That night, the ratings of the last episode of Haihe Satellite TV's "Immortal Sword" were released!

Seeing the final ratings of "Immortal Sword", everyone was stupid, everyone was confused!

The reason is simple.

"Immortal Sword" finale, the ratings broke 3!

At this moment, except for Niu Bi, people in the industry have no more words to describe Zhao Changhuan.

People in the industry care about ratings, while viewers only care about the TV series itself.

But whatever the focus of both, today they are getting the same problem.

That is....

Zhao Changhuan, is he still human?

In a satellite TV that is so weak that it can no longer be weak, he has killed the strongest ratings this year, is Zhao Changhuan still human?

Set up such a sadistic plot at the end, so that everyone's hearts are broken and crying, Zhao Changhuan is still a human?

For a time, "Immortal Sword" directly became the peak of this year's TV series!

When everyone was talking about the plot of "Immortal Sword", or talking about sending a few blades to Zhao Changhuan...

Zhao Changhuan himself is exchanging his life for beauty.

The first round of "Immortal Sword" ended, and every viewer basically provided him with 10 abuse points!

The abuse value provided by all the audience for Zhao Changhuan adds up, and there is a total of 300 million resentment values.

300 million resentment value pairs, and can exchange sixty days of life for Zhao Changhuan!

"Sixty days, sixty days... Nima, it's a loss!"

Looking up to the sky with a long roar, Zhao Changhuan's heart ached!

It took him two months to engage in immortal swords, and in the end, he exchanged two months of life!

This, no increase or decrease, I have worked in vain!

Although in addition to the fairy sword, Zhao Changhuan now has the 400 million abuse value that the final cumulative box office of "Eight Gong" has been converted to, adding up to a total of 700 million abuse value, which can be exchanged for 140 days of life, but Zhao Changhuan's heart is still very unhappy!

Fortunately, the system can really figure out people's hearts, and after Zhao Changhuan exchanged this grievance value, he immediately gave Zhao Changhuan the confidence to continue.

"Host, since you have consumed a sufficient number of grievance points, the system has upgraded the level for you. "

"Your current rank is, fledgling abuser."

"At this level, you only need four hundred grievance points to redeem a day's life. "

Hearing this news from the system, Zhao Changhuan was relieved.

As the number of grievance points you redeem increases, the level on the system side will also increase, and the grievance points required for each day's life will also decrease.

If this is the case, it is necessary to continue to fight.

Maybe one day, when you shoot enough films and level enough, you only need a hundred grievance points to exchange for a day's life.

That's really beautiful.

"The host successfully consumes 300 million thoughts and gets a gift package"

Just when Zhao Changhuan carefully analyzed, the system gave Zhao Changhuan another motivation to persevere.

Like the previous two times, Zhao Changhuan absorbed as usual, and then, open the bag!

"Ding: Congratulations on your reward: God-level music production technology!"

"Ding: Congratulations on winning the reward: Appearance and temperament increased by 30 points!"

"Ding: Congratulations on getting the reward: Physique rises by ten points. "

"Ding: Congratulations on winning the reward: Earth Random Script Draw Three Times!"

Although the number of rewards this time is small, they are all good.

If nothing else, a god-level skill is cool enough, not to mention that the appearance temperament directly increased by thirty points this time.

"Use one Earth random script draw chance!"

Zhao Changhuan used the lottery opportunity.

Almost instantly, the system finished the prize for Zhao Changhuan and drew a random script from the earth.

"Ding: Congratulations, you successfully extracted and successfully obtained the movie script "Chasing Dreams Showbiz"

What a garbage script.

How did I draw such a 2.2-point garbage movie script in my previous life ?!!

Cursing that his luck was really bad, Zhao Changhuan spoke: "Come again!"

The second draw starts immediately.

"Ding: Congratulations, the extraction was successful, and the successful acquisition of the TV series script "Dear"


Seeing the second extracted script, Zhao Changhuan was immediately happy!

This movie is good, it must be deep and deep, and it must be tear-jerking and tear-jerking!

In the previous life, when Huang Bo, Zhang Yi and others acted in this drama, they didn't make Zhao Changhuan cry miserably!

"Third, smoke!"

Taking advantage of the victory to pursue, Zhao Changhuan immediately started the third draw!

"Ding: Congratulations, you successfully extracted and successfully obtained the complete episode of the anime script "Rebel Lelouch Xiu" for one or two seasons!"


After the third draw, Zhao Changhuan had to sigh that his luck was really the same cowhide!

Although the script of the first draw is really a little bad, the script of the second and third draws is really powerful.

Whether it is the movie "Dear" or the anime "Rebellious Lelouch Xiu", whichever one is released is a tear-jerking killer!

"Next, let's shoot honey first!"

Without hesitation, Zhao Changhuan immediately decided for himself what to shoot next.

The reason why he filmed Dear first, rather than the rebellious Lelouch Xiu first, is because Zhao Changhuan has not yet acquired animation production technology.


If you want to make "Rebel Lelouch", you can only pray that the ability to extract the anime as soon as possible in the small gift package in the later stage!

After no longer caring about the system, Zhao Changhuan came to his changing room and changed his clothes.

According to the agreement, Liu Yifei had to invite him out for a day today.

Zhao Changhuan is a very punctual person, so after he changed his clothes, he went to the agreed place early.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Brother Zhao, I've made you wait for a long time!"

Liu Yifei came to the agreed place, and after seeing Zhao Changhuan, he immediately panicked.

Looking at Liu Yifei wearing a mask, Zhao Changhuan smiled slightly: "I also just came, we, now go to eat?"

Liu Yifei immediately nodded lively: "What to eat?"

Zhao Changhuan spoke, "Today you have a treat, so, you decide." "

"Let me think about it.."

Liu Yifei immediately fell into thought.

However, at this moment, suddenly, several shouts suddenly came from not far away.

"That's great, this poem was written!!"


Liu Yifei was immediately attracted by those shouts.

From Liu Yifei's expression when he turned his head and turned back, Zhao Changhuan could see that Liu Yifei wanted to go over to see the situation, but he was embarrassed to say.

With a slight smile, Zhao Changhuan reached out and rubbed Liu Yifei's head: "Sorry, wait a while before eating, I'm quite curious about things over there, let's go over there first to see the liveliness, okay?"


Liu Yifei immediately agreed

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