Mr. Ji has sentenced him to death for"Sword and Sword III".

Just like when he tried Ji Hong, today, he also tried Zhao Changhuan.

Hearing Mr. Ji's words, Ji Hong was speechless. He just turned his head and continued to look at the TV and continue to watch"Sword and Sword III".

Tonight, Lanshan Satellite TV was playing episodes 33 to 30 of"Sword and Sword III". Six episodes.

After the Evil Sword Immortal was released, basically, the final and biggest plot of the entire drama"Sword and Sword III" appeared.

Confront the Evil Sword Immortal and defeat the Evil Sword Immortal. This is the final story of"Sword and Sword III".

In the thirty-third episode, Jingtian and others had a story with two supporting characters, Xi Feng and Shui Bi.

Xifeng is an ugly but kind-hearted man from Anxi County who has a good voice. He wakes up the people in the village with his singing every day!

Later, Xifeng discovered that he could use shells to record his singing, so he used many, many shells to record his songs!

Those shells that recorded the singing of the stream wind flowed with the river water to Shuibi, the goddess in charge of the river water.

The river goddess Shui Bi listened to the singing in the shell, and gradually became fond of the owner of the singing, so she went down to earth privately to find the owner of the singing!

However, Xifeng feels inferior because of his ugly appearance and dares not recognize Shuibi!

He could only put down the shell recording his singing in front of Shuibi's door every day and leave!

The thought of recognizing Shuibi has been tormenting Xi Feng. Finally, Xi Feng decided to go to Mo Zunzhenglou. He had to exchange his voice and five hundred years of freedom for his handsome appearance and one day to say goodbye to Shuibi!

On the day of farewell, Xi Feng and Shui Bi exchanged their minds.

Xi Feng asked Shui Bi to wait for him for five hundred years.

Shuibi...Then he really stared for five hundred years until...Until it turns into a stone statue and sinks to the bottom of the sea!

Later, Jingtian and his party went to the bottom of the sea to look for the Holy Spirit Bead and found the stone statue of Shui Bi. Xi Feng followed Zhonglou to the bottom of the sea and looked at Shui Bi who had turned into a stone statue. The sound is not the stream wind but I still don't want to open my eyes and wake up!

Finally, Zhonglou returned Xifeng's voice to him, took back his handsome appearance and restored his human identity!

This time, Xi Feng once again awakened Shui Bi, Shui Bi...Finally wake up!!!

Finally, the underwater palace began to collapse, Shuibi handed the Holy Spirit Pearl to Jingtian and his party, and then...Buried under the sea with Xi Feng.

The story of Xi Feng and Shui Bi is simple but also touching.

After watching this episode of"Sword and Sword III", countless viewers in front of the TV felt sour.

But the three members of the Ji family still look the same.

It was still lifeless, still no one shed tears, still no one spoke anymore.

Even though Ji Xiaobo had a sore nose, he didn't dare to show it at all.

The Ji family will never cry because of this plot.

《The thirty-third episode of"Sword and Sword III" ended, and after an advertisement, the thirty-fourth episode began immediately.

At the end of the thirty-third episode of"Sword and Sword III", Tian and others returned to Shushan!

However, after returning to Shushan, I found that Shushan was completely different!

It turns out that the Evil Sword Fairy is here!

During the time when Jingtian and others were searching for the Holy Spirit Bead, the Evil Sword Immortal actually completely controlled the world!

In front of everyone, Evil Sword Immortal put down his words! He said...June 6th will be the end of mankind.

The Evil Sword Immortal is so powerful that no one in this world can be his opponent.

Sedum can't beat him, Sedum has no way to defeat him!

That is, when the situation was a little desperate, suddenly, the Evil Sword Immortal came out. The Evil Sword Immortal said that he wanted to have several competitions with Jingtian!

Now that Shushan no longer has Changqing, Jingtian must support everything. Therefore, Jingtian accepted the invitation to compete, and the men of the Evil Sword Immortal took Jingtian into Wuji Pavilion!

The focus of this first competition is the food from all over Yuzhou! result...

Sedum lost.....

"Be careful, the abuse is about to begin."

Seeing this, Mr. Ji spoke calmly.

Hearing Mr. Ji's words, Ji Hong and Ji Xiaobo nodded silently.

Then, the three of them continued to watch the TV.

After the first game, Jingtian Very dissatisfied , Evil Sword Immortal proposed another round!

If Jingtian wins, the five elders will be released, but if they lose, the five elders will be imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower!...

Sedum lost again.

Faced with the evil sword fairy who is full of tricks and shows no regard for fairness, Jingtian has no chance of winning.

He can only lose, he only has one option: lose!!

He can't win at all, he... As long as he starts competing, he will only lose, only lose...

The next day, the competition started again, and the bet was on a heavy building!

But when Jingtian went to compete, Xie Jianxian said that time had passed, and Jingtian would lose immediately even if he abstained!

Seeing this, every one of the Blue World Star Huaxia audience was extremely angry!!

At this moment, all the viewers wanted to rush into the TV and beat the Evil Sword Immortal to death!

Jingtian, who lost the competition again, has fallen into despair.

He knew that there was no way he could defeat the Evil Sword Immortal. He began to be afraid, and he began to tremble!

He is just an ordinary person!!

He is just an ordinary boy from Yongan!!

Why? Why should he bear so much?!

Why? Why should he be the savior? Why should he be responsible for the whole world?!

Sedum, also very scared, Sedum, also very helpless...

He goes to take care of the world, but who will take care of him?!

Since all the food has been lost to Sedum, everyone has nothing to eat.

The people, who were extremely hungry, began to search everywhere for anything they could eat.

But, no...There is no food, everything edible in the world is gone���Got it...

【"If the boss doesn’t have food, then he won’t have the strength to deal with the Evil Sword Immortal....."】

It was at this time that Maomao appeared. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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