After this morning's exchange, he found that Xiwei is a person who can seize opportunities very well, and his emotional intelligence is still online, but he is just a paralyzed face, and he should change in the end.

Sister Qin is a person with strong leadership skills and is good at using the resources around her.

And Ye Yao needs to be considered, Xiu Yan thought back to the time he had been with him, and on the surface he looked quite jumpy, but he basically made no mistake in his performance, giving people a sunny and lively feeling, although he didn't know what he meant by that sentence, but Xiu Yan always felt that he was not so simple.

Huayu Community, at the door.

Xiu Yan looked at Xiwei and asked, "Do you want to go up and sit?"

Xi Wei thought, now Xiu Yan should be busy cooking for his sister, he didn't have time to take care of him at all, and he was estimated to be a troublemaker

, "No, I'll go back to school first, and I'll go to the company in the afternoon" Xiu Yan: "OK, then I'll go up first

" Xi Wei: "Mmmm, bye

" Walking on the way home, he was thinking, facial paralysis is also quite sensible, write a song and send it to him in two days, but what to do today?

Eh, looking at the dishes in the refrigerator, he can also make a green pepper shredded pork, salted vegetable meat, tomato and egg soup, two dishes and one soup are basically enough.

Well, that's it.

After a while, the pruning returned.

"Brother, how about you sign a contract today?"

"It's okay, I didn't go over until I got out of class, but I didn't expect the other party to arrive earlier than me, the signing fee is 5 million per year, signed for two years, and the division is calculated separately

" "Really fake, 5 million? It's higher than the one last time

" "Really, hurry up and wash your hands and eat

" "Oh oh, where is the contract" "Eat first, the contract is in the school bag, he won't run, you can watch it again then

" "Oh oh"

Looking at the food on the table, pruning sighed in his heart, I don't know how his brother's current technology is after such a long time of teaching?

"You're staring at the flowers, try it, it's okay today

" "Mmmm, it looks pretty good"

In less than 10 minutes, the pruning finished the rice in the bowl and ran to read the contract.

Xiu Yan helped his forehead, so he didn't want to say anything, so he could only watch silently.

Xiu Zhi: "Brother, you still have to write 5 songs that can be on the list, is it not successful, there will be no money"

Xiu Yan thought to himself, okay, he started to worry again. "How much do you don't believe your brother, your brother is a talented person, how can he not write songs

" Xiuzhi: "Isn't this worried about you?"

Xiu Yan: "You don't believe me, okay?" "

Pruning: "No, no, brother, where is your

company" Pruning Yan: "It's on the top floors of the Magic Building, I haven't looked at the specific floors" Pruning

rolled his eyes, his company didn't care, and he wasn't afraid that he would be sold. "Oh oh, then I'm going

to rest" Xiu Yan: "Uh-huh, let's go quickly, I will take the high school entrance examination in two days, I have to take a good rest" Xiu Zhi:

"I know, I say this every time"

Watching Xiu Zhi turn around and leave, he began to continue to eat, people are iron rice and steel, and he is hungry and panicked if he doesn't eat a meal.

After cleaning up, he looked at his phone, it was almost 1 o'clock, he could take a nap for a while and then go to class.

At 2 o'clock, the siblings crossed the bridge and began to walk in different directions, going to their respective schools.

On the side of Tangerine Entertainment Media, Ye Yao sat in the rocking chair in Sister Qin's office, constantly thinking about Xiwei's call to him, but he still didn't believe how good Xiu Yan's song could be and be believed by Xiwei.

While he was constantly wandering about whether to call Xiu Yan and ask, Sister Qin pushed the door in, and seeing Sister Qin walk in with a ruddy smile, he wanted to ask what was the matter.

Ye Yao: "Sister Qin, why are you so happy

" Qin Feixue: "Xiu Yan's song was selected by Director Shen, and it was decided to change the name of their film and television drama to the name

of the song" Ye Yao listened to the moment Xiu Yan was selected, and recalled the two songs that he had topped the list in front of him, and trembled in his heart, even if it doesn't work, it's not bad to take it and take a look, why does he still doubt it, he still asked Qin Feixue, "Sister Qin, Just now Xiwei called me and said that there was a song on Xiu Yan's side that didn't suit his voice, and asked me if I wanted it? Do you say I want to contact

him" Qin Feixue saw his eyes, and knew what he thought, a person in his twenties, still cowering, if he doesn't seize the opportunity now, what will happen to you in the future, so he said to him: "Then you can ask, I believe that with me in the middle, he shouldn't cheat you"

Ye Yao thought to himself, yes, and immediately took out his mobile phone and called Xiu Yan.

Jingle bell jingle bell....

The phone on the other side keeps ringing, why don't you answer it?

He looked at Sister Qin: "Sister Qin, Xiu Yan's phone can't get through" Qin

Feixue helped her forehead, feeling that she was going to lose a few more hairs this year. taught him like a child: "Then have you ever thought about what he's doing

" Ye Yao: "Rest?" Class?

Qin Feixue didn't want to pay attention to him in an instant, a person in his twenties, still like a child.

Qin Feixue sent a text message to Xiu Yan's mobile phone, congratulating him on the adoption of "The Year in a Hurry", and then started to be busy with other things.

And here, Xiu Yan looked at the few phones in his hand, and he didn't want to reply.

After seeing Qin Feixue's text message, he thanked Qin Feixue back, and then gave Ye Yao back to the class, and then turned off his mobile phone to listen to the class.

After class, he saw the originals of the two songs that Ji Yiwei sent to him, and after listening to them, he felt okay, and after reading the songs written by Ji Yiwei, he made some simple comments, and began to register the copyright of "Early Summer", this kind of thing is not sloppy.

"The Year in a Hurry" has already been edited, just the theme song, it is estimated that it will be released in time for the summer vacation, in order to maximize the benefits, he can take advantage of the time when "The Year in a Hurry" was released "Early Summer", which should be able to harvest some fans, and then release "Father" on Father's Day, the interval between several songs is not far away, one in July, one in August, it should be possible.

Then in two days, he can send "Rose Boy" to Xiwei, and after listening to the song he sang, he felt that this song should be very suitable for Xiwei, and then it would be another wave of money, and it would not be long before he could buy a house in the magic capital.

After thinking about this, he planned to change his position and continue to study, and people were entering the classroom one after another, and it was estimated that there was a class.

Ye Yao, who was sitting in the office, didn't know what Xiu Yan was planning, he only felt that he had missed 100 million.

After seeing the text message sent by Xiu Yan, he contacted Xiwei again, but Xiwei didn't reply to him, he was probably busy, he couldn't help but feel irritable, and it was estimated that he would have to wait.

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