gunpowder appeared in the entire room!

Director Li's goosebumps instantly rose, and Supervisor Liu also raised his head sharply.

In the Blue World Star, the entertainment works of Chinese literary and artistic works are indeed very strict, which is a thing that everyone knows.

But knowing doesn't mean you can say it.

Especially at such junctures!

In such a scene, saying such things directly to the people of the audit department, isn't this looking for death?

"You say it again?" Supervisor Liu stared at Zhao Changhuan.

Zhao Changhuan didn't care very much: "Because you manage it too strictly!"

The scene was silent again.

Director Li hurriedly eased the atmosphere and reprimanded Zhao Changhuan: "You young man, how do you speak, do you have a little ideological awareness?

Zhao Changhuan shrugged his shoulders and said, raising his hands, revealing the handcuffs.

The meaning is simple.

You study at home, and you have to wear handcuffs?

Suddenly, Director Li was embarrassed to the extreme.

Taking a deep breath, Director Li immediately calmed Supervisor Liu: "Supervisor Liu, don't be angry, the people of the old Zhao family are all this temper, didn't Zhao Guoyue also stink at the beginning?"

"I don't count with him. "

Supervisor Liu shook his head and looked at Zhao Changhuan again: "Zhao Changhuan, right? You have just entered the entertainment industry, there may be some rules, you still don't understand it well, I don't care if you have ideological consciousness, no matter how smelly your temper is, as long as you enter this industry, if you want to create literary and artistic entertainment, you must follow our rules." "

"What can be written and what cannot be written, you now, give me a plan!"

"First, you can't write about insinuations!

Before Director Liu's words were finished, Zhao Changhuan smiled.

I can understand this, after all, the desert is too hot, shooting a scene like that or writing the plot of that scene may make the audience hot, but I don't understand this projection, what kind of book, and write shadows? And it's taking things to shoot shadows?


Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, Supervisor Liu directly exploded

"Zhao Changhuan, don't pretend to be confused here, if you pretend to be here with me again, you will wait to be shot!"

"Shot?" Hearing Supervisor Liu's words, Zhao Changhuan was instantly stunned.

Supervisor Liu nodded: "Yes!"

"You really can. "

Zhao Changhuan shook his head, his expression indescribably sad and angry.

Can this kind of thing, in the Huaxia of the Blue World Star, guide the shooting in such a large field?

No matter how exaggerated the earth is, it will not easily lead to shoot these two words, right?

This parallel world that I crossed is really strange, but it really works!

That's it!

Anyway, I have lived a lifetime, and I don't lose money.

"Then shoot. "

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Changhuan's eyes were filled with absolute firmness.

In the most bland tone, Zhao Changhuan said the words that shocked the audience.

A past life provoked a lifetime.

In this life, it's time for steel once.

For Zhao Changhuan, every day is exhausted to earn life, and the result is still forever only instigated, living exactly the same as in the previous life, that is the meaning of fart! !

In this life, Zhao Changhuan doesn't want to be instigated, no matter what he does!

He filmed and earned his life in order to have time to live better and arrogantly!

Instead of continuing to be cautious, continuing to be like a dog, watching his works being blocked, unable to do anything, on the contrary, I have to say that my own works are illegal, and he should be !! sealed

"My films do not lead people to evil. "

"My books also don't write anything that affects people's minds. "

"I just wanted to write something I wanted to write. "

"Every book, every movie, I was in it, and they contained positive meaning. "

"Among them, this includes the "Alive" that you blocked before."

"Although "Alive" reflects many historical events, he does not discredit anything too much, he is just stating a fact. "

"The story of "Alive" itself shows the process of death of one person after another, setting off waves of endless suffering, showing a possible attitude towards the process of death. "

"Living itself is difficult, but to continue life is difficult to live, and it is precisely because it is extremely difficult that living has a profound meaning. "

"There is nothing better in this world than being alive, and nothing more difficult than being alive. "

"That's the central idea of my novels. "

"I think he's very good!"

"I don't think he needs to change anything!"

"I don't think I need you to teach me how books should be written!"

Looking up, Zhao Changhuan smiled bitterly: "The most important thing is that I don't want to become like you!"

There are no thoughts.

Only know obedience.

This also does not dare to write, then do not dare to say.

"Is it still interesting to be such a literary and artistic creator?"

Listening to Zhao Changhuan's words, Director Liu was stunned in place!

He never expected that Zhao Changhuan would be so bold and openly reprimand the rules of the Audit Department!

Every word of Zhao Changhuan was like a needle, piercing his heart fiercely.

Especially Zhao Changhuan's sentence...

"I don't want to be like you. "

Silent, Supervisor Liu fell into memories and remembered his own bits and pieces.

When he wasn't in charge of content moderation, he was just a small entertainment creator.

He makes the films he wants to make, and he writes the stories he wants to write.

At that time, he was exactly the same as Zhao Changhuan now.

However, when he found himself above, his own approach was diametrically opposed to Zhao Changhuan.

I chose to obey, I chose to be afraid.

I chose to become the person I hated the most.

Think about who you are now.

Awe-inspiring is majestic.


But there is no longer the happiness that the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger, and can shoot whatever he wants, completely ignoring the control above.

Now I can't write the story I "want" to write.

Every time I write a story, I think not about the story itself, but: What can be written and what cannot be written.

At this moment, looking at Zhao Changhuan, Supervisor Liu was like seeing himself at the beginning!

But, again, not yourself.

I am not so bold.

"Is it still interesting to be such a literary and artistic creator?"

Supervisor Liu's body trembled slightly.

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