When the voices of Zhao Changyue and others on the stage sounded at this moment, all the audience in the audience instantly got goosebumps!

This sound is so infectious!

This tune, so comfortable!

Immediately afterwards, as Zhao Changyue and others repeated the previous paragraph again, the song officially entered the theme.

"When one day you hear someone speaking those strange languages. "

"When you see a book all over the street one day, you still learn first. "

"When you sing this song again one day, it will be in some corner. "

"Stepping into this campus again one day will be a fallen leaf that falls into the flow of memories. "

One day, you come back to this campus.

Can you remember those things?

Or, in the future, will you have: When are these someday?

Listening to the song, all the students and teachers in the audience gradually deepened their hearts.

However, it was at this time that the tone of Zhao Changyue and the others on the stage changed!

"It means that the distance from the first floor to the fourth floor is only three years. "

"It means that the doorman uncle canteen aunt has a very husband and wife face. "

"All kinds of monsoon currents are not understood, and there are new horizons. "

"All kinds of once fanatical posters, poster photos, sold for a few bucks and a few cents. "

When this paragraph sounded, in an instant, the doorman uncle and the cafeteria aunt in the audience blushed shyly!

When a paragraph sounded, in an instant, all the students in the audience couldn't help but smile!

But it's ridiculous?

It turns out that the distance from the first floor to the fourth floor is only three years...

It turns out that these familiar things of ours are about to say goodbye to us...

The more familiar it is, the more tearful it is.

The more familiar you are, the more teary your eyes will be when you lose it!

Our high school life is going to pass like this!

From today on, we will never go back to the high school where we worked hard to study hard to catch up with the college entrance examination, sleep in class, whisper with female classmates, and sit after class selling spicy strips! !

Next, the old class will go and tell the next batch of students that you are the worst class I have ever led!

Will the next batch of students still be as angry with the old class as themselves?!

Brothers who are fighting with me, from today onwards, we will also go our separate ways!

Outside, you must take care of yourselves!

And ahhh

That girl, from today onwards, I won't even have a chance to peek at you.

In the end, I didn't pluck up the courage to confess.

"We are about to wander alone to different locations in the Celestial Empire. "

"When I catch a glimpse of the white uniform, I think it's someone I know. "

"Although it will always make you angry, old class, I love you!"

"Maybe everyone forgets whose name but remembers..."

"Days of South Middle Road.."

When Zhao Changyue and the others sang the song to this section, the students in the audience were all moist


Even some students with high tear points are "catching a glimpse of the white school uniform and thinking it's someone I know." "Tears instantly appeared on this lyrics!

Even, not to mention the students....

Under the stage, the teachers' eyes were also red!

Zhao Changyue's class teacher couldn't cry directly at this moment, stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and cried, and tears kept flowing! !

"I love you too.."

"The worst one..."

Some songs, the more specific the time, the more tearful it is.

Obviously, "Days in the Middle Road of the South End" is such a song.

The song is called "Days of Beijing Middle Road" on Earth, and now, Zhao Changhuan has brought him to the Blue Star Realm and adapted it into "Days of the Middle Road in the South District"

With the end of a song, the graduation party of South End Middle School also officially ended.

All of them were tearfully urged by the song "Days in the Middle Road of the South End".

After asking each other, they realized that this song was actually from Zhao Changhuan's hands!

"Zhao Changhuan, the Zhao Changhuan who filmed "I Am Not the God of Medicine", ?!!"

"Lying groove, I just said why are you so tearful, the feelings are made up by Zhao Changhuan!"

"Zhao Changhuan's medicine god made me cry miserably, and today, he made me cry miserably, and his grasp of feelings is too accurate!"

"I really didn't expect that Zhao Changhuan was so good at writing songs!!"

After the party, the person in charge of filming the party, without any hesitation, put the video of the chorus of "Days in the Middle Road of the South District" at the end of the party on the Internet.

Since the South District Middle School itself is a very good high school, focusing on numbers, as soon as this video came out, countless viewers clicked in.

And then...

One by one, the workers who have a high school career, are either successful or still suffering, are all evoked memories and moist their eyes!

Some emotional workers are still crying like the students, or even worse.

Because, some things, when you just say goodbye to him, in fact, the relationship may not have been goodbye for a long time, and when you think of him again, it can urge the feelings more.

High school career, obviously that's the kind of thing.

After being moved for a while, netizens all looked up, wanting to see who the creator of such a good song was.

It doesn't matter if you don't check, check it: Zhao Changhuan!

"Lying groove, it's Zhao Changhuan again!!"

"The only male member of the old Zhao family is going to be on the road of tears!"

"Nima, this buddy has such a hand at tear-jerking, the medicine god can make a big man cry even if he is tired and his management, and now he can make me cry ?!! a song."

Everyone is crazy that this song was composed by Zhao Changhuan.

After the graduation party, Zhao Changyue went home crying loudly directly.

Seeing Zhao Changyue who was crying non-stop, the people of the old Zhao family were all flustered!

"Xiao Yue, who is bullying you, why are you crying like this!"

Zhao Guoyue, who returned from filming, was immediately frightened.

Zhao Changyue stretched out his hand to wipe his tears: "My brother!!"

"Your brother, this bad thing, bullies you again, I see that he is itchy again!!"

Zhao Guoyue immediately trained Zhao Changhuan.

Zhao Changyue hurriedly explained: "No, uncle, my brother didn't bully me, I was made cry by a song written by my brother, and almost all the students in my school were moistened by this song!"


Zhao Guoyue was shocked: "Your brother can still write songs, didn't his music teacher say that his son can't be taught?"

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