Finally, with the expectations of all viewers,"Legend of Sword and Fairy III" began to play!

In tonight's ninth episode, Jingtian finally meets Nightshade played by Liu Shishi!

Solanum solanum claimed to be Sedum's sister, and she followed Sedum closely, saying"Brother Wang" to her.

Later, Xuejian met Solanum solanum, and the conflict with Solanum solanum gradually became bigger!

On the other side, the second male lead Xu Changqing also had a story with Zixuan, vaguely recalling the memories of the previous three lives.

At this point in the plot, there are actually a lot of abuse points. For example, the scene between Xu Changqing and Zixuan is enough to make many viewers extremely worried.

But, if this is the case, then"Sword and Sword III" will definitely lose.

Watching"Sword and Sword III" on TV, Ji Hong fell into silence.

Although Ji Xiaobo was a little moved, he was only a little moved, let alone shed tears.

Subsequently, the tenth episode of"Sword and Sword III" began to play.

In the tenth episode, Xu Changqing takes Jingtian on the real journey to find the Five Spiritual Pearls.

Seeing the extra nightshade, Changqing was very suspicious!

That is, when Xu Changqing questioned Solanum nigrum, suddenly, the weak and docile Solanum nigrum suddenly became very fierce, and his whole body turned red!!

Later, Xu Changqing told everyone the facts, but no one wanted to believe Xu Changqing.

Seeing this, the audience almost burst out of anger!!

This nightshade is not a weak girl at all!!

She is such a bad person!! What Xuejian and Xu Changqing said is true!!

Later, on the road, Jingtian and others met Xuejian who was still sulking. At this point, Xuejian also joined the team!

Later, after a series of events, Jingtian and others finally discovered the truth and understood that Nightshade Nightshade could really turn into a woman in red!

Seeing this, the audience finally breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay, it's okay, it would be great to find out the truth!

However, just when everyone thought Nightshade was really the villain, suddenly, everyone met the Holy Aunt!

The holy aunt said that as long as Sedum puts on the helmet, she will understand everything!

In order to seek the truth, everyone held hands and Jingtian slowly put on his helmet!

It was at this moment that the truth emerged...

It turns out that Nightshade is really a princess born a thousand years ago! And in Jingtian’s previous life, he was really Solanum nigrum’s brother!

Seeing this, all the viewers in front of the TV had their pupils dilated.

Even Ji Hong was shocked!

What exactly is going on?!! Nightshade, she didn’t lie?!!

"Dad, this?!!"

At this moment, Ji Xiaobo suddenly had a very bad thought in his mind!!

Ji Hong was so shocked that he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and clenched his hands: It's coming... I felt it, he was about to start tearing up!!"

See The twelfth chapter of"Sword and Sword III", the audience slowly understood it!

A thousand years ago, there was a country named Jiang Country!

Nightshade is the princess of the Jiang Kingdom, and Tian is the prince of the Jiang Kingdom, Long Yang!

At that time, the war-torn Jiang State was being attacked by Yang State and was on the verge of destruction!

But under the protection of Emperor Jiang, Nightshade and Long Yang still had a very happy childhood!

The two of them were playing together in the palace. They were sitting on wooden skateboards and sliding from the top of the palace's grand staircase to the bottom of the grand staircase!

【"Brother, I'm so scared!"】

【"Sister, don’t be afraid, brother will definitely protect you!"]

Long Yang was very kind to Nightshade. Nightshade had a very happy childhood.

But...The war is getting worse! Slowly, it became difficult for Jiang Guo to hold on any longer!

It was at this time that Nightshade, who had been living in the greenhouse, finally understood the horror of war!

Long Yang finally set foot on the battlefield!

Nightshade does not want her brother to be alone. She would rather die than be with him!

Therefore, Nightshade also put on soldier's clothes and wanted to go to the battlefield with her brother!

However, Long Yang would not let him do this. For the safety of his sister Solanum Solanum, Long Yang broke his legs and fought alone!

Later, Long Yang came back and won the battle, but he also had a scar on his face.

After that, Long Yang kept fighting!

However, Jiang State was still defeated by the enemy country after all, and Jiang State was going to be destroyed after all!!

It was at this time that Long Yang discovered that as long as he refined a magic sword, he could save the Jiang Kingdom!

Long Yang has hope again, Long Yang is going to refine that sword!

However, just when the sword was about to be completed, suddenly, a method told Long Yang that if he wanted to make this sword, he must let Solanum nigrum jump into the furnace!!

Seeing that Jiang State is about to be conquered...

Long Kui ran out on her own, and she told Long Yang that she was willing to sacrifice her life in exchange for the peace of Jiang Guo and for her brother to survive!

But...How could Long Yang, who loved Nightshade so much, allow his sister to die?!

【Nightshade:"Brother Wang, use the flesh and blood of Nightshade to make a sword!""】

【Long Yang:"Absolutely not!"】

【Nightshade:"Why, in Brother Wang's mind, who is Nightshade? You and I are close relatives of flesh and blood. I am your biological sister. I am you. I am the only person in the world who is qualified to jump for you."!"】

【Long Yang:"I tell you, from now on, I am no longer your brother Wang, and we have no relationship...."】

【Nightshade:"Brother Wang!!!"】

【Long Yang:"Without that sword, I can still annihilate the enemy!]

As Long Yang said a domineering sentence, he turned around and stepped into the battlefield!

【"You can't jump, now you're not qualified!"]

It was at this time that the music started playing!

Following the music, in an instant, 70% of the audience in front of the TV burst into tears!

On the battlefield, Long Yang was destined to die, facing countless enemies. , Long Yang kept swinging his sword!

And Nightshade also received a letter from Long Yang!

【"Nightshade, it’s finally come to an end. Even if I don’t want to fight, it’s inevitable to go to the battlefield for the last battle."】

【"I hope you can live well. No matter what happens or where you are, you must be strong."】

【"You need to bring this bag of sunflower seeds, which represent brilliance and vitality, to the place where you will live."】

【"Promise me, when I find you again..."】

【"There are sunflowers growing there"】

When the sunflower seeds in Nightshade's hand fell to the ground.

When Long Yang was stabbed into the body by countless soldiers with countless spears,

【"Solanum nigrum..."】

【"See you in the next life....."】_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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