A song saves a movie, will this kind of thing happen?

As it turns out, it will !

When the audience walked into the cinema one by one to watch Zhao Guoyue's new movie, they all got this answer!

Originally, the end of Zhao Guoyue's movie was very bloody and speechless.


When the pure music of "May Rain" sounded in the movie, and it sounded halfway, the climactic part!

This bloody plot instantly seems to have been sublimated tens of thousands of times!

Oh, it's really uncontrollable tears!

"This music, it's so tearful!!"

"I originally thought that this plot was very low, but when the music started, I suddenly felt that this plot: There are a lot of metaphors!"

In the end, he was left alone. "

"It's so sad, cry me to death!"

"What the protagonist wants from beginning to end is just a stability, but unfortunately, if it is not cherished, the final ending can only be lost. "

After a movie was performed, in the end, Zhao Guoyue's movie was unanimously praised by the audience!

As for the previous audience who said that if someone cried, they would eat, they also forgot their original vows.

After all, many people who released such words couldn't help crying when "May Rain" was halfway through! !

The great success of Zhao Guoyue's new film shocked the directors in the directing world.

However, the most shocking thing is the bigwigs in the pure music industry!

"What is a song saves a movie, this is called a song saves a movie!"

"It can be said that the success of the whole movie is all because of this song!"

"The power of a piece is so big! It's incredible!"

"This piece is really well written, let's not talk about himself, just talk about his consistency with the last plot of the movie, my God, I really want to know who wrote this piece, his control of feelings is too perfect!!"

"A song, whether it can be touching, in fact, in many senses depends on whether the song can be perfectly integrated with the picture, the situation is integrated, just like listening to this song alone, you may not be tearful, but the picture comes out: The feeling is coming out!"

Whether it is the directors in the directing industry or the composers in the music industry, they are all frantically looking for the composer of "May Rain" at this moment!

Then, they successfully saw Zhao Changhuan's name from the end of the movie.

All directors: "... "

All musicians: "... "


How is it Zhao Changhuan again!

Is this Zhao Changhuan inseparable from the words tearjerking?

Every time something particularly tear-jerking appears, it is related to Zhao Changhuan!

If it weren't for the long history of the world film and television industry, and the names of several tragic bigwigs in the top hall, the rookie directors now want to call Zhao Changhuan the king of tragedy!

Speaking of Zhao Changhuan, what is he doing now?

Because of the May rain, everyone paid attention to Zhao Changhuan again.

For so long, Zhao Changhuan has not moved at all, is it that after filming a movie, it is necessary to calm down and precipitate again?

It turned out that Zhao Changhuan did not precipitate.

Instead of precipitating, on the contrary, he was so anxious to fly when he made movies!

In the second month after the release of Zhao Guoyue's movie, Zhao Changhuan's new film came out!

Zhao Changhuan's new movie is coming out again??"

"I thought he had precipitated, but I didn't expect that he was secretly filming, and it was shooting so fast!"

"Can a movie made in such a short period of time be good?"

"Don't say whether it's good or not, just ask a little, comedy or tragedy ?!!"

At the moment when the news of Zhao Changhuan's new film came out, all the audience's eyes were suddenly on a question.

Zhao Changhuan's new film, is it a comedy or a tragedy?

Let's talk about comedy, Zhao Changhuan's first film is a tragedy, judging from his first film, he is very good at making tragedy, so his second film may still be tragic.

It can be said that tragedy, Zhao Changhuan was born in a comedy family, it is possible that his first movie is to try his hands, and in the second movie, he may return to the main business of their old Zhao family and make a comedy!

"His film seems to be about a dog. "

"A dog ?!!!"


When more and more news about Zhao Changhuan's new film appeared, and even the title publicity came out, all netizens were stunned!

What is Zhao Changhuan's situation doing this time?!

What is there to shoot dogs?

The first movie made a completely different tragedy from his own family, and this second film directly began to shoot dogs!

Is this Zhao Changhuan challenging the limitless, want to challenge an impossible in every film?

When everyone was still extremely curious, when they wondered what the situation of Zhao Changhuan's new film was.

"The Story of the Loyal Dog Hachigong" has reached the Huaxia Film Review Department.

"Come, let's see Director Xiao Zhao's new film!!"

"Shoot a dog, this little guy's idea is really novel enough!"

"I feel that his film this time should be a comedy, dog, how cute. "

Huaxia Film Review Department is the largest film review department in the Blue Star World.

Some miscellaneous ordinary films are reviewed by the group staff under the Huaxia Film Review Department.

And some movies that are more famous and will definitely have more audiences are reviewed by them, the editors-in-chief.

Today, there are enough twenty editors to watch and review Zhao Changhuan's new film --- "The Story of the Loyal Dog Hachigong"!

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